Your response to The703KG is one factor in the frustration. There are others. Part of the discontent of a number of us with early reservations is that, for whatever reason, the California 12 were a one-off right before the end of the year and Pures haven’t been produced since. Some of us were miffed that folks with much later reservations were invited by Lucid to jump the line ahead of us thinking it was the beginning of a solid run of Pure production rather than a year-end publicity event. According to the tracker I have one of the 2 oldest reservations and I have the configuration for earliest production. My DA‘s response today to my question of when will production of Pures start was that he hoped he would have an answer in Feb. I fully understand the realities a new company like Lucid faces. But there are buyer realities as well: succumbing to delay-fatigue; facing the reality that their current drive has to be replaced sooner rather than later; finding themselves forced out of Lucid’s price range by the change in economic circumstances; or discovering a new BEV that comes close to what they want and is available. In the best of a buyer’s world, my DA would have said, ”Production is slated to begin ….” But, I remind myself, when my new model 2013 MKZ was delayed, Lincoln wasn’t any more forthcoming than Lucid as to when I could expect delivery. I wish there were an emoji for drumming one’s fingers because that is the one I would post. 27 months and counting; in our culture, that is a life-time.