October OTA Updates

If Lucid changes this setting and remembers the last "High beam" setting, what happens when you start driving from your house? Will you be lighting up the entire neighborhood on your way to the freeway? This is not a rhetorical question - just curious.
It’s only available at speeds over 18mph so at least you wouldn’t be lighting up your neighbors houses pulling out of your driveway etc.
It’s only available at speeds over 18mph so at least you wouldn’t be lighting up your neighbors houses pulling out of your driveway etc.
Okay - that makes sense. Although 18mph seems too low; 25-30mph is kind of standard on most of the roads in suburban neighborhoods (at least where I live).
I think the disconnect here is between what both camps think of as the reason for this feature.

High Beam Assist, as I think Lucid and I see it, is a function that, when you engage the high beams (pushing the stalk, because you are on a dark country road, or whatever), the car automatically turns them off as needed when having them on could prove a danger to other drivers. So you turn your high beams on when you need them, and the car turns them off automatically briefly whenever a car is coming or is close in front of you.

Hitting the stalk isn't enagaing High Beam Assist, in other words. It's engaging the high beams. This is why Assist is a separate setting in the settings panel.

I think you and others see it more as "I want my high beams on all the time, unless they are a danger to others. So just keep them on at all times unless I am about to blind someone."
I don't think any driving manual anywhere would suggest driving with your highbeams on all the time is an accepted norm. On a highway with overhead lights, or on normal city streets, high beams should not be needed.

If the Lucid system is good enough that it will basically never turn on your high beams in those situations, I could see how just never having to think about lights would be nice. Based on how terrible my Tesla is at turning on and off the high beams, I highly doubt this system would be that good.

It's not exactly like the auto wipers, which absolutely should remember their automatic setting. I'm glad Lucid fixed that. This makes sense, because the wipers are basically not on until there's rain. They aren't running all the time, and then being turned off occasionally.

I absolutely would want to use High Beam Assist as Lucid has currently implemented it. I decide it's too dark on this road, and the car prevents me from harming others as a result of turning on this extra light.

I absolutely would not want what you and others are proposing, which would effectively turn on my high beams every time I got into my car. Unless I wanted to disable the feature altogether. And thus, I'd have to manage turning on and off the high beams manually when I do (occasionally) drive on a dark road.
I've grown up in cities for most of my life and what you've described is true.

However, where I live now (more rural area), I need to drive w/ high beams on (mostly to avoid animals at night) and I don't want to blind on coming traffic, so High beam assist helps to make sure that those folks are not blinded (in case I'm slow at remembering to dim the beams).

So, Every time I start my drive at night I would have to activate the beams. Of course, when I enter the city (or lighted streets) or highways, then I de-activate the beams (as needed). Not sure what the issue would be with having the car recall the last position. That would work in both your scenario and mine.

Lastly, I've had a Lexus LS and Mercedes S550 that perform flawlessly the way I've described. The Lucid team's implementation seems to work as well except for having to set it on every time I start a night drive (in my scenario .. because I have it turned on when I get home ... in your scenario, it would start with it off because that's supposedly the way you drove it last).
I do have to chuckle a little that everyone was bitching that the car didn't have auto high beam. They add it and instead of taking the win people are still bitching its not right. I look at it that's it better than not having it at all. Having to push a stalk forward is by no means a herculean task to activate it.
I've grown up in cities for most of my life and what you've described is true.

However, where I live now (more rural area), I need to drive w/ high beams on (mostly to avoid animals at night) and I don't want to blind on coming traffic, so High beam assist helps to make sure that those folks are not blinded (in case I'm slow at remembering to dim the beams).

So, Every time I start my drive at night I would have to activate the beams. Of course, when I enter the city (or lighted streets) or highways, then I de-activate the beams (as needed). Not sure what the issue would be with having the car recall the last position. That would work in both your scenario and mine.

Lastly, I've had a Lexus LS and Mercedes S550 that perform flawlessly the way I've described. The Lucid team's implementation seems to work as well except for having to set it on every time I start a night drive (in my scenario .. because I have it turned on when I get home ... in your scenario, it would start with it off because that's supposedly the way you drove it last).
Yeah, I can see maybe at some point, when they are sure the implementation good enough that you will never accidentally be driving around with high beams on, a completely autonomous system could just take over, where if the ambient light is X, never engage high beams, but once it drops below a threshold (and there are no drivers in the path of the lights) engage and disengage automatically. But I don't think Lucid is confident they are there yet. (Tesla certainly is not there yet.) In the meantime, I think they are worried, as am I, that several drivers will be running around with high beams on every night, because they engaged them six nights ago when they were visiting a remote friend and then forgot to turn them off.

We'll see what happens long term. The beauty of OTA updates.
I do have to chuckle a little that everyone was bitching that the car didn't have auto high beam. They add it and instead of taking the win people are still bitching its not right. I look at it that's it better than not having it at all. Having to push a stalk forward is by no means a herculean task to activate it.
No bitching at all .. it's awesome to have it .. we all agree .. and the ability to recall the last setting should be a LOW priority item, but just because some folks that default it off are happy w/ the way it works shouldn't imply that others who'd prefer that BOTH preferences work [at some later date] should be ignored or ridiculed. Enhancements should be considered (especially when they are similar to how other luxury brands have successfully implemented the feature) as "enhancement requests", documented, and at some point, addressed. NOT sure why this is such a big issue!
Yeah, I can see maybe at some point, when they are sure the implementation good enough that you will never accidentally be driving around with high beams on, a completely autonomous system could just take over, where if the ambient light is X, never engage high beams, but once it drops below a threshold (and there are no drivers in the path of the lights) engage and disengage automatically. But I don't think Lucid is confident they are there yet. (Tesla certainly is not there yet.) In the meantime, I think they are worried, as am I, that several drivers will be running around with high beams on every night, because they engaged them six nights ago when they were visiting a remote friend and then forgot to turn them off.

We'll see what happens long term. The beauty of OTA updates.
Agreed .. 100%

btw, I will say that when I first got the Air, I didn't realize my beams were on .. I kept telling my wife that they must be "super-LEDs" or something .. until a few drivers we encountered along the way let us know [emphatically] that we had the beams on. .. oops .. "the beams work .. check!"
I followed the instructions from @borski (namely, remove the phone/mobile key and added it again).

  1. I removed the car/link from my phone app, then
  2. "forgot" the bluetooth Lucid connection, then
  3. removed the mobile key from the car.
  4. I then added the car back on the app (and the vehicle) -- NOTE: this generated a new bluetooth connection [w/ no options]
  5. I tested by approaching the car and driving and .. both worked very well (reminded me of our MY) .. as I approached (w/ app running -- didn't test w/ app off), the car unlocked. When I put it in Drive, it did not require a PIN ... VERY Happy!
  6. I then clicked on the connectivity menu in settings and I didn't see a Bluetooth link
  7. I linked my phone via bluetooth and it connected (w/ options for syncing contacts).
  8. I now have 2 bluetooth connections w/ the car (at the same time)
Unlock using only phone and driving w/ only phone and no pin, AND music/phone bluetooth connection all seem to be working now... thank you @borski

hope that helps.

Thanks, but I've done this three or four times before the update and once since the update. Still only limited mobile key functionality.

Interesting, @CLTGT , so that is at least four of us where the mobile key doesn't work. I had gone to just the fob before, but I was hoping that the update would magically reset something, allowing my mobile key to work.
If the Lucid system is good enough that it will basically never turn on your high beams in those situations, I could see how just never having to think about lights would be nice. Based on how terrible my Tesla is at turning on and off the high beams, I highly doubt this system would be that good.

This is one of the reasons I don't want high beam assist activated unless I hit the stalk. I live on a rural road with no street lights. When I drive down it at night in our Tesla with high beam assist engaged, it is very annoying. The lights dim from reflections off road signs, they dim when passing driveway gate posts with decorative lights, they have even dimmed for misaimed landscape lights . . . . I have quit engaging the feature altogether in our Tesla. The only time I find high beam assist useful is at very late hours on long stretches of roads without a lot of traffic or reflective signage. In all other conditions I would spend far more time hitting the stalk to disengage the feature when it was annoying me than hitting the stalk to engage the feature when I did want it.

When all is said and done, though, this whole discussion is an awful lot of verbiage about a feature one can engage with the quick flick of a stalk lying a couple of inches from your hand. I just don't see it as much of a travail.
The photos you posted is how my maps used to appear. Now the map detail is almost black. I've tried zooming in and out, but that changes nothing. Navigation routes are as highly prominent as they were before, so this is not an issue of the whole screen darkening, but of the map images that lie under the route lines darkening.

(Tesla2.0 is reporting the same problem.)
Super odd. Have you tried toggling the satellite view on and off? If that doesn’t help, definitely email OTAUpdate

My mobile key has always been spotty and only partially functional, at best The whole "car waking up as you approach it" has never worked. Always have to open the app, wait for the car to wake up, then press unlock. And every second to fourth time I get in, i have to reenter my PIN. @bhramabull and I were discussing this earlier, he has had the same issue. I have reinstalled the mobile key several times, as well as unpaired the phone and paired it again and then added the mobile key. But it just will not reliably work using my phone as a mobile key. I was hoping these updates would fix that, but so far, same issue. The people at the Scottsdale SC were not able to help. Their only suggestion was to try the same reinstallation of the mobile key process. Yes, the location sensing is always on and all of those things.

Anyone else run into this or have any suggestions?
Please go into your profile settings in the car and ensure Key Detection is on and that the mobile device is listed and paired. For me and many others, key detection was off post-update. After I turned it on it worked flawlessly.
Yeah, I can see maybe at some point, when they are sure the implementation good enough that you will never accidentally be driving around with high beams on, a completely autonomous system could just take over, where if the ambient light is X, never engage high beams, but once it drops below a threshold (and there are no drivers in the path of the lights) engage and disengage automatically. But I don't think Lucid is confident they are there yet. (Tesla certainly is not there yet.) In the meantime, I think they are worried, as am I, that several drivers will be running around with high beams on every night, because they engaged them six nights ago when they were visiting a remote friend and then forgot to turn them off.

We'll see what happens long term. The beauty of OTA updates.
I’m sure that autonomous system turning on high beam is more realistic than full capacity of Tesla Summon feature unless people are eternally gullible.

The photos you posted is how my maps used to appear. Now the map detail is almost black. I've tried zooming in and out, but that changes nothing. Navigation routes are as highly prominent as they were before, so this is not an issue of the whole screen darkening, but of the map images that lie under the route lines darkening.

(Tesla2.0 is reporting the same problem.)
My maps are also very dark since installing 2.05. (They are still readable.) I haven't received further updates yet so don't know if a further update might fix.
Just finished my first drive since the 2.0.8 and 2.0.12 updates. The sensors calibrated fine for Highway Assist to activate, and everything seems to be working. My Homelink and the backup camera were malfunctioning when I backed out of the garage, but that may have been temporary until the sensors recalibrated, as both features worked fine upon my return home.

But WHY are the satellite map images now so dark? They have become virtually useless, and I can find no way to brighten them.
My maps are also dark since 2.05. Mine are still readable. ( Haven't received further updates.)
I believe that a lot of folks are missing the point.

If you would like to use the "High Beam Assist" feature, then enable it (by going to the Settings->Vehicle->Drive Settings menu and turning it on). If you find that you don't need to have the High Beam Assist feature, then don't enable it (i.e. turn it off).

But for those that have the High Beam Assist turned on, then activating the assist (by pushing the stalk away from you) is likely. When activated, it can be de-activated (by pressing the stalk away from you).

The only thing that is missing (AND only for those that have enabled the feature) is to have it recall the last setting for the next drive. After all, it stands to reason that if you've enabled the feature, you'd like to have it on most of the time (as I do) and only turn it off when appropriate (and then back again).

Not sure what the big fuss is .. the developers did most of the hard work (and it does work well)... As I've stated before, I'm sure it's an oversight and will be added later.
Thank you.
Why? High beams are only used as needed, so having to turn them on when needed is a no brainer. High beam assist does not turn off. Is it really too much for you to push a stalk? You keep mentioning this.
It's just unnecessary. If you want the auto high beams ON then they should stay on. Our other cars work that way.
It's just unnecessary. If you want the auto high beams ON then they should stay on. Our other cars work that way.
Just turn off the assist and it works like that when you push forward.
Highway Assist and grip pressure required on steering wheel
My hands hold the bottom third of the wheel. I tend to use very light pressure, just gently holding the wheel. With ACC, this isn't an issue but with HA, the alarm keeps going off that I need to have my hands on the wheel. Anyone else having an issue where the steering wheel sensor doesn't detect your hands? Anyone hold the bottom third/quarter of the wheel with no problem?
Highway Assist and grip pressure required on steering wheel
My hands hold the bottom third of the wheel. I tend to use very light pressure, just gently holding the wheel. With ACC, this isn't an issue but with HA, the alarm keeps going off that I need to have my hands on the wheel. Anyone else having an issue where the steering wheel sensor doesn't detect your hands? Anyone hold the bottom third/quarter of the wheel with no problem?
Mine does that also. It seems to want some torque on the wheel instead of just pressure.
Highway Assist and grip pressure required on steering wheel
My hands hold the bottom third of the wheel. I tend to use very light pressure, just gently holding the wheel. With ACC, this isn't an issue but with HA, the alarm keeps going off that I need to have my hands on the wheel. Anyone else having an issue where the steering wheel sensor doesn't detect your hands? Anyone hold the bottom third/quarter of the wheel with no problem?
I just did Highway Assist! It is frigging awesome!!! 😎 I admit it is rather more intimidating at 65~65 mph in rush hours traffic than Auto Park. I also found some glitches it caused, I will report in the BUG thread.

Basically, you need both hands on wheel, I’m not sure facial recognition camera can see your hands are not on wheel more than just sterling wheel sensory. Whenever there is a lane merge situation or divergent lane for exit, it will require driver firmer grip of command and prompt more red warning.

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