How can a car that has had a VIN issued April 26, seven weeks ago, only just now be entering paint? What are they doing, assigning VIN's as soon as the little metal plate with the number is stamped? Were the issues serious enough that they had to scrap a batch of cars and start over? When did you get this email and what date was this status supposed to reflect?
If that is the status of your car, then mine is just a "glimmer in the eye of its' mother", or however that saying goes, just bits and pieces with a VIN plate taped to a spreadsheet next to my name. I keep hearing from my contact (two levels of management above the DAs) that he is working on getting me the specific status of my vehicle. He has been saying this since last Tuesday. I would bet that they know the status and it is not "good news" so it keeps dragging out, especially given what you have heard.
Don't get me wrong, if the problems were serious enough to make it necessary to rebuild a bunch of cars, I would rather them do that than the alternative. Just tell me "there has been an issue that will cause a delay in your delivery until mid(pick a month)". At least I will have some sort of expectation.
I love good news, I can deal with bad news, no news is unacceptable.