FEATURE Introducing RangeXChange V2V charging for Lucid

Are we still hearing June as the next batch that will be available for purchase? Like most of you, I've been waiting quite a while to purchase one.
I'm waiting for a response about the new batch from Lucid Customer.
I will inform you if there are any updates.
I need it urgently!
If anyone is not utilizing it and is willing to assist, please DM me.
Update: - Message received today from Lucid Customer Care
"I apologize for the delay. I learned from Lucid Store that their plan is still June, but not until mid-end. We're sorry it's not in stock yet."

Praying.... 🙌
Another 14days and if its not released i consider there word as June 2025 :p
We are nearing end of June, fingers crossed that the next batch will be soon enough.