Not so. Ive had many more years with stick than automatic. For stick and gentle uphill, you release the clutch gently, and not as not to stall the engine, and you dont roll backwards, and quickly move from brake to acc pedal to get going. On very step uphill, and having an object very close behind you, you first pull the hand parking brake and hold but not lock and then rev the engine a little and then simultaneously release clutch, release park brake, and press acc pedal. (Advanced people use the one foot toe and heel method and get going every time.) For either case, if you stall the engine by mistake releasing the clutch too fast youd be in first gear helping to prevent the car from back rolling, at all or too fast or too much, while you scramble to press the brake pedal or alternatively youre already on the parking brake. Unlikely will you roll into something behind you. Obviously, all of the aforementioned are well-known facts -- in my universe. I fly out of state weekly about three months of the year, and have done so for fifteen yesrs and rent a car every time. I rent full size sedan and occasionally they give me luxuary or suv. Sometimes hybrids. And they all drive the the same. I dont bother getting free upgrade but get on the road as soon as i can. I and my agt must live in a different universe because my lucid creep doesnt behave a like stick or automatic gas car, but its more likely than gas cars to roll into objects behind it, still being in forward drive selection, exactly as intentionally being programmed and this isnt my paradise, but perhaps how lucid have figured to get most sales for the buck.