I feel another update coming today....

No way of telling how many of them are focused on software though. Given that Rivian produced 57,232 vehicles compared to Lucid's 8,428, many of those employees might be on the production/service/marketing side of things. Rivian has had to develop for 2 different (although software wise very similar) vehicles (R1T and R1S) while Lucid has only had to focus on 1 vehicle. I can't imagine either company needing more than a couple hundred developers to focus on software (maybe I'm, off on the number).
Lucid is very much focusing on Gravity as well as Air. And Gravity, from a hardware computer standpoint, is a completely different system from Air. They share almost nothing in common, from the chips powering the computers to the screens, to the hardware buttons, and on and on.

Writing software for these two cars is sort of like writing software for an iPad and a Mac at the same time. Similar language, but very different user interfaces.

R1-S and R1-T are almost identical, from a computer hardware standpoint, as far as I can tell. So software differences between the two are likely much smaller. R2 and R3 likewise seem to share many of the same computer paradigms, if not the same overall hardware. Software on these cars is likely to very easily carry over from their elder siblings.

This is smart, of course. But could be limiting long-term.

You are right that most employees of both companies are likely not on the software team. But Rivian's team, just by extrapolation from the overall employee figures, has to be more than double Lucid's. Especially when you consider that Lucid has engineered and manufactured more of its hardware parts in house compared to Rivian tending to use more off the shelf bits. That means they likely have a lower percentage of hardware engineers on their team than Lucid. (But I'm guessing about that.)

And don't get me wrong; I think Rivian is doing an amazing job all around. I just think they are taking a different approach from Lucid. One that may be paying off better short term, but we'll have to see down the line where both end up.

Personally, I think both companies have an exceptional chance at being strong players in the long run. They are miles ahead of where most ICE manufacturers are with their EVs, and unlikely to be caught anytime soon by any one of them.
Bobby, is there a reason you took the avocado update down from the website? Maybe making room for new update notes today? We are due for a meaningful update.
I just love guacamole.
Do I love and enjoy my car in it's current state? Yes. Do I wish for more and faster updates with more features? Yes. Am I critical of some of the quirks with my car? Yes.

I can be all of that but still choose to enjoy the car and be appreciative of any and all software updates (big or small) that makes the best car I've ever owned a little better.
This exactly sums up my Lucid ownership experience.
No way of telling how many of them are focused on software though. Given that Rivian produced 57,232 vehicles compared to Lucid's 8,428, many of those employees might be on the production/service/marketing side of things. Rivian has had to develop for 2 different (although software wise very similar) vehicles (R1T and R1S) while Lucid has only had to focus on 1 vehicle. I can't imagine either company needing more than a couple hundred developers to focus on software (maybe I'm, off on the number).
Mmmmm....so we are now comparing what other updates came with pet mode? This doesn't make sense to me. Rivian had other updates with pet mode but Lucid did not?

Am I missing something here? So what if that happened.

Too much software options can make it confusing....I get in a Tesla and screen is all jumble mumble...where do I find stuff? Not very intuitive. I like how Lucid keeps it simple and doesn't show too much information. Lucid is for driving, not staring at a screen. Agree, improvements can be made- homelink for example, and Lucid will. You have to understand they are also working on Gravity new software.
Does Rivian have pet mode in their Amazon vans? How do they do that with the doors remaining open most of the time? Do they have some way to keep the dogs from tearing open the packages or relieving themselves on them? Have they started to train said dogs to actually take the packages from the vans to the front door and, if so, how do they take the pictures on the packages sitting there? They have no thumbs. Has Rivian taken dog mode to a whole new level???
Does Rivian have pet mode in their Amazon vans? How do they do that with the doors remaining open most of the time? Do they have some way to keep the dogs from tearing open the packages or relieving themselves on them? Have they started to train said dogs to actually take the packages from the vans to the front door and, if so, how do they take the pictures on the packages sitting there? They have no thumbs. Has Rivian taken dog mode to a whole new level???
Wish I could answer for you, but I don't have a Rivian EDV. You can try asking in a different forum.
But you know, we have asked for more detail than "Update to the robustness engine adds more robustness" and it seems like we sort of got it.
True.. although the update isn't much, it's detailed as we have asked for in the past, as you said. But really, now they went TOO geeky... they met the target we "set", and then went over it 🤣 (doubt many know what the restraint control module is). I do personally like it, and if Lucid keeps their notes like this, I'd be happy.

I do wish the updates were more substantial... when Lucid does get enough money to be able to hire more employees, hopefully they can bring it up to Rivian's EXTRAORDINARY update pace. I wonder if Lucid owners would want more updates with less content or less updates with more content?
“Frequent” and “big” are relative and somewhat vague terms without definition. What is “big” for someone might be trivial for another. “Frequent” updates that the user might never notice can also be discounted by some.

The dog mode update is one I will never use, but I certainly recognize that others will use it often and it was one of the items on the request list. It is not “big” for me, but is for others.

I never get too excited about updates like this latest one because they are not “visible” or apparent. It does not mean it isn’t meaningful.

What would be “big” would be a Homelink fix or the ability to more precisely control the speed/frequency of the wipers. Those were the first two things that immediately came to mind, but I am sure there are others. Those two, especially Homelink, would be an everyday use improvement.
“Frequent” and “big” are relative and somewhat vague terms without definition. What is “big” for someone might be trivial for another. “Frequent” updates that the user might never notice can also be discounted by some.

The dog mode update is one I will never use, but I certainly recognize that others will use it often and it was one of the items on the request list. It is not “big” for me, but is for others.

I never get too excited about updates like this latest one because they are not “visible” or apparent. It does not mean it isn’t meaningful.

What would be “big” would be a Homelink fix or the ability to more precisely control the speed/frequency of the wipers. Those were the first two things that immediately came to mind, but I am sure there are others. Those two, especially Homelink, would be an everyday use improvement.

I think the last big update for me was .42...Last year when they added the multitasking widget, waypoints, and some other things...everything since then has super minor. I found the auto-tilt mirror feature to be useful, but i wouldn't call it big, and would agree, pet mode isn't really a big update either. Since conditioning while you left the car was already an option just removed the 45 minute timer and put a message on the screen.
Rivian must have heard Lucid came out with an update.

Being an EV owner is like having Christmas every month!
Rivian must have heard Lucid came out with an update.

Being an EV owner is like having Christmas every month!
Theirs seems to have more robustness... 😂