DreamDrive Megathread

Wait, it is? I know you’ve told me that you personally knew the founder, but doesn’t the one camera limit how good it can be?
Totally, if it relied solely on that one camera.

Distance keeping is basically delegated to the existing ACC in the vehicle. It’s basically just steering that Comma handles, which is easier with a single set of cameras since you only need to see the road ahead, and not to the sides.

It works great for what it is, relative to what else is already on the car. That’s what I mean.

It’s not nearly as good as Lucid’s or Benz’s or GM’s.
Don’t know how highway assist was doing it? But it worked.

So I was driving on Grand Central Parkway in NYC yesterday using HA and we came to a newly paved section. 2-3 miles.

On this section there were no painted lines, both the solid line for the shoulder and the dashed line between lanes wasn’t painted yet. Only the little tags to show where the paint truck should paint every 40-50 feet.

HA didn’t seem to mind, even with curves, somehow it managed to steer, lane center, and follow the car in front!

My Maserati always freaks out when it loses the lines.
A recently repaved road? In NYC? The last decently paved road I was on in NYC was paved by the Romans 😁
How do you do lane centering with HA engaged? Someone probably has answered this, but I couldn’t find it. Thanks in advance.
How do you do lane centering with HA engaged? Someone probably has answered this, but I couldn’t find it. Thanks in advance.
What do you mean? Engage HA, center yourself in the lane, a light tan-ish steering wheel icon should appear on your dashboard indicating that it has taken over steering. What do you see?
Oh, it's much worse than that. They are calling their system "Full Self Driving" and charging $15,000 extra for it, even though it has no additional hardware over the base car. It's a marketing scam pure and simple. Maybe one day they'll get there, but they are far, far from it right now.
Lucid took me for $10,000 for DDP. $15,000 is not out of sync...
Lucid took me for $10,000 for DDP. $15,000 is not out of sync...
DDP has cutting edge technology (hardware) included in it, such as lidar, while FSD is simply software. Also, that post is from over 2 years ago, and both DDP and FSD have dropped in price.
Lucid took me for $10,000 for DDP. $15,000 is not out of sync...

Lucid is adding features to DDP frequently. The system is considerably more capable that it was when I first bought the car almost three years ago.

On the other hand, when we bought of first Tesla in 2015, I paid $3,000 for Enhanced Autopilot, Tesla's most advanced ADAS at the time. Over the ensuing several years, Tesla removed features from it. Some were discontinued altogether, and some were migrated over to their new FSD system.

Enhanced Autopilot would originally operate on any road with center and side line markings. It was later limited only to certain roads, regardless of their markings.

The adaptive cruise control of Enhanced Autopilot could originally be set to operate at any speed. It was later changed to operate only up to 5 miles per hour above the speed limit -- something that would get you rear-ended on Florida highways, thus making the feature useless.

A feature was added so that engaging the turn signal would initiate an automatic lane change. That feature was later removed and migrated over to the FSD that Tesla started selling.

When we replaced that Tesla with a 2021 Model S Plaid, we passed on FSD because I do not trust Tesla not to remove something at will for which I paid.

If they dropped in price that is not better. It's worse. I lost even more money.
The post is 2 years old? What is the hold up? Thanks for making my point.

Your experience with Tesla may be interesting to you, but Tesla is not the issue here. No matter what your truth is, the facts are what counts, and the facts are that Tesla is light years ahead of Lucid in autonomous driving, as as are many other companies with less experience and MUCH lower prices. (think Hyundai)

WOW. You purchased your Lucid almost 3 years ago and there are new features since then? Who would have thunk it. I have had my LUCID for about 18 months with promise after promise,. I DO like the recent update to DDP, but it still falls far short of my expectations (for $10,000). So far it's been a rip off, and getting worse every day the promises go unkept.

What about:
1. Android auto? Lucid uses the android platform so why is it so hard and take so long to implement android auto?
2. Bi-directional charging? Many Lucid owners are sick of waiting and wasting money on generators and battery backups. Ford has it, BMW just announced it, and I think even Chevy has it. At this rate I believe KIA will beat Lucid. It's embarrassing.
3. And let's not forget that annoying beep and, "keep your hands on the wheel" every 10-15 seconds. If I wasn't bald I'd pull my hair out.
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If they dropped in price that is not better. It's worse. I lost even more money.
The post is 2 years old? What is the hold up? Thanks for making my point.

Your experience with Tesla may be interesting to you, but Tesla is not the issue here. No matter what your truth is, the facts are what counts, and the facts are that Tesla is light years ahead of Lucid in autonomous driving, as as are many other companies with less experience and MUCH lower prices. (think Hyundai)

WOW. You purchased your Lucid almost 3 years ago and there are new features since then? Who would have thunk it. I have had my LUCID for about 18 months with promise after promise,. I DO like the recent update to DDP, but it still falls far short of my expectations (for $10,000). So far it's been a rip off, and getting worse every day the promises go unkept.

What about:
1. Android auto? Lucid uses the android platform so why is it so hard and take so long to implement android auto?
2. Bi-directional charging? Many Lucid owners are sick of waiting and wasting money on generators and battery backups. Ford has it, BMW just announced it, and I think even Chevy has it. At this rate I believe KIA will beat Lucid. It's embarrassing.
3. And let's not forget that annoying beep and, "keep your hands on the wheel" every 10-15 seconds. If I wasn't bald I'd pull my hair out.
Isn't everyone's experience of FSD valuable and relating that to LUCID's FSD value?

As a Tesla owner of their latest greatest FSD it is more embarrassing..........no dangerous than failures you describe for LUCID.

Have you seen the Deer killing Tesla dashcam from only 3 weeks ago.( on X/Youtube)............that displayed Tesla's latest greatest ADAS technology?

I would not be happy like you with all the Lucid failures you describe. But how safe are these systems.........have you ever tested Emergency Braking or other Crash Avoidance Tech?

Tesla's approach to most things is how little money you can throw at technology to get a fantastic result. Investing in 32 sensors, radar, camera's etc do not equal
8 cameras that all kinds of weather generate Camera blind errors.

If they dropped in price that is not better. It's worse. I lost even more money.
The post is 2 years old? What is the hold up? Thanks for making my point.

Your experience with Tesla may be interesting to you, but Tesla is not the issue here. No matter what your truth is, the facts are what counts, and the facts are that Tesla is light years ahead of Lucid in autonomous driving, as as are many other companies with less experience and MUCH lower prices. (think Hyundai)

WOW. You purchased your Lucid almost 3 years ago and there are new features since then? Who would have thunk it. I have had my LUCID for about 18 months with promise after promise,. I DO like the recent update to DDP, but it still falls far short of my expectations (for $10,000). So far it's been a rip off, and getting worse every day the promises go unkept.

What about:
1. Android auto? Lucid uses the android platform so why is it so hard and take so long to implement android auto?
2. Bi-directional charging? Many Lucid owners are sick of waiting and wasting money on generators and battery backups. Ford has it, BMW just announced it, and I think even Chevy has it. At this rate I believe KIA will beat Lucid. It's embarrassing.
3. And let's not forget that annoying beep and, "keep your hands on the wheel" every 10-15 seconds. If I wasn't bald I'd pull my hair out.

You can get off your high horse (and try not to trip).

Tesla first offered "Full Self Driving" as an upgrade to Enhanced Autopilot in 2016. It was not anything close to being full self driving. It did not become so with the beta roll-out in 2020. And, eight years after Tesla first started charging extra for it ($15,000 at one point), it still is not what its name says it is.

Lucid has never billed Dream Drive Pro as having the potential to go beyond Level 3 ADAS and certainly never sold the lie that it is or would ever be "full self driving". If you bought it thinking otherwise, that's on you.

Speaking of what Kias have, they also have such things as a bird's eye view display that is of great assistance in parking the car. Our Model S Plaid doesn't even have something that common in lower-priced cars. Nor will it play a USB music stick. Nor does it have CarPlay.

And I've seen that video @Whidbilly99 mentioned. I wouldn't rely on Tesla's "full self driving" (a $12,000 option at the time we purchased) to get me to the grocery store and back.
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Totally, if it relied solely on that one camera.

Distance keeping is basically delegated to the existing ACC in the vehicle. It’s basically just steering that Comma handles, which is easier with a single set of cameras since you only need to see the road ahead, and not to the sides.

It works great for what it is, relative to what else is already on the car. That’s what I mean.

It’s not nearly as good as Lucid’s or Benz’s or GM’s.
Everyone in tech knows George, he’s a super badass guy who doesn’t shy away from much.
Your experience with Tesla may be interesting to you, but Tesla is not the issue here.

Yet you keep quoting other people's posts about Tesla FSD, such as your posts #142 and #190 on this thread.

It seems that it becomes an inconvenient issue for you only when someone points out that FSD over its 8-year run is not and never has been what it claims to be: full self driving.

And how many times during those years has Musk claimed that the breakthrough into true self driving was just around the corner, meanwhile hiking the price for promises not yet. -- but always soon to be -- delivered.

And while all that was going on, what was Peter Rawlinson saying? That the best minds in ADAS technology were telling him that Level 5 or even Level 4 technology was at least a decade into the future, that it would require untold billions in investment, and that it may not even then be fully up to billing. So, instead of trying to sell people a technology that doesn't yet exist, he instead sold a system that, not knowing in which direction the technology could evolve, includes a suite of multiple sensor technologies to cover as many future bases as feasible while the software development chugged along.
Everyone in tech knows George, he’s a super badass guy who doesn’t shy away from much.
Sure, but he and I spent a good bit of time together. We’ve played a lot of CTFs together, worked on an Android jailbreak, etc.

He’s a very smart, prolific dude; he also got too famous at 17 for the wrong reasons and it sent him down plenty of very unhappy paths, despite his public bravado and bluster. People are rarely as one-note as they seem on X. :)

I do have a great story about stealing his SeekingArrangement date for the night, in Korea, because he was being an absolute prick and my buddy and I just kept asking her about herself; a few hours and some KBBQ later, we all went out for drinks and it became clear to geohot this was not his night. Perhaps he should have talked about literally anything other than himself for the whole night. :)

If they dropped in price that is not better. It's worse. I lost even more money.
lol what? Do you think DDP is an investment for you to “lose even more money?” It is a feature, not a stock. For new customers, the price dropped. That is that.
Something is cooking behind(4 lines), hope this gets before EOD.