October OTA Updates

The having to go to the car icon to get to the settings icon seems weird. Maybe take a video and send to the team? Other than the rear climate control and the 3d map issue you are describing, those other "issues" you are describing are your personal preference on how you want your car panels to look for you. I personally don't prefer the map as default.

The high beam assist to default back to off after shutting the car off was probably designed that way.
The rear climate control issue is not a personal preference. Previously, it would just be at whatever temp and fan speed I set it to. Step back into the car and hit "ON" and that's it. Now it sets it at 59F for some odd reason with fan speed at 1. The front controls are fine that way. Always at whatever latest temp and fan speed I'd set it to
I could be wrong on this - but what I think is happening is the bottom picture top & bottom panel seems very zoomed out which is why you see a lot of "green" or darker per se!
It zoomed out when I chose chargers but it was zoomed in when I got in. Was more to see if @hmp10 is seeing it darker than that. Mine is certainly visible inside and outside and not unreadable as the issue he seems to be having
exactly my point...shouldn't have to be turned on each time
Why? High beams are only used as needed, so having to turn them on when needed is a no brainer. High beam assist does not turn off. Is it really too much for you to push a stalk? You keep mentioning this.
I’m not sure if this new feature. While car is in park, I went inside to listen to music. About few minutes into the session, the screen prompt me countdown to shut down car by itself. I then stepped on the brake, the warning went away and didn’t bother me again of same warning rest of time I was in.

Good feature not to let car go to sleep and get locked in the car.
Yes, this was detailed in the release notes. I discovered this morning that the alarm will go off if you open the door from inside without turning the car back on.
It zoomed out when I chose chargers but it was zoomed in when I got in. Was more to see if @hmp10 is seeing it darker than that. Mine is certainly visible inside and outside and not unreadable as the issue he seems to be having

The photos you posted is how my maps used to appear. Now the map detail is almost black. I've tried zooming in and out, but that changes nothing. Navigation routes are as highly prominent as they were before, so this is not an issue of the whole screen darkening, but of the map images that lie under the route lines darkening.

(Tesla2.0 is reporting the same problem.)
Why? High beams are only used as needed, so having to turn them on when needed is a no brainer. High beam assist does not turn off. Is it really too much for you to push a stalk? You keep mentioning this.
I guess the point being is that prior to the update, if you wanted to use your high beams, yes, you would push the stalk forward, active engagement. With high-beam assist, one should not have to push the stalk forward as they are now a passive system, a background feature if you will, and will only come on if all criteria are met via the cars logic. Having to move the stalk to engage high-beam assist each time you get into the car is not much different than pushing the stalk forward to engage the high-beams to begin with. I agree that having the ability to toggle them on/off via the stalk is important, but for me it should remember the last state the system was put in. Not a show stopper by any means, thrilled to eventually get it when I get pushed the update, but I have to believe it is on their radar for a future release.
Why? High beams are only used as needed, so having to turn them on when needed is a no brainer. High beam assist does not turn off. Is it really too much for you to push a stalk? You keep mentioning this.
Well technically I suppose a lot of little things being mentioned in general are not that big of a deal at all. The point of the exercise is to point things out that are a part and parcel of new features being added to the car. Nothing about me dinking Lucid about making me move a finger. They have been more than amazing through all this and I'll the first to recognize that. However, Auto High Beam or Auto Headlights or anything "Auto" should be automatic and stay ON once set, and upto the user to turn them OFF as needed.. As it is on other cars.
I guess the point being is that prior to the update, if you wanted to use your high beams, yes, you would push the stalk forward, active engagement. With high-beam assist, one should not have to push the stalk forward as they are now a passive system, a background feature if you will, and will only come on if all criteria are met via the cars logic. Having to move the stalk to engage high-beam assist each time you get into the car is not much different than pushing the stalk forward to engage the high-beams to begin with. I agree that having the ability to toggle them on/off via the stalk is important, but for me it should remember the last state the system was put in. Not a show stopper by any means, thrilled to eventually get it when I get pushed the update, but I have to believe it is on their radar for a future release.
You said it far better than I did. Thank you for that
I guess the point being is that prior to the update, if you wanted to use your high beams, yes, you would push the stalk forward, active engagement. With high-beam assist, one should not have to push the stalk forward as they are now a passive system, a background feature if you will, and will only come on if all criteria are met via the cars logic. Having to move the stalk to engage high-beam assist each time you get into the car is not much different than pushing the stalk forward to engage the high-beams to begin with. I agree that having the ability to toggle them on/off via the stalk is important, but for me it should remember the last state the system was put in. Not a show stopper by any means, thrilled to eventually get it when I get pushed the update, but I have to believe it is on their radar for a future release.

I agree with GEWC on this. On the main highway to and from our home I encounter clumps of traffic frequently alternating with empty stretches that would cause the automatic high beams to cycle annoyingly often. On such a road I would prefer just to stay on low beams even during the brief spells of empty road. While I have activated the high beam assist in the main menu so that it will be quickly available when I want it, I don't want it to be the default setting every time I get in the car. I would much rather engage it via the stalk when I'm ready for its assistance.

In short, this new feature operates just as I would have it.
The rear climate control issue is not a personal preference. Previously, it would just be at whatever temp and fan speed I set it to. Step back into the car and hit "ON" and that's it. Now it sets it at 59F for some odd reason with fan speed at 1. The front controls are fine that way. Always at whatever latest temp and fan speed I'd set it to
I think you misread what I said about the rear climate control problem you are having. I was agreeing with you, saying that's a bug and should be reported.
I agree with GEWC on this. On the main highway to and from our home I encounter clumps of traffic frequently alternating with empty stretches that would cause the automatic high beams to cycle annoyingly often. On such a road I would prefer just to stay on low beams even during the brief spells of empty road. While I have activated the high beam assist in the main menu so that it will be quickly available when I want it, I don't want it to be the default setting every time I get in the car. I would much rather engage it via the stalk when I'm ready for its assistance.

In short, this new feature operates just as I would have it.
I see your point. On our Tesla Model 3 those changes being made frequently on semi busy roads, it was first distracting but then they had a OTA update where it kinda became more subtle between high and low beams almost to a point where I perhaps could not make out too much of a difference.
I agree with GEWC on this. On the main highway to and from our home I encounter clumps of traffic frequently alternating with empty stretches that would cause the automatic high beams to cycle annoyingly often. On such a road I would prefer just to stay on low beams even during the brief spells of empty road. While I have activated the high beam assist in the main menu so that it will be quickly available when I want it, I don't want it to be the default setting every time I get in the car. I would much rather engage it via the stalk when I'm ready for its assistance.

In short, this new feature operates just as I would have it.
Then you absolutely should be able to turn off the high-beam assist by pushing forward, or pulling back on the stalk. As I mentioned in my post, a toggle addresses both of our use cases. I am simply stating that for those of us that would like it to be an automatic, passive system, give this feature the capability to remember its last state.
I agree with GEWC on this. On the main highway to and from our home I encounter clumps of traffic frequently alternating with empty stretches that would cause the automatic high beams to cycle annoyingly often. On such a road I would prefer just to stay on low beams even during the brief spells of empty road. While I have activated the high beam assist in the main menu so that it will be quickly available when I want it, I don't want it to be the default setting every time I get in the car. I would much rather engage it via the stalk when I'm ready for its assistance.

In short, this new feature operates just as I would have it.
I had a similar issue on the Audi where it was too aggressive in turning them on or off. In some instances it looked like you were flashing your lights at people. So until I have confidence that the Lucid High Beam Assist doesn't do that i'd rather have the option to engage it on or off via the stalk
I guess the point being is that prior to the update, if you wanted to use your high beams, yes, you would push the stalk forward, active engagement. With high-beam assist, one should not have to push the stalk forward as they are now a passive system, a background feature if you will, and will only come on if all criteria are met via the cars logic. Having to move the stalk to engage high-beam assist each time you get into the car is not much different than pushing the stalk forward to engage the high-beams to begin with. I agree that having the ability to toggle them on/off via the stalk is important, but for me it should remember the last state the system was put in. Not a show stopper by any means, thrilled to eventually get it when I get pushed the update, but I have to believe it is on their radar for a future release.
Except it is completely different in that that one little stalk push will now change how the high beams work. I think they way they set it up is perfect. It is there and ready to be activated when needed, which is how high beams should be used.
Hi all. I’m about to board a flight to Detroit so expect to be offline most of the day.

I’m told there are still five folks who have not accepted the updates. Please give a look if you haven’t already and ensure you’re up to date.

Otherwise I’ll get a list of VIN’s when in flight or once I land and reach out to these folks individually.

Hi all. I’m about to board a flight to Detroit so expect to be offline most of the day.

I’m told there are still five folks who have not accepted the updates. Please give a look if you haven’t already and ensure you’re up to date.

Otherwise I’ll get a list of VIN’s when in flight or once I land and reach out to these folks individually.

Thanks for the update Len and safe travels!