October OTA Updates

I agree with GEWC on this. On the main highway to and from our home I encounter clumps of traffic frequently alternating with empty stretches that would cause the automatic high beams to cycle annoyingly often. On such a road I would prefer just to stay on low beams even during the brief spells of empty road. While I have activated the high beam assist in the main menu so that it will be quickly available when I want it, I don't want it to be the default setting every time I get in the car. I would much rather engage it via the stalk when I'm ready for its assistance.

In short, this new feature operates just as I would have it.

Count me on team "no high beam". If your sight is such that you need high beams to be on all the time unless there are other cars coming at you, you probably shouldn't be driving.

High beams are meant to be an enhancement for extremely dark situations.
Seems to me that the best implementation should be that the setting is remembered from the previous time the car was driven and based on the driver profile. So if I have auto high beam set 'on' the last time I drive the car, then it should be set to 'on' the next time I drive it. If it's different for my wife, the it should remember her setting the last time she drove it.
Count me on team "no high beam". If your sight is such that you need high beams to be on all the time unless there are other cars coming at you, you probably shouldn't be driving.

High beams are meant to be an enhancement for extremely dark situations.
High beams are meant as a safety feature of the car. Do you only wear a seat belt when you are in a dangerous driving situation? High speed driving? In wet and/or snowy conditions? I don't think so. Law indicates you wear it all the time. Never did I say that high-beams should remain on "all the time". It is a toggle. Use it if you want, don't if you prefer not too. Maintaining a steady state in no way changes how any of us drive. I will let this one go as an "agree to disagree" and leave it up to the development team at Lucid to decide.
Seems to me that the best implementation should be that the setting is remembered from the previous time the car was driven and based on the driver profile. So if I have auto high beam set 'on' the last time I drive the car, then it should be set to 'on' the next time I drive it. If it's different for my wife, the it should remember her setting the last time she drove it.
High beams are meant as a safety feature of the car. Do you only wear a seat belt when you are in a dangerous driving situation? High speed driving? In wet and/or snowy conditions? I don't think so. Law indicates you wear it all the time. Never did I say that high-beams should remain on "all the time". It is a toggle. Use it if you want, don't if you prefer not too. Maintaining a steady state in no way changes how any of us drive. I will let this one go as an "agree to disagree" and leave it up to the development team at Lucid to decide.
Your seat belt can't blind another driver headed in the other direction.

If you drive with high beams on all the time, you are endangering others. Period. No automated system is going to flick the beams off perfectly every time before the beams hit another driver.

As I said, I think Lucid is absolutely making the right call here.
I’m not sure if this new feature. While car is in park, I went inside to listen to music. About few minutes into the session, the screen prompt me countdown to shut down car by itself. I then stepped on the brake, the warning went away and didn’t bother me again of same warning rest of time I was in.

Good feature not to let car go to sleep and get locked in the car.

Its a new feature.....
Your seat belt can't blind another driver headed in the other direction.

If you drive with high beams on all the time, you are endangering others. Period. No automated system is going to flick the beams off perfectly every time before the beams hit another driver.

As I said, I think Lucid is absolutely making the right call here.
Forgive me but having high-beam assist ON would absolutely prevent on-coming drivers from being blinded. In it current state, for those that haven't upgraded that the risk is higher for oncoming traffic since you have to manually turn it off. Moreover, the way Lucid designed their headlights, they are aimed at the ground, not at oncoming drivers with their leveling technology.
Older BUGS
1) When I hit the 3D map setting on the map on the pilot panel, it displays a weird blue-ish color on top of the pilot panel that disallows the map to take over the entire screen.

I believe that is supposed to be "the sky", in 3D view...
Correct. :)

No. You just need to remove it in your app, forget the “Lucid-#####” Bluetooth device on your phone, remove the mobile key in the car, and re-add it. I’ve always done it in that order but I’m not sure it matters.

The “Lucid Air ###” Bluetooth device is for music/calls, and you don’t need to forget that or disconnect / remove the Bluetooth device in the car.

My mobile key has always been spotty and only partially functional, at best The whole "car waking up as you approach it" has never worked. Always have to open the app, wait for the car to wake up, then press unlock. And every second to fourth time I get in, i have to reenter my PIN. @bhramabull and I were discussing this earlier, he has had the same issue. I have reinstalled the mobile key several times, as well as unpaired the phone and paired it again and then added the mobile key. But it just will not reliably work using my phone as a mobile key. I was hoping these updates would fix that, but so far, same issue. The people at the Scottsdale SC were not able to help. Their only suggestion was to try the same reinstallation of the mobile key process. Yes, the location sensing is always on and all of those things.

Anyone else run into this or have any suggestions?
My mobile key has not worked since shortly after my coolant leak, in other words, for the last couple months. I just use the fob.
How exactly do you know that "Highway Assist" calibration is over. Is there anything that pops up on the display letting you know? Do you actually have to turn on "Dreamdrive" to find out?
High beams are meant as a safety feature of the car. Do you only wear a seat belt when you are in a dangerous driving situation? High speed driving? In wet and/or snowy conditions? I don't think so. Law indicates you wear it all the time. Never did I say that high-beams should remain on "all the time". It is a toggle. Use it if you want, don't if you prefer not too. Maintaining a steady state in no way changes how any of us drive. I will let this one go as an "agree to disagree" and leave it up to the development team at Lucid to decide.
I believe that a lot of folks are missing the point.

If you would like to use the "High Beam Assist" feature, then enable it (by going to the Settings->Vehicle->Drive Settings menu and turning it on). If you find that you don't need to have the High Beam Assist feature, then don't enable it (i.e. turn it off).

But for those that have the High Beam Assist turned on, then activating the assist (by pushing the stalk away from you) is likely. When activated, it can be de-activated (by pressing the stalk away from you).

The only thing that is missing (AND only for those that have enabled the feature) is to have it recall the last setting for the next drive. After all, it stands to reason that if you've enabled the feature, you'd like to have it on most of the time (as I do) and only turn it off when appropriate (and then back again).

Not sure what the big fuss is .. the developers did most of the hard work (and it does work well)... As I've stated before, I'm sure it's an oversight and will be added later.
How exactly do you know that "Highway Assist" calibration is over. Is there anything that pops up on the display letting you know? Do you actually have to turn on "Dreamdrive" to find out?
You will get a message on the left of the center screen saying that Highway Assist is Available.
You will get a message on the left of the center screen saying that Highway Assist is Available.
I got that, I did just that instruction on screen to turn on Highway Assist. I haven’t tested on a non straight Highway yet.
My mobile key has always been spotty and only partially functional, at best The whole "car waking up as you approach it" has never worked. Always have to open the app, wait for the car to wake up, then press unlock. And every second to fourth time I get in, i have to reenter my PIN. @bhramabull and I were discussing this earlier, he has had the same issue. I have reinstalled the mobile key several times, as well as unpaired the phone and paired it again and then added the mobile key. But it just will not reliably work using my phone as a mobile key. I was hoping these updates would fix that, but so far, same issue. The people at the Scottsdale SC were not able to help. Their only suggestion was to try the same reinstallation of the mobile key process. Yes, the location sensing is always on and all of those things.

Anyone else run into this or have any suggestions?
I followed the instructions from @borski (namely, remove the phone/mobile key and added it again).

  1. I removed the car/link from my phone app, then
  2. "forgot" the bluetooth Lucid connection, then
  3. removed the mobile key from the car.
  4. I then added the car back on the app (and the vehicle) -- NOTE: this generated a new bluetooth connection [w/ no options]
  5. I tested by approaching the car and driving and .. both worked very well (reminded me of our MY) .. as I approached (w/ app running -- didn't test w/ app off), the car unlocked. When I put it in Drive, it did not require a PIN ... VERY Happy!
  6. I then clicked on the connectivity menu in settings and I didn't see a Bluetooth link
  7. I linked my phone via bluetooth and it connected (w/ options for syncing contacts).
  8. I now have 2 bluetooth connections w/ the car (at the same time)
Unlock using only phone and driving w/ only phone and no pin, AND music/phone bluetooth connection all seem to be working now... thank you @borski

hope that helps.
If needed where would you refill it?
On the passenger side when you open the frunk. I filled up the fluid, now I don’t have spray issue. I just feel spray is weaker than in the past…
The only thing that is missing (AND only for those that have enabled the feature) is to have it recall the last setting for the next drive.
If Lucid changes this setting and remembers the last "High beam" setting, what happens when you start driving from your house? Will you be lighting up the entire neighborhood on your way to the freeway? This is not a rhetorical question - just curious.
I believe that a lot of folks are missing the point.

If you would like to use the "High Beam Assist" feature, then enable it (by going to the Settings->Vehicle->Drive Settings menu and turning it on). If you find that you don't need to have the High Beam Assist feature, then don't enable it (i.e. turn it off).

But for those that have the High Beam Assist turned on, then activating the assist (by pushing the stalk away from you) is likely. When activated, it can be de-activated (by pressing the stalk away from you).

The only thing that is missing (AND only for those that have enabled the feature) is to have it recall the last setting for the next drive. After all, it stands to reason that if you've enabled the feature, you'd like to have it on most of the time (as I do) and only turn it off when appropriate (and then back again).

Not sure what the big fuss is .. the developers did most of the hard work (and it does work well)... As I've stated before, I'm sure it's an oversight and will be added later.
I think the disconnect here is between what both camps think of as the reason for this feature.

High Beam Assist, as I think Lucid and I see it, is a function that, when you engage the high beams (pushing the stalk, because you are on a dark country road, or whatever), the car automatically turns them off as needed when having them on could prove a danger to other drivers. So you turn your high beams on when you need them, and the car turns them off automatically briefly whenever a car is coming or is close in front of you.

Hitting the stalk isn't enagaing High Beam Assist, in other words. It's engaging the high beams. This is why Assist is a separate setting in the settings panel.

I think you and others see it more as "I want my high beams on all the time, unless they are a danger to others. So just keep them on at all times unless I am about to blind someone."
I don't think any driving manual anywhere would suggest driving with your highbeams on all the time is an accepted norm. On a highway with overhead lights, or on normal city streets, high beams should not be needed.

If the Lucid system is good enough that it will basically never turn on your high beams in those situations, I could see how just never having to think about lights would be nice. Based on how terrible my Tesla is at turning on and off the high beams, I highly doubt this system would be that good.

It's not exactly like the auto wipers, which absolutely should remember their automatic setting. I'm glad Lucid fixed that. This makes sense, because the wipers are basically not on until there's rain. They aren't running all the time, and then being turned off occasionally.

I absolutely would want to use High Beam Assist as Lucid has currently implemented it. I decide it's too dark on this road, and the car prevents me from harming others as a result of turning on this extra light.

I absolutely would not want what you and others are proposing, which would effectively turn on my high beams every time I got into my car. Unless I wanted to disable the feature altogether. And thus, I'd have to manage turning on and off the high beams manually when I do (occasionally) drive on a dark road.