Charging Speed

Hey Bobby, I absolutely dont deny your or other people's charging experience and am glad that this is not a widespread issue. At the same time, I am experiencing something else altogether and hence reporting it here.
Unfortunately, from the information we can glean from user experiences here, the individual charging stations and locations are the prime determining factor to the satisfaction of user charger experiences and not the vehicle itself. The two local chargers near me, I've always had success charging, even though they are 150s, they follow the curve closely.
I decided to take your advice and order the Hubbell 14-50 NEMA. Thank you!
You'll notice a substantial difference in construction and materials. It's a much safer receptacle for daily EV charging.
I have tried charging at 3 different EA chargers 150-350kw. (after pre conditioning, weather around 45 degrees)
The charging on lucid gets limited to 75kw.
I have called EA during the charge and had their chargers rebooted without change.
I was told prior vehicles using the same chargers charged at higher KW.
I changed to one that a VW was charging around 130kw, but that charger also limited to 75kw.
Posting pictures.
My understaindg was Lucid charged much faster than a Tesla, but in reality, its not happeing,
I am not sure if there are settings on the car to be changed.
@menodude - is your issue resolved? Are you still seeing this?
I am new as I just picked up my Touring Saturday. The Lucid person who went over the car with me said the new software now charges the batteries up at 90% for everyday driving and I could go to 100% when on a long trip. I just checked the setting in the car and for everyday driving it is set at 85%. What is the correct charging percentage for normal driving. I thought it was 80% for normal driving to keep the batteries healthy.
I am new as I just picked up my Touring Saturday. The Lucid person who went over the car with me said the new software now charges the batteries up at 90% for everyday driving and I could go to 100% when on a long trip. I just checked the setting in the car and for everyday driving it is set at 85%. What is the correct charging percentage for normal driving. I thought it was 80% for normal driving to keep the batteries healthy.
That's new. I just picked up mine a few months ago and was told to keep it at 80% for everyday driving. I've only charged to 100% once and will never do it again. All regen disappears until you drop back down a few percentage points. Next time I do a long trip, I'll charge it up to 95%.
Set it to 80% for best battery health and normal charging. Charge higher when needed for a trip.
Set it to 80% for best battery health and normal charging. Charge higher when needed for a trip.
It actually says that in the car when you go to change the settings.
Thank you so much. I will change it tonight. I am so disappointed in the Lucid employees that I dealt with in getting my car. This is very basic training for employees. You have to wonder what is going on at Lucid.
Thank you so much. I will change it tonight. I am so disappointed in the Lucid employees that I dealt with in getting my car. This is very basic training for employees. You have to wonder what is going on at Lucid.
He said 90, he meant 80. Let’s not extrapolate this out to be a giant conspiracy going on in the entire company.
That's new. I just picked up mine a few months ago and was told to keep it at 80% for everyday driving. I've only charged to 100% once and will never do it again. All regen disappears until you drop back down a few percentage points. Next time I do a long trip, I'll charge it up to 95%.
Just to be clear: there's nothing wrong with the regen disappearing; that's totally intentional. It's good to know about, of course, but it's not bad for the battery in and of itself or anything.
At 100% the regen does obviously have zero room to charge. What you will find is that is OK and also good thing to use the brakes once in a while and after just 3 miles regen will begin at about 98% and below 95% regen will be normal.
Just to be clear: there's nothing wrong with the regen disappearing; that's totally intentional. It's good to know about, of course, but it's not bad for the battery in and of itself or anything.
I understand that. I just don't like driving the car that way.
He said 90, he meant 80. Let’s not extrapolate this out to be a giant conspiracy going on in the entire company.
Were you there??? SHE said 90% and had a big story about Lucid changing the software recently so that now it is 90%. There was even something about improving the batteries. It sounded good to me but when I saw the car was delivered with it with it set at 85%, I came on here to ask. The only one extrapolating is you. And my entire experience with the three people that were involved in getting my car was horrible. So I do ask what is going on at Lucid to have employees like this. Let's not be so defensive. How is Lucid going to improve if you make excuses for all their shortcomings??
Were you there??? SHE said 90% and had a big story about Lucid changing the software recently so that now it is 90%. There was even something about improving the batteries. It sounded good to me but when I saw the car was delivered with it with it set at 85%, I came on here to ask. The only one extrapolating is you. And my entire experience with the three people that were involved in getting my car was horrible. So I do ask what is going on at Lucid to have employees like this. Let's not be so defensive. How is Lucid going to improve if you make excuses for all their shortcomings??
Let's be objective and calm. One of our guidelines is that we don’t make sweeping generalizations based on single events. True, that employee could stand to learn better about charging narratives. Please consider writing a polite email to her explaining this. Her error does not mean there's a systemic problem.

Also: please don't include put-downs or personal attacks in your posts. Thank you.
Same to you. Please read what you wrote. I responded to your put downs. I think the Lucid owners would be better served to be reminded that the cars should be charged at80% for everyday driving. Any other information received is not correct. I can't be the only one getting the incorrect 90% info on vehicle pickup. Also check setting. Mine was set at 85% on delivery.
Same to you. Please read what you wrote. I responded to your put downs. I think the Lucid owners would be better served to be reminded that the cars should be charged at80% for everyday driving. Any other information received is not correct. I can't be the only one getting the incorrect 90% info on vehicle pickup. Also check setting. Mine was set at 85% on delivery.
Nobody was putting you down. We’re just not huge fans of histrionics here. If you read the rest of the forum, or search, you’ll find that 80% is indeed the recommended setting for daily use. Making a PSA is fine. Making it into “being disappointed with Lucid and you have to wonder what’s going on there” etc is the histrionics we would like to avoid.
It is very clear you want nothing but positive posts. Sorry but my experience wasn't positive. I am not sure why there would be a response of what a delivery person "meant" from a staff member who couldn't possible know. I didn't hash out all the bad experiences and some were really bad and this wasn't history as it was still going on. The delivery advisor had the front license plate installed without a work order or my request. The Service manager was fantastic and no nonsense. Just yesterday he acknowledged it shouldn't have happened, offered to rectify the situation, and also promised to get the delivery people up to speed on the battery charging information that should be given to new owners. I am not a huge fan of suppressing information when it is not agreed with but this forum is a great source of information. Again, it would be of great benefit to new owners who might have had their cars delivered like mine. The service manager said over 80% for everyday use could shorten the life of the batteries. Not sure how that part gets by you.
It is very clear you want nothing but positive posts. Sorry but my experience wasn't positive. I am not sure why there would be a response of what a delivery person "meant" from a staff member who couldn't possible know. I didn't hash out all the bad experiences and some were really bad and this wasn't history as it was still going on. The delivery advisor had the front license plate installed without a work order or my request. The Service manager was fantastic and no nonsense. Just yesterday he acknowledged it shouldn't have happened, offered to rectify the situation, and also promised to get the delivery people up to speed on the battery charging information that should be given to new owners. I am not a huge fan of suppressing information when it is not agreed with but this forum is a great source of information. Again, it would be of great benefit to new owners who might have had their cars delivered like mine. The service manager said over 80% for everyday use could shorten the life of the batteries. Not sure how that part gets by you.
Trust me, I understand what happened. You’ve described it in great detail. Also, please don’t presume to educate me on charging over 80% shortening the life of the batteries. I am very familiar with the concept.

Nobody is trying to suppress information or censor you; we have plenty of negative posts here. Often, the forum is *majority* negative when there is a large outcry or bug or whatever.

The issue people are taking with your posts is your tone, not your content.

Instead of responding defensively to this comment, please read the guidelines once again.
Sounds like you are agreeing with my last post. I get it. Only positive posts moving forward or I get censored. No problem.
Been here a year or so. Only read the positive posts and never ranted or complained about anything.

This is quite a patient and tolerant group of moderators. They care muchly about us.

Go ahead and vent don, we don't mind a bit. Then go for a long drive.

We few, we happy few.
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