However, I still feel bad for the DE buyers who probably thought they were getting software comparable to what we have today.
No need - I got to drive a spectacular car for many months before others, so sure, the software sucked, but I was so enthralled by the driving that unless the software literally stuck out a tongue and spit at me, I was going to drive it.
There are quite a few people who sold their cars before ever having the opportunity to enjoy it with software that is relatively stable.
Yeah, I think it’s unfortunate. I said I’d give them a year before I sold it, and they were well within that year when 2.0 came out.
I feel 1.0 tainted the lucid brand forever, which is a very sad thing for me as the vehicle and even the software is now a dream.
Not forever. It was a short time stint, their first car, and the first vehicles. All they need is another car with good reviews of its software, and the perception changes.
Tesla’s issues with panel gaps persisted across *every* model they produced, which is why they’re having trouble shaking the reputation.
Tesla succeeded mostly due to software. It just works! Lucid should have realized and put more effort into it.
“Should have” is a dirty phrase. Should have at the expense of what? Taking more time meant launch delays, which meant even more time without revenue and a shipped car. And if they didn’t extend the timeline, then maybe they could have invested more money and people on software, but absent an infinite budget, that would have meant cutting elsewhere. Where would you have preferred they cut? Motor engineering? Chassis? Suspension? Design?
You get the point. They had to focus *somewhere* with the resources they had. They chose to focus on the things that they *couldn’t* change later. That’s the same decision I would’ve made, personally.