OTA version 2.1.33

I received notification that my car has software update. I proceeded to upgrade the software to .33. during the upgrade process, the car brake lights are on making my dark garage glow bright red.
That is normal behavior. Odd, though.
Got the notification last night, but my car's at the Service Center and I'll let them take care of it.
I got notification of the available update this morning, so I initiated it. I live in a high-rise condo, and the car is parked in a shared garage. I just got a call from our front desk that the car‘s lights are flashing and motor goes on and off. Apparently they thought it was haunted. I told them it was just another software update. Happy Halloween, everyone! 😂
Got the update this morning and now installing. Patience is a virtue. :)
I got notification of the available update this morning, so I initiated it. I live in a high-rise condo, and the car is parked in a shared garage. I just got a call from our front desk that the car‘s lights are flashing and motor goes on and off. Apparently they thought it was haunted. I told them it was just another software update. Happy Halloween, everyone! 😂
And @Drendino said Lucid should add a halloween mode! The wishes have been addressed! Heck, even the navigation voice is haunted...

If I didnt know what a Lucid was and saw that, I would run away because of how menacing the front light bar looks, lol.
Same here - notified and upgraded a few minutes after I parked at work.
got a notification about this update. i thought it was halted.
If it ever had been halted, it appears to no longer be halted.

Who knows what happened. But it seems OTAs are back up and running, given how many people seem to be getting notified today.
Got 2.1.33 overnight and tried out the nav to hear the new voice. I agree that it doesn't sound right. They tried to make it sound more human, I think, but it just sounds like an angry/impatient humanoid woman. The old voice, which is the same voice as Alexa, I believe, is more sultry robotic woman, but it's more pleasant sounding.
Does this mean it could be a purposeful decision? That would be really weird though..
I've never used the voice navigation but based on the replies in this thread, had to give it a shot. At first I thought it had a strong computer voice, but after a few directions I got used to it. Back to my preferred silent mode.