I think Lucid is going to have some issues with ICE owners coming over to EVs. I'm one of them, and had I not been religiously reading this board well in advance of getting the car, I would have been floored by actual range. For some reason, I have an inclination to think of EPA as pretty close to what you get. The YouTube video only helped back that up. The reality is that we don't think about range with the ICE cars. In fact, whenever I'd be running low on gas, I'd speed up to find the next gas station. But when you look at EPA estimates versus reality in ICE vehicles, I'm pretty confident you'd find the same results. My truck shows a highway EPA of 23 mpg. I'd bet it's actually closer to 16-17 with my regular driving (roughly 70%). I'm getting similar to slightly better numbers with the Lucid. Additionally, we don't charge up past 80% most times, and we don't typically let the charge go down close to empty.
The point is that when you factor 60% of the cars total charge capability (80% down to 20%) and take 70% of that (speed, AC, hills, heat/cold, etc), I get what my range will be on a given drive. Since I'm driving in the city most days, it doesn't bother me in the least. That's about 200 miles which will still be a lot more than other EVs out there. But I think there is a tendency to transfix the 516 without discounting for all of the variables above and then being disappointed even when there is no road trip planned. I still feel this way from time to time, but it's getting better. On my trip back from LA, I know that by slowing down to 75 mph and using the AC more minimally, I can get more like 0.9 actual miles for every mile of range I drop. Given that, I think it is very possible to do 85-90% of range. But I'm so used to driving ICE cars that I never bothered to look into how different variable impact EPA rating on ALL cars. And I can tell you, AC definitely plays a big role on the Lucid.
But if I modulate my thinking towards daily driving and plan a little bit for any roadtrips, it really is a decent experience from a range standpoint. Sure, I wish I could drive farther on a road trip, but I also thought I'd be able to drive more than 400 miles in the truck when I got it, and I can't. And for those of you getting 21" wheels, don't forget to discount off the 516 for that
