This is really promising. What size wheels do you have? I put the aero covers back on my 19s and my efficiency increased to 3.4-3.5 mi/kwh. I drive about 20 miles each way on suburban roads with traffic lights. These numbers are in the recent temps that are around 50F here in NJ within the last week. Hoping it'll be closer to 4 mi/kWh if I decide to take a trip somewhere and do mostly highway driving.I'm in Northern Virgina, my commute is roughly 12 miles. Half of which is stop and go. The temps have been 30s and 40s since I picked up the car(touring) for the most part. I'm seeing 3.3-3.5 typically. If I do longer highway drives at 70-80 I can get over 4 if I keep it steady. As others have said, the stop and go traffic has been the obstacle to higher efficiencies.