Does Anyone Have Regrets? (non-owner asking)

This is a picture of my door panel. This is the pur lux interior package. That is the rough textile. I too would be fine with it if it was that nice comfy alcantera that was posted in the other picture. I’m not saying everyone should hate it. Just an fyi for anyone who is looking to buy one with that interior and not sure what it all entails.
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I purchased the grand touring.. many regrets. The car was totalled. I had auto breaking issues. Insurance paid out the car and I choose to purchase a BMW x5 as replacement. Things I loved about lucid but my decision not to get another one was based around what I felt had safety issues. Particularly around the auto breaking system when in regen mode. I will leave it at that. As posted about the problem 7 months ago.
The car automatically broke?
This is a picture of my door panel. This is the pur lux interior package. That is the rough textile. I too would be fine with it if it was that nice comfy alcantera that was posted in the other picture. I’m not saying everyone should hate it. Just an fyi for anyone who is looking to buy one with that interior and not sure what it all entails.
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Yup, this backs up what I said about it having the Pure's materials when equipped with Purluxe. I get how people could dislike that fabric, although I personally like it.
Yup, this backs up what I said about it having the Pure's materials when equipped with Purluxe. I get how people could dislike that fabric, although I personally like it.
Yea. It’s not the worst thing. But I was expecting the alcantara and drove 6 hours for delivery and found that out. I obviously still took delivery, but it was a surprise. To each their own.
I have a feeling this guy is a troll... no evidence to back it up, though. He mentioned nothing about auto-braking in his first (and thus far, only) series of posts.
This is the thread he was referring to:

The rest of the forum pretty much diagnosed it as operator error, and we ended up having to close the thread. This thread is not here to litigate that one, so any further posts about it will be deleted, as they are off topic.

I am only posting this here so that people have context.
I won’t call it a regret but I do occasionally think about the price you pay for being an early adopter. Prices will continually come down with improved efficiency/features. The resale value is a little bit of a disappointment, which I think is being driven by the current anti-EV sentiment. I hope that as time shows these vehicles to be reliable, cost efficient to operate, and the charging infrastructure improves, the resale value will take a jump. As I have no interest in selling, this is a minor concern but I do feel bad for those who are selling/have sold at this time.

I go back to the analogy of the flat screen TVs. When they came out, they were the coolest things I had ever seen but I didn’t have $15K burning a hole in my pocket. But every year they got cheaper and bigger. Where to jump in? It all depends on your finances and the enjoyment you’ll derive from your purchase.

I am grateful for having like minded Lucid enthusiasts and for this forum to be able to share opinions, jokes and issues only we can understand. Regrets? None. 😁
I have a fundamental problem with threads like this, and wonder if I am alone on it. On the one hand, a lot of very interesting information has been posted. On the other, a negative-sounding title (at least to me) is perpetuated. Bear in mind that the original posting of this thread was dated in May of 2022, and that the original poster did indeed purchase a Lucid in August of 2022, but the headline persists. I'm not saying that it is intended, but I wonder how much the tone of some query threads hurts more than helps. Threads with titles like this one, or 'I'm worried', or basically any that ask for owners to justify their purchase decision in ways that a simple pros/cons query would not. Maybe I'm just so sensitive to Lucid's non-car-related obstacles to a purchase decision that I cringe at ones that (again, at least to me) suggest that the car itself might be an obstacle. It's not a perfect car, but it's great, and is getting better by the day.
I think it’s best to buy a car with an expectation that the depreciation will take it all the way to zero very quickly. Future value means nothing to me when I’m buying - future me can deal with that, but present me wants what I want right now. If it ends up having some value when I am done thoroughly using it all up, then that’s a bonus. Certainly not unique to Lucid - just consider it a sunk cost gone forever to help with your happiness.
I go back to the analogy of the flat screen TVs. When they came out, they were the coolest things I had ever seen but I didn’t have $15K burning a hole in my pocket. But every year they got cheaper and bigger. Where to jump in? It all depends on your finances and the enjoyment you’ll derive from your purchase.
Good analogy, i remember purchasing my first laptop over 30 years ago. My brother-in-law saying, wait few months, they gonna get better and cheaper.
Guess what, he's still waiting :)