October OTA Updates

Idle conversation while waiting: what’s the difference between a forum “expert member” and “well-known member”?
The former know what they are talking about and talk about what they know. The latter are talking. Before anyone gets up in arms, I am one of the latter! 🙀 😹
Good afternoon/evening all. Sorry for the delay. I appreciate how excited everyone is and have been working to get you an update. Trust me, I take no pleasure in watching you all monitor your router logs for network activity. ;)

The team is working feverishly to button up the next update for deployment. At this time, it looks like Friday is the day. I am sorry as I am sure you were all hoping for something before then. Please know that the team is (almost) as anxious to get it to you as you are to install it. I am told this next update will begin to deliver noticeable enhancements.

I'll share more as I have it. Thank you again for your patience.
The former know what they are talking about and talk about what they know. The latter are talking. Before anyone gets up in arms, I am one of the latter! 🙀 😹
Well I guess I’m in the correct category then!
Good afternoon/evening all. Sorry for the delay. I appreciate how excited everyone is and have been working to get you an update. Trust me, I take no pleasure in watching you all monitor your router logs for network activity. ;)

The team is working feverishly to button up the next update for deployment. At this time, it looks like Friday is the day. I am sorry as I am sure you were all hoping for something before then. Please know that the team is (almost) as anxious to get it to you as you are to install it. I am told this next update will begin to deliver noticeable enhancements.

I'll share more as I have it. Thank you again for your patience.
Thanks so much for the update. Greatly appreciated.
Good afternoon/evening all. Sorry for the delay. I appreciate how excited everyone is and have been working to get you an update. Trust me, I take no pleasure in watching you all monitor your router logs for network activity. ;)

The team is working feverishly to button up the next update for deployment. At this time, it looks like Friday is the day. I am sorry as I am sure you were all hoping for something before then. Please know that the team is (almost) as anxious to get it to you as you are to install it. I am told this next update will begin to deliver noticeable enhancements.

I'll share more as I have it. Thank you again for your patience.
Everything you are doing for us is greatly appreciated. As you say we are excited and waiting anxiously but we know you and the team are doing your best. Thank you.

Good afternoon/evening all. Sorry for the delay. I appreciate how excited everyone is and have been working to get you an update. Trust me, I take no pleasure in watching you all monitor your router logs for network activity. ;)

The team is working feverishly to button up the next update for deployment. At this time, it looks like Friday is the day. I am sorry as I am sure you were all hoping for something before then. Please know that the team is (almost) as anxious to get it to you as you are to install it. I am told this next update will begin to deliver noticeable enhancements.

I'll share more as I have it. Thank you again for your patience.

Any news for the unwashed masses who missed the cut? 😀

By the way, Len, even though I didn’t make it into the early update group, I really do appreciate what you and Lucid are doing for us forum members. Thank you!
OK, quick question. Now that we have this update coming over the next week, it seems fitting that my car will be unavailable to me starting this Thursday night or Friday. I have to drop it off at the body shop for them to fix the damage from when the kid rear-ended me up at Chapel Hill. Anyway, can I run the updates while the car is sitting at the shop over LTE and how do I tell what the signal strength is remotely? Looks like I probably will not get the car back until 10/27, at the earliest.
My car was in the service center and I installed 2.0.2 just fine. Make sure it is charged up though.
Good afternoon/evening all. Sorry for the delay. I appreciate how excited everyone is and have been working to get you an update. Trust me, I take no pleasure in watching you all monitor your router logs for network activity. ;)

The team is working feverishly to button up the next update for deployment. At this time, it looks like Friday is the day. I am sorry as I am sure you were all hoping for something before then. Please know that the team is (almost) as anxious to get it to you as you are to install it. I am told this next update will begin to deliver noticeable enhancements.

I'll share more as I have it. Thank you again for your patience.
Thanks for the update! You saved me checking the forums and the app about 100 times for the rest of today and tomorrow! Thanks for everything that you guys are doing.
Any news for the unwashed masses who missed the cut? 😀

By the way, Len, even though I didn’t make it into the early update group, I really do appreciate what you and Lucid are doing for us forum members. Thank you!
"I heard a rumor, all you need to do is type sudo apt-get upgrade into the shell and Shazam! V2."
Nice. I guess the PR department knows what it’s doing, after all.
Idle conversation while waiting: what’s the difference between a forum “expert member” and “well-known member”?
On lighter note, expert member got update and We'll Known members like are waiting on sidelines 😂