October OTA Updates

Can I update it while it’s connected to the charger? Does it stop charging, do the update and resume charging afterwards? Or do I have to unplug it first?
Can I update it while it’s connected to the charger? Does it stop charging, do the update and resume charging afterwards? Or do I have to unplug it first?
Update instructions typically say to not have the vehicle plugged in
I'm told by those in the know that an update will be pushed to your cars mid/late afternoon PT today. Team working hard to beat that timeline. You *will* see noticeable changes in this next push. I will post back here if I have a more definitive time or once the magic button is pushed.

Now go play golf, @Drendino . ⛳
My new car is being detailed. What happens if any updates are sent?
Update instructions typically say to not have the vehicle plugged in

This was the case in some of the early updates, but the recent updates allow you to keep your car plugged in. You get a notice that charging will be stopped during the update but, if you want charging to resume after the update, you should leave the car plugged in.

This can be confusing, because one of the recent updates began with a warning on the first screen to unplug your car, but an instruction on a later screen instructed you to leave the car plugged in if you want charging to resume automatically after the update.

I have done all the recent updates with my car plugged in, and the updates have proceeded smoothly.
I'm told by those in the know that an update will be pushed to your cars mid/late afternoon PT today. Team working hard to beat that timeline. You *will* see noticeable changes in this next push. I will post back here if I have a more definitive time or once the magic button is pushed.

Now go play golf, @Drendino . ⛳

Could be some good free PR if you can figure out what vehicle Kyle Conner has at the moment. He's been doing some pretty solid reviews on the Lucid lately with software being his major gripe. I think he's returning the vehicle to the owner in the next one to two weeks.

Ok, car is now at the body shop, so no Christmas for me. In fact, I won’t get it back for 3-4 weeks.
I'm told by those in the know that an update will be pushed to your cars mid/late afternoon PT today. Team working hard to beat that timeline. You *will* see noticeable changes in this next push. I will post back here if I have a more definitive time or once the magic button is pushed.

Now go play golf, @Drendino . ⛳
Lucky 100 are waiting and watching the router traffic at this time. 😂😂😂
Lucky 100 are waiting and watching the router traffic at this time. 😂😂😂
Looks like I got it downloaded the other day. Just waiting for the stragglers it seems. Hurry up people!! 😂
Still waiting
Lost 5% charge just from waking up vehicle and checking the app today .. 😳