BUGS or REDACTIONS with 2.0.12 for me -
1) Default settings on a few things every time I get into the car -
Rear climate control always defaults to 59 degrees F which is the lowest temperature setting I think
High Beam Assist still continues to be an issue such that I have to initiate on every drive
2) Miles/kwh still missing on main dash
Older BUGS
1) When I hit the 3D map setting on the map on the pilot panel, it displays a weird blue-ish color on top of the pilot panel that disallows the map to take over the entire screen.
2) The right side panel and pilot panel always defaults to it's home setting. For instance, I always want map to be the default screen to appear on pilot and right screen, which doesn't happen as of now
3) On the pilot panel, seems like I always have to go to the car icon on the bottom left before I can access the settings icon or any of the other main 3 icons on the pilot panel (hope it makes sense)