Home Assistant Automations

We have reason to believe that any stats offered by the Lucid API surrounding battery health, capacity, etc. are to be taken with a grain of salt. They are not necessarily reflective of the actual battery state, but rather some sort of math that is not necessarily done correctly.
That's interesting. Is that "new news"?
That's interesting. Is that "new news"?
We have never really known what it means, but it has more recently come to light that it may not mean anything particularly useful at all. Still no idea just how (in)accurate it is, or what it's based on, but multiple people have confirmed that it does not match the (presumed more accurate) health data that Lucid is able to pull from the car when they actually have it in the shop.
Total troglodyte here when it comes to HA, but an earlier comment about being able to turn off the car's exterior lights piqued my interest because when we take ferries around here and stay in the car, there's always a crewmember who comes by and says "Your lights are on," so it would be really useful to be able to turn them off without locking the car and pretending we're not in it.
Total troglodyte here when it comes to HA, but an earlier comment about being able to turn off the car's exterior lights piqued my interest because when we take ferries around here and stay in the car, there's always a crewmember who comes by and says "Your lights are on," so it would be really useful to be able to turn them off without locking the car and pretending we're not in it.
This is the button you're looking for:

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 6.44.25 PM.png

This won't stop the car from turning its lights back on whenever you unlock it, but it should do the trick when you're just sitting in there.
If you're an Apple CarPlay user, you can get a button for that in the HomeAssistant CarPlay app: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/01/29/companion-app-for-ios-20241-carplay/
Or you can just make it easier to access from your phone with a widget or voice shortcut: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/integrations/
Happy to help set those things up if you get stuck.
This is the right answer. IoT devices should also be on their own vlan, but if you don't know what that is, the VPN access should get you by just fine.
I recently came across a web page touting that some degree of protection can be afforded if one connects devices to a 2nd router, which is connected to the primary router via an ethernet cable. (the primary router is in tun connected to the modem) Any truth to this?
I recently came across a web page touting that some degree of protection can be afforded if one connects devices to a 2nd router, which is connected to the primary router via an ethernet cable. (the primary router is in tun connected to the modem) Any truth to this?
No. Depending on how you configure those two routers, that sounds like it may range from doing absolutely nothing, to... um, protecting your IoT devices from you rather than the other way around? The "internet" side of the average home router is treated as the "bad place" from which things can't get in. The local side, i.e. WiFi clients and the other ethernet ports on the router, are the "good place" where everything is trusted and can talk to each other. In the setup you're describing, you've made your own network the "bad place" for the IoT devices, i.e. your phones and laptops shouldn't be trusted by those light bulbs. I suppose you could do it the other way around, modem -> IoT router -> your router. Sounds more annoying than helpful though, to be honest. Or, if your modem can support multiple devices, just plug the two routers straight into the modem. Just know that with any setup like this, you're probably going to run into some amount of difficulty with devices that support talking to your phone locally (as opposed to all via the "cloud"), because... well, you're preventing them from doing that. Most devices will be just fine working all through the "cloud," but there are always some annoying ones. Fixing those is not easy.
This is the button you're looking for:

View attachment 21593

This won't stop the car from turning its lights back on whenever you unlock it, but it should do the trick when you're just sitting in there.
If you're an Apple CarPlay user, you can get a button for that in the HomeAssistant CarPlay app: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/01/29/companion-app-for-ios-20241-carplay/
Or you can just make it easier to access from your phone with a widget or voice shortcut: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/integrations/
Happy to help set those things up if you get stuck.
Thank you. I just ordered the HA Green and will proceed to fry my internal circuits by trying to figure out to access the Lucid with it. Good times ....
We should have a thread about stuff that people buy so that they can do ordinary things with their Lucid: turn the car's lights off, close the garage door while in reverse, use their phone for Android Auto.
OK. I have my HA Green and have created the custom repository per the instructions, but I cannot find the Lucid Motors integration in step 4: In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Lucid Motors"

In Settings>Integrations I get the button for "+Add Integration" but I search for Lucid Motors and nothing shows up. The instructions say go to "Configuration," but I can't find anything with that name and when I searched the documentation for it I get a 404 error.

Any help would be much appreciated.
OK. I have my HA Green and have created the custom repository per the instructions, but I cannot find the Lucid Motors integration in step 4: In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Lucid Motors"

In Settings>Integrations I get the button for "+Add Integration" but I search for Lucid Motors and nothing shows up. The instructions say go to "Configuration," but I can't find anything with that name and when I searched the documentation for it I get a 404 error.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Once you’ve added the custom repository in HACS, you have to search for it in HACS and hit download, and then restart HA.

Then you can search for it under integrations.
OK. I have my HA Green and have created the custom repository per the instructions, but I cannot find the Lucid Motors integration in step 4: In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Lucid Motors"

In Settings>Integrations I get the button for "+Add Integration" but I search for Lucid Motors and nothing shows up. The instructions say go to "Configuration," but I can't find anything with that name and when I searched the documentation for it I get a 404 error.

Any help would be much appreciated.
What @borski said in screenshots:
Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 2.22.22 PM.webp

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 2.22.42 PM.webp

Adding the custom repository just allows it to show up in this search, because we're not in the HACS "app store" yet. Then you click to install from there. Then you actually go and add it as an integration.
I knew I shouldn't have started down this path ....

Thanks. In GitHub I can see the custom repository in my account, but I can't find the "explore & download repositories" button, so let me go search for that.
Are we at a point where it would be valuable for those that find this thread to have a consolidated (Wiki-ish) step-by-step from adding the Home Assistant Green, to HACS, to using HACS to add various helpful integrations like the garage doors, lights, telemetry, etc?

I’d find it helpful as a busy, fumbling noob.
From the HA side panel, when I click on HACS I don't get any of the options that I can see on YouTube videos. All I get is what's shown below. I guess I'm going to have to trash HACS and start over:







HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)​

Manage (Install, track, upgrade) and discover custom elements for Home Assistant directly from the UI.


HACS is a integration that gives the user a powerful UI to handle downloads of custom needs.
Highlights of what HACS can do:
  • Help you discover new custom elements.
  • Help you download new custom elements.
  • Help you keep track of your custom elements.
    • Manage(download/update/remove)
    • Shortcuts to repositories/issue tracker

Useful links​


If When you experience issues/bugs with this the best way to report them is to open an issue in this repo.
Issue link
From the HA side panel, when I click on HACS I don't get any of the options that I can see on YouTube videos. All I get is what's shown below. I guess I'm going to have to trash HACS and start over:
Definitely weird. This is what my HACS tab looks like right now, and that "explore and download" button above is under Integrations:

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 2.57.28 PM.webp

I'm in the middle of things right now, but would be happy to call/screen share with you a bit later today if you haven't made the thing work. Shoot me a DM if you're up for it and we can figure something out.
Definitely weird. This is what my HACS tab looks like right now, and that "explore and download" button above is under Integrations:

View attachment 21702

I'm in the middle of things right now, but would be happy to call/screen share with you a bit later today if you haven't made the thing work. Shoot me a DM if you're up for it and we can figure something out.
Well, I somehow got Lucid added to HA, but I had to install HACS three times and then stumble my way through the Lucid installation. Clearly retired transactional lawyers have no business even playing with this stuff ....

I still don't get the HACS screen you're showing, either on my phone or my laptop, just repository names: HACS and now Lucid Motors, but I can't do anything with them. I probably don't care because I got HA only to deal with the Lucid, but I'll keep playing with it. I appreciate the help getting this far.
Apparently I had to uncheck all the "options" in the HACS configuration in settings, and now I can see what's on your screen. I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead ....
So I see in the GitHub documentation a screenshot of a picture of the car with some commands (wake up, etc), but that doesn't appear on my HA screen, nor does the screen showing the app version. The list of commands and sensor status is all there, just not those two screens. Is there something else I need to do to access those? Thanks again.
So I see in the GitHub documentation a screenshot of a picture of the car with some commands (wake up, etc), but that doesn't appear on my HA screen, nor does the screen showing the app version. The list of commands and sensor status is all there, just not those two screens. Is there something else I need to do to access those? Thanks again.
Ah, the various car graphic widgets out there are just things we've individually thrown together for ourselves, they're not bundled into the integration. Currently they take some fiddling with configuration files manually to get set up. I had some loose instructions for setting up my version back here: https://lucidowners.com/threads/home-assistant-automations.7897/page-4#post-190056
But I recognize this is not user friendly in its current form at all. I'd like to package up some version of this that's easy to install at some point, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Apparently I had to uncheck all the "options" in the HACS configuration in settings, and now I can see what's on your screen. I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead ....
I lost my HA VM doing a system update. Been trying to recreate the system and got stuck exactly where you were. Unchecking the options solved it for me too. Thanks!