what are you watching right now?

Dad joke alert!
Yes and no. More self defense than anything. When I go over 200 pounds (I’m 5’11”)the wife calls me fat boy. This is the same woman when I got poison ivy over my face and arms called me Hellboy for a week due to my reddish swollen hue. I’m hanging tough at 197-199 for the last 4 months so no colorful nicknames from wifey
As of today, cobra Kai season 5
Great show 😂

Currently watching House of the Dragon and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.
Showing my age. Watching all seven seasons of Hill Street Blues on DVD while waiting on new episodes of House of Dragon and Rings of Power. Third Watch is next.
Borrowed my brother in law Apple TV and binged Ted Lasso
Borrowed my brother in law Apple TV and binged Ted Lasso
it is SO GOOD.

also if you haven't seen the good place you are doing yourself a disservice.
wasn't sure if there was a thread on what lucid owners are watching but i'll kick one off:

what are you watching right now?

at the moment, i'm rewatching classic doctor who. currently, "the death of time" (1965) from the chase serial.
I'm watching "the affair" series in between movies - i just watched (and was adequately dissapointed) the movie "Occupation Rainfall" - it had a lot of potential but, just ehh for the final bit. I just finished John Wick 1 & 2 but haven't seen 3 yet (I didn't even know about these movies until someone at work mentioned them - def entertaining).
walker (1987)
Currently watching the road carefully on wrong side of street driving in Wales and England in a fat SUV and scared of narrow roads and sudden motorcyclists.
The Boys!
4 miles queue for people waiting to go to Westminister Abbey to see Her Majesty Queen final time…

Wahl Street (HBO Max)
Borrowed my brother in law Apple TV and binged Ted Lasso
This is the only thing that has been a problem with my anti-Steve Jobs stance.
Must I Apple to see this show everyone raves about ?

RE: what I'm watching.

Just got back from NYC to see (third time) "Kimberly Akimbo" at the Booth (on Broadway). Still cry, still laugh all out. Best I've ever seen. It's about 20 minutes long. Hits you everywhere. Emotionally draining and fulfilling.