Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Touring

I must say that I am getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of information and seemingly arbitrary priorities. I put in my reservation way back in March of 2021 - converted to a order as soon as it was available and converted to a final as soon as I could. Ordered it fully loaded DD Pro SS Pro in order to be in the first batch. Looks like all sorts of other configurations are getting VIN and delivery scheduled. Meanwhile - my dashboard has my car going backwards from "In production" to "Preparing for production." All the while my DA shared nothing. She can only tell me that she doesn't have "visibility" on any other information. Probably just better if I quit reading the forum and continue to wait for the car. I have high expectations that all of the frustration will melt away when I get behind the wheel of my very own Lucid.

Thanks for listening to my rant.
Yes, this is frustrating. One can only hope if they went back and started over, you dodged some major issue with that particular car. Cold comfort. But hope you hear more good news soon.
I must say that I am getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of information and seemingly arbitrary priorities. I put in my reservation way back in March of 2021 - converted to a order as soon as it was available and converted to a final as soon as I could. Ordered it fully loaded DD Pro SS Pro in order to be in the first batch. Looks like all sorts of other configurations are getting VIN and delivery scheduled. Meanwhile - my dashboard has my car going backwards from "In production" to "Preparing for production." All the while my DA shared nothing. She can only tell me that she doesn't have "visibility" on any other information. Probably just better if I quit reading the forum and continue to wait for the car. I have high expectations that all of the frustration will melt away when I get behind the wheel of my very own Lucid.

Thanks for listening to my rant.
Are you still White / Tahoe? that was one of the Touring builds i didn't see when i picked up. Might be just the last combo they got to (unfortunately)
Got a call from the short hills showroom and looks like the car did nor reach here today due to weather issues. They are expecting it sometime tomorrow and delivery got rescheduled to 2.00 pm on Thursday. She mentioned 8 cars were coming in tomorrow and 14 on Thursday
I will be there at 10 am.
Are you still White / Tahoe? that was one of the Touring builds i didn't see when i picked up. Might be just the last combo they got to (unfortunately)
Yep - staying with the White / Tahoe. I understand if that is the last combo - just wish someone would tell me that and give me some information.
Yep - staying with the White / Tahoe. I understand if that is the last combo - just wish someone would tell me that and give me some information.
I switched out of White/Tahoe as my DA said that build was not slated until sometime in January. My car never got the VIN assigned with that configuration.
I switched out of White/Tahoe as my DA said that build was not slated until sometime in January. My car never got the VIN assigned with that configuration.
Thanks for that info. Not really a problem for me - would just like to know. Your DA seems to be willing to share more than mine.
Lucid experts , need help. I am a new bee to the EV world, what hard wire charger is best for AT.
That is true we did get priority delivery, or at least every attempt at it on Lucids part. I will agree with that being a benefit. It's just that I didn't want those features, personally, and asked many times about how to avoid it. It's frustrating because it's a huge cost. Enough to make the EOY factor essentially worthless (if you don't highly value a 3k sound system and a 9k camera system). You know what I mean? Like adding it at a later date would be great. But it was pitched like a "now or never" feature on top of the EOY delivery factor. If both fall through as false... you can't possibly disagree that that is highly dissapointing to pay 12k for.
I guess what I’m saying is you always had the choice to not purchase it if you didn’t want those features, and simply take a layer delivery. It *is* “now or never” in terms of getting a priority delivery, and if you didn’t want those features you could have taken delivery later.

That they now have added the option to add those later is a new thing, granted, and I bet you could still change your order, pre-delivery, and take a later delivery date.

For all intents and purposes, nothing has actually changed, right? If you didn’t want the features, change the config and take a later delivery as you would have anyway. It’s actually arguably better because you would then have the option to add those features later.

If you did want the options, nothing has changed.

I can understand the frustration, for sure - but I think it’s important to think about the reality of what has changed and what hasn’t in terms of outcomes.

It seems like a decision they made late in production, which isn’t ideal, but doesn’t seem to affect customer outcomes significantly; but I can definitely understand the poor taste it may leave in your mouth, for sure.
Lucid experts , need help. I am a new bee to the EV world, what hard wire charger is best for AT.
There are countless threads on this in this forum. Please search “best charger” or similar and you’ll find them.
I must say that I am getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of information and seemingly arbitrary priorities. I put in my reservation way back in March of 2021 - converted to a order as soon as it was available and converted to a final as soon as I could. Ordered it fully loaded DD Pro SS Pro in order to be in the first batch. Looks like all sorts of other configurations are getting VIN and delivery scheduled. Meanwhile - my dashboard has my car going backwards from "In production" to "Preparing for production." All the while my DA shared nothing. She can only tell me that she doesn't have "visibility" on any other information. Probably just better if I quit reading the forum and continue to wait for the car. I have high expectations that all of the frustration will melt away when I get behind the wheel of my very own Lucid.

Thanks for listening to my rant.
The same exact thing is happening to me. My dashboard reverted from "in production" to "preparing for production" last Thursday so I'm on Day 5 with ZERO movement or explanation from Lucid for why it reverted after being "in production" for 12 straight days prior.

I took time away from this forum beginning on Christmas Eve and it's been great for my mood. I'm happy for folks receiving their Tourings and even the Pure folks getting their cars this coming weekend.

Meanwhile, I will continue spend less time on this forum while my wait continues. It's just better for my mood.
Finally picked up my car at Dallas/Plano studios. Process was smooth. Got a Lyft ride from home to studio.
I hope all of you expecting EOY deliveries will be soon seeing your ones as well.


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That is true we did get priority delivery, or at least every attempt at it on Lucids part. I will agree with that being a benefit. It's just that I didn't want those features, personally, and asked many times about how to avoid it. It's frustrating because it's a huge cost. Enough to make the EOY factor essentially worthless (if you don't highly value a 3k sound system and a 9k camera system). You know what I mean? Like adding it at a later date would be great. But it was pitched like a "now or never" feature on top of the EOY delivery factor. If both fall through as false... you can't possibly disagree that that is highly dissapointing to pay 12k for.
Agree, I only wanted the surround camera and blindspot cameras so ended up paying for DDPro. Added sound to get year end delivery. It was perhaps a last minute change in plan. As long as company does well, since I invested a lot in it, I'm happy to take that hit.
For those of you that have taken delivery at a studio, did you use the delivery checklist that's on another thread in this forum? There's a lot of stuff to look for on there and I'm worried I'm going to miss something in the details.
For those of you that have taken delivery at a studio, did you use the delivery checklist that's on another thread in this forum? There's a lot of stuff to look for on there and I'm worried I'm going to miss something in the details.
Here's the checklist that @joec created for Touring


Folks that flew to Milbrae for delivery, how did it go? Any feedback what to take with you and how was your drive back to your neck of the woods?
Same situation for me. Check stuck in San Jose, so my delivery will be delayed a day until Wednesday. Sheesh! Why can't BluPeak wire money like the rest of the modern world.
Now Lucid is telling me Friday, trying to arrange a driver. Have you ever driven between LA and Vegas anytime near New Year's? I don't think seeing my Lucid in 2022 is in the cards.