That's wrong. Try another pump, and if that doesn't work try another filling station.
There is a 150kW EA closest to me that used to deliver full power ( I've pulled 172 kW initial at a 150 with low SOC and conditioning) and bottom out above 70kw at 80%. Recently I was there when it was being " serviced ". After the "service" I tried it: the power dropped to 48kW and said it would take over an hour ( I was at 35% SOC ) so I switched to the charger next to it. They "serviced" that one to 52 kW, so I left and drove to a 350 EA a little further from home. At 32% SOC I got over 200 kW for a while, and finished ~ 90kW at 80%. Took 23 minutes. By driving another 10 minutes to an unhindered charger I saved time.
What's great about the Lucid: two cars charging there when I arrived, and still there when I left with a full (80%) tank. I took a look at the KIA and it was pulling 23kW... at a 350kW charger. Guess he was staying overnight. The other car was pulling a respectable 52kW (joke).
I would not accept fewer than 100kW at 2 minutes in, and if it's still jumping around at 2 minutes in, goodbye.
Recommend watching the cannonball run video with the Lucid. You can learn a lot watching how they charge, and when they unplug.
It has changed the way I use EA chargers.