October OTA Updates

Other than the rear climate temperature and the bluish screen, everything you mentioned is functioning correctly, although not necessarily to your liking. They should not be defined as a “bug.” A bug is when software does not function as written. Everything else should be considered a future request.
Ummm I don't know what to say not do I wanna get in to a war of words but -
The rear climate always defaulting to 59F when it was not the case prior to 2.0.8 means it's a new issue or a bug. Nothing to do with my liking or not
The High Beam Assist is a bug because it's supposed to stay on like any other light or beam setting and not have to be turned on every time someone steps into their car.
Sure I can see where you're coming from with regards to "future requests" for some of the other points :)
2.0.12 fixed my surround view issue.
Paging @Firstto520 , seems like a majority of people got pushed the 2.0.12 update as well. Is now an appropriate time to reschedule out for those of us still on 2.0.5? Thanks in advance!
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I’m in steerage class with you, and very happily so. Leave it to everyone else to get caught up in the vexations of lumpy, grumpy updates. Better to wait until all that is sorted out, and then get the update in a more polished and stable state.
I grabbed my popcorn when the release started getting pushed out, not realizing I was going to need a MUCH larger bag. Didn't expect it to become a weekend update-a-thon. Thanks to you all who have "taken one for the team" to ferret out the peskies so when the rest of us in the plebian cohort are awarded the opportunity to upgrade, it will be smooooth sailing <🤞>. Still waiting for the joyous call-out "CarPlay has arrived!" I am not tooo bitter :)
Ummm I don't know what to say not do I wanna get in to a war of words but -
The rear climate always defaulting to 59F when it was not the case prior to 2.0.8 means it's a new issue or a bug. Nothing to do with my liking or not
The High Beam Assist is a bug because it's supposed to stay on like any other light or beam setting and not have to be turned on every time someone steps into their car.
Sure I can see where you're coming from with regards to "future requests" for some of the other points :)
Not sure about the climate setting, but the high beam assist is functioning as designed at the moment. It may change in future updates, but for now it must be trigged each trip!
The High Beam Assist is a bug because it's supposed to stay on like any other light or beam setting and not have to be turned on every time someone steps into their car.
I think this is just how they intended for it to work for now. I'm sure they're listening though (just like they did with auto wipers)
I think this is just how they intended for it to work for now. I'm sure they're listening though (just like they did with auto wipers)
I'm sure that w/ all the changes going on, it was an oversight. I'm sure it'll be addressed.
Just finished my first drive since the 2.0.8 and 2.0.12 updates. The sensors calibrated fine for Highway Assist to activate, and everything seems to be working. My Homelink and the backup camera were malfunctioning when I backed out of the garage, but that may have been temporary until the sensors recalibrated, as both features worked fine upon my return home.

But WHY are the satellite map images now so dark? They have become virtually useless, and I can find no way to brighten them.
But WHY are the satellite map images now so dark? They have become virtually useless, and I can find no way to brighten them.
Really? since when 2.0.12?
Interesting, I found the maps too bright last night and switched them off

I just posted an edit. My problem started with the 2.0.5 update. (I didn't drive the 2.0.8 update until after the 2.0.12 update was downloaded.)

I went to the main screen to run the slider up to full bright, but it did nothing to brighten the map display.
Mine too is too dark to see images.
BUGS or REDACTIONS with 2.0.12 for me -
1) Default settings on a few things every time I get into the car -
Rear climate control always defaults to 59 degrees F which is the lowest temperature setting I think
High Beam Assist still continues to be an issue such that I have to initiate on every drive
2) Miles/kwh still missing on main dash

Older BUGS
1) When I hit the 3D map setting on the map on the pilot panel, it displays a weird blue-ish color on top of the pilot panel that disallows the map to take over the entire screen.
2) The right side panel and pilot panel always defaults to it's home setting. For instance, I always want map to be the default screen to appear on pilot and right screen, which doesn't happen as of now
3) On the pilot panel, seems like I always have to go to the car icon on the bottom left before I can access the settings icon or any of the other main 3 icons on the pilot panel (hope it makes sense)
The having to go to the car icon to get to the settings icon seems weird. Maybe take a video and send to the team? Other than the rear climate control and the 3d map issue you are describing, those other "issues" you are describing are your personal preference on how you want your car panels to look for you. I personally don't prefer the map as default.

The high beam assist to default back to off after shutting the car off was probably designed that way.

I’m not sure if this new feature. While car is in park, I went inside to listen to music. About few minutes into the session, the screen prompt me countdown to shut down car by itself. I then stepped on the brake, the warning went away and didn’t bother me again of same warning rest of time I was in.

Good feature not to let car go to sleep and get locked in the car.