October OTA Updates

It’s Friday morning, waking up first thing I do is checking Lucid mobile app instead of brushing teeth.

Alas….no 🔵 yet….
That's become my morning routine ...
Check Lucid app (wait for wake up) .. nada!
login to Rivian to see if any delivery update on website .. nope!
make coffee ..
It’s Friday morning, waking up first thing I do is checking Lucid mobile app instead of brushing teeth.

Alas….no 🔵 yet….
That’s ridiculous! I did the very same thing!
Lucid is probably like "Good lord, these owners are nosy. Can't even scratch ourselves without them noticing" 😂

Yet here we have Len professing innocence!

“Trust me, I take no pleasure in watching you all monitor your router logs for network activity.”
Hm anyone have a chance to try out the new de-ice mode? And what are the additional user customizable settings for vehicle entry and exit?

October 14th is too early to need de-ice mode, but here we go in MN…first snow 😕
October 14th is too early to need de-ice mode, but here we go in MN…first snow 😕
I believe the wipers are also heated which is cool.
I believe the wipers are also heated which is cool.
Nice pun.

We have all become Pavlov’s dogs with respect to this update. My wife asked me why I didn’t drop my car off at the body shop yesterday and I had to confess that I was really hoping for an update before doing so. I also needed to charge to 100% last night as the only Lucid certified body shop in NC sits in between my house in Charlotte and my lake house. So, I sit here up at the lake waiting for an update that I hope with come before I have to leave for the body shop.
The 100% charge is only so I have enough charge to download the updates over the weekend while it sits at the body shop. The shop is probably 45 miles from the lake.
I’m off to the Grand Canyon this morning. Likely will have to get it over LTE. On the bright side, will be the first Air OTA update installed on the rim of the Grand Canyon!!
ooh do tell me where you end up charging the car. i'm going there soon and would love to hear any suggestions.
That's become my morning routine ...
Check Lucid app (wait for wake up) .. nada!
login to Rivian to see if any delivery update on website .. nope!
make coffee ..
Haha, that’s my routine as well. Isn’t Rivian supposed to have update our profiles with an updated delivery date by now?
Good afternoon/evening all. Sorry for the delay. I appreciate how excited everyone is and have been working to get you an update. Trust me, I take no pleasure in watching you all monitor your router logs for network activity. ;)

The team is working feverishly to button up the next update for deployment. At this time, it looks like Friday is the day. I am sorry as I am sure you were all hoping for something before then. Please know that the team is (almost) as anxious to get it to you as you are to install it. I am told this next update will begin to deliver noticeable enhancements.

I'll share more as I have it. Thank you again for your patience.
Len, I have a 1:30 tee time. Please schedule the OTA update for 5:00. Otherwise, it will mess up my round if it comes out while in the course.
Len, I have a 1:30 tee time. Please schedule the OTA update for 5:00. Otherwise, it will mess up my round if it comes out while in the course.
on the 10th hole you see the alert on your phone that the update is ready "gotta run guys. The car needs me" 😂
Waiting, but not so patiently.
Thanks Len
on the 10th hole you see the alert on your phone that the update is ready "gotta run guys. The car needs me" 😂
Or even worse, I get the notification on the 10th hole and the download time is slow on LTE and I spend the next 2 hours in the bar eating and drinking while I wait. Actually, that doesn’t sound too bad.
Len, at Lucid HQ…
