Pilot panel + Right screen dead. Going to replace module behind glove box. Awaiting part.
Took delivery 29 Sept. 22 everything working. Had detailer appointment in two weeks so did not drive car, just let it sit in the garage. Had problems with key fob not working, turns out battery was dead. Had problems with car mysteriously turning itself on: did not know the phone app acts just like the key fob...the delay of the phone app threw me -- did not associate the car's behavior with me having my phone in my pocket, so everytime I went near the car it would wake up: thought that was a download or something. Just yesterday learned this, and learned that it was possible to turn the phone app off! I did not know this. Today I learned I can just turn off the Bluetooth -- wonderful. Love this site. Also, aluminum foil makes a great Faraday cage. Wrap your head with it.
As a side bonus I am finally learning how to navigate a smart phone. Lucid has forced me to do this...I'm kinda getting why people like smart phones (I do not). I've dared going into Settings and changing things. The horror...the horror.
Somehow, probably because I was spending most nights and days sitting in the garage looking at the car as it turned itself on and off for two weeks???? I did not get ANY downloads. Reading the user manual I learned a download notification is received on phone app and on pilot screen. Have never seen this, did not know to look for it. Drove car to detailer two weeks after delivery-- everything is normal.
Pick up car at detailer and right screen and pilot screen dead. Can't adjust mirrors or turn off heated seat (don't know why it was on). Without cameras took 4 people to help me maneuver out of shop. Drove it straight home (terrified), wiped it down, put cover on. Did all the reboots over and over. Called Mobile Service. See Kudos post.
After a couple of hours of disassembling the car to expose 12v batteries and all the fuse boxes (lots of 'em), connecting laptop to car, it was suspected it's a module behind the glove box. Can't open glove box with screens dead. Need special tool. Waiting.
Apparently if you miss a download eventually you will get kicked out of the loop and not receive them.