Ok...so based on the commute this morning, I think there are a few things going on with range on mine. 1) I definitely think there has been some adjustment to driving habits but it may only account for 10-20% of the improvement. 2) Last week I started using the Hard regen setting. I do think the differences there are pretty pronounced. 3) I think
@Steveinarizona mentioned this on a different thread, but most of the trip to take my son to school is a long 10+ mile gentle downhill. Between the downhill and the hard regen, I think this is how I'm seeing the higher numbers on the drive in. Actually hit 6.3 today.
On today's trip though rather than going into the office, I went back home. So I had the same trip in reverse. As a result, the kWh came down. So I finished with 3.5 (roughly 50 miles and never above 65 mph). Where I think the adjusting to driving and hard regen are playing a role is that the same trip used to bring 3-3.1.
Not sure if that explanation interests anyone other than me, but downhill certainly creates a pretty big disparity especially when it happens with your early miles.