October OTA Updates

You can still find it [m/kWh display] a couple menus deep

Haven't driven my car since the 2.0.8 download and currently downloading 2.0.12. Could you please explain more where to find this and say whether the m/kWh readout can be set for permanent display?
Haven't driven my car since the 2.0.8 download and currently downloading 2.0.12. Could you please explain more where to find this and say whether the m/kWh readout can be set for permanent display?

It’s under trip information on the pilot panel, I think it’s gear icon -> vehicle -> trip information. And currently it can’t be set up on the cockpit unfortunately. As @Sandvinsd said, it displays expected miles at destination only when a NAV destination is entered.
It is no longer displayed on the dash. To view efficiency you’ll need to go into the Pilot Panel settings menu, then vehicle, then trip information.
It is no longer displayed on the dash. To view efficiency you’ll need to go into the Pilot Panel settings menu, then vehicle, then trip information.
I do hope they reconsider this. It’s a real Tesla move to take useful information and bury it in a menu somewhere.

I still have to tap several panels to figure out where Tesla put the tire pressure after every update. (No, I’m not bitter, or anything.)
Man you guys jumped out ahead. Only just got 2.0.5 installed =) 2.0.8 where are you? 😢😥
Unfortunately I am late to the game and not on the list. When will the update push to the steerage class? 😊

I’m in steerage class with you, and very happily so. Leave it to everyone else to get caught up in the vexations of lumpy, grumpy updates. Better to wait until all that is sorted out, and then get the update in a more polished and stable state.
Man you guys jumped out ahead. Only just got 2.0.5 installed =) 2.0.8 where are you? 😢😥
Did you hear what the problem was with your 2.0.5 update or did they just push it out again and that fixed it?
I do hope they reconsider this. It’s a real Tesla move to take useful information and bury it in a menu somewhere.

I still have to tap several panels to figure out where Tesla put the tire pressure after every update. (No, I’m not bitter, or anything.)

Re: Tesla - hearing you loud and clear.
Did you hear what the problem was with your 2.0.5 update or did they just push it out again and that fixed it?
They pushed it again and the 2nd time was just a 8 minute update.
Yesterday at 5:00 pm MST I received the notice that 2.0.8 update ready. The current software was 2.0.2. I dont believe I received the 2.0.5 update? I updated 2.0.8 and hopefully it does not mess up the sequence of updates?
I have been able to do all of these updates (02, 05 and 12) while the car sat at the body shop over LTE. I did have to email the person at the body shop to let them know they might not be able to get into the car first thing this morning as the update was running from 8:15a-9:15a. Looks like they might have an issue with the Fob from what I read here, but we will see. I told them them might have to turn key detection back on and I might have to let them back into the car via my app. We'll see. I don't think they are really going to get started on my car until late this week, early next.
I am really anxious to try out 2.0.12, and I had car washed last Thursday. It would basically be a new car. Alas, it has just started down pour rain to nullify couple weeks of good weather.
BUGS or REDACTIONS with 2.0.12 for me -
1) Default settings on a few things every time I get into the car -
Rear climate control always defaults to 59 degrees F which is the lowest temperature setting I think
High Beam Assist still continues to be an issue such that I have to initiate on every drive
2) Miles/kwh still missing on main dash

Older BUGS
1) When I hit the 3D map setting on the map on the pilot panel, it displays a weird blue-ish color on top of the pilot panel that disallows the map to take over the entire screen.
2) The right side panel and pilot panel always defaults to it's home setting. For instance, I always want map to be the default screen to appear on pilot and right screen, which doesn't happen as of now
3) On the pilot panel, seems like I always have to go to the car icon on the bottom left before I can access the settings icon or any of the other main 3 icons on the pilot panel (hope it makes sense)
So I still went out and tried out in rain, everything is ultra fast compare to in the past. I noticed there is moving drawing curve on camera video sort of like Augmented Reality. My windshield wiper spread won’t shoot fluid when I press many times. Is that a bug or I’m just out of fluid.
I’m now charging at EA in rain. Monday morning, no one is here waiting in line.

Also Navigation satellite image is dim to dark color, I couldn’t find switch to change in settings.
So I still went out and tried out in rain, everything is ultra fast compare to in the past. I noticed there is moving drawing curve on camera video sort of like Augmented Reality. My windshield wiper spread won’t shoot fluid when I press many times. Is that a bug or I’m just out of fluid.
I’m now charging at EA in rain. Monday morning, no one is here waiting in line.

Also Navigation satellite image is dim to dark color, I couldn’t find switch to change in settings.

@Firstto520 This is a hardware issue, if you hold button fluid eventually comes out. The fluid seems to not stay primed in the wiper(s). I've also noticed where the driver's wiper rests the plastic piece the lip is beginning to deform.
BUGS or REDACTIONS with 2.0.12 for me -
1) Default settings on a few things every time I get into the car -
Rear climate control always defaults to 59 degrees F which is the lowest temperature setting I think
High Beam Assist still continues to be an issue such that I have to initiate on every drive
2) Miles/kwh still missing on main dash

Older BUGS
1) When I hit the 3D map setting on the map on the pilot panel, it displays a weird blue-ish color on top of the pilot panel that disallows the map to take over the entire screen.
2) The right side panel and pilot panel always defaults to it's home setting. For instance, I always want map to be the default screen to appear on pilot and right screen, which doesn't happen as of now
3) On the pilot panel, seems like I always have to go to the car icon on the bottom left before I can access the settings icon or any of the other main 3 icons on the pilot panel (hope it makes sense)
Other than the rear climate temperature and the bluish screen, everything you mentioned is functioning correctly, although not necessarily to your liking. They should not be defined as a “bug.” A bug is when software does not function as written. Everything else should be considered a future request.
BUGS or REDACTIONS with 2.0.12 for me -
1) Default settings on a few things every time I get into the car -
Rear climate control always defaults to 59 degrees F which is the lowest temperature setting I think
High Beam Assist still continues to be an issue such that I have to initiate on every drive
2) Miles/kwh still missing on main dash

Older BUGS
1) When I hit the 3D map setting on the map on the pilot panel, it displays a weird blue-ish color on top of the pilot panel that disallows the map to take over the entire screen.
2) The right side panel and pilot panel always defaults to it's home setting. For instance, I always want map to be the default screen to appear on pilot and right screen, which doesn't happen as of now
3) On the pilot panel, seems like I always have to go to the car icon on the bottom left before I can access the settings icon or any of the other main 3 icons on the pilot panel (hope it makes sense)

There is a sub-forum to post these to: https://lucidowners.com/forums/software.41/
Anyone else have windshield wiper fluid won’t spray issue?