Not many Lucid stock enthusiasts but love the car.


Active Member
May 12, 2022
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Trying to find out how many Owners feel the Company will succeed meaningfully as a business over the next 5 years? How many owners or prospective Owners own at least 1K Shares of this stock? I would think as Lucid lovers you would invest in the Stock, especially at peices between 15-18.
I own 1,050 shares currently. DCA'ing about $5k/month. Should receive my AGT in next 2-35 months (hopefully).
I own 1,050 shares currently. DCA'ing about $5k/month. Should receive my AGT in next 2-35 months (hopefully).
Good to hear. I DCA’d too fast but own a few thousand at 27$ AVG 🫣.

My Lucid GT is ready but reading all the issues has me on the fence. We don’t drive as much and a regular mid range working guy. I thought it was the bomb but it looks like there is NO Dream Drive. Crappy Music other issues with doors and stuff. That won’t sit well with the Spousal Unit and also looks like no resale value. No seeing any sold out there.
Trying to find out how many Owners feel the Company will succeed meaningfully as a business over the next 5 years? How many owners or prospective Owners own at least 1K Shares of this stock? I would think as Lucid lovers you would invest in the Stock, especially at peices between 15-18.
I have been in and out of this stock since CCIV. Have been lucky enough to time trades to have nearly paid for the GT. Currently have 5500 shares with 23 average, so a bit under water now but will trade these around core position and plan on keeping a core position around this size for 5-10 years.
I have been in and out of this stock since CCIV. Have been lucky enough to time trades to have nearly paid for the GT. Currently have 5500 shares with 23 average, so a bit under water now but will trade these around core position and plan on keeping a core position around this size for 5-10 years.
Glad to hear that. I wanted to pay off the GT with the STOCK as well but got greedy and did not sell in the 50’s. Definitely plan on holding 5K for the same time frame and trade/Sell the rest if/when it gets to the 30’s. After the last two calls I do not trust Rawlinson and his marketing strategy.

They need to hire a seasoned CEO and Marketing Chief. These guys are too laid back and have already made their money. Other than fear of earning the wrath of the Saudi Crown Prince they have no fear of other stockholders. We gave them what a 15 or was it 5 Billion Authorized shares to sell at their pleasure.

Hiding behind want to build quality and NOT doing it and Supply chain won’t make for enthusiastic stockholders.

Glad to see that despite the issues there are lots of enthusiastic early adopters who also own other EVs and still love Lucid. THAT is what Lucid should put in their Ads. Have @hydbob do one 😀
I ordered my order AGT in 10/1/2021, then start accumulating. Profit taking some at $55. with various DCA at $26.

Am I worried?! No. In fact I accumulated more at $18 after I got the car recently. The market has NASDAQ & SP500 punished. And it’s not over bc of interest rate hike still has more to go and quantative tightening to combat high inflation. Recession is for certain bc Fed’s policy to tighten balance sheet of decades long pumping money supply. It’s not Lucid’s fault of overall market. Tesla had early days struggle as well, but it’s a long journey. I plan to hold my core position for 5+ years or at least Gravity and another model comes out at reduced operation cost from critical mass. I believe this company’s strategic vision, it’s very close to Tesla’s blueprint, go for high-end and prestige then mass production on affordable grades. I don’t think this company can be the hype of Tesla killer, Tesla has market pioneer advantage over everyone’s late adoption. But because Lucid has engineering efficiency, attractive design, it will be a premier brand.

To me LCID is on sale. I have orders at $15 and $12 if it ever dip that low. I want to see more law firms to file lawsuits to fish for disgruntled investors, so I can get more at bigger discount. “Whenever there is crisis, there is opportunity.” —- Chinese proverb.

You can swim at your own risk when investing. But I think this is a darn great product!
I ordered my order AGT in 10/1/2021, then start accumulating. Profit taking some at $55. with various DCA at $26.

Am I worried?! No. In fact I accumulated more at $18 after I got the car recently. The market has NASDAQ & SP500 punished. And it’s not over bc of interest rate hike still has more to go and quantative tightening to combat high inflation. Recession is for certain bc Fed’s policy to tighten balance sheet of decades long pumping money supply. It’s not Lucid’s fault of overall market. Tesla had early days struggle as well, but it’s a long journey. I plan to hold my core position for 5+ years or at least Gravity and another model comes out at reduced operation cost from critical mass. I believe this company’s strategic vision, it’s very close to Tesla’s blueprint, go for high-end and prestige then mass production on affordable grades. I don’t think this company can be the hype of Tesla killer, Tesla has market pioneer advantage over everyone’s late adoption. But because Lucid has engineering efficiency, attractive design, it will be a premier brand.

To me LCID is on sale. I have orders at $15 and $12 if it ever dip that low. I want to see more law firms to file lawsuits to fish for disgruntled investors, so I can get more at bigger discount. “Whenever there is crisis, there is opportunity.” —- Chinese proverb.

You can swim at your own risk when investing. But I think this is a darn great product!
I agree that the 15 or 12$ price are extremely attractive. I plan to hold and watch this play out. I am just not sure if Peter is the guy to lead them to the Promised land. Problem is if they ask him to just be a CTO Now, he may walk. I like the CFO Lady but she won’t go against Peter. Also do not like that they already have 1.7. billion shares issues vs half that for RIVN and. TSLA. On top of that they have 15 Billion shares authorized and therefore not many reasons to work for Shareholder value.
Trying to find out how many Owners feel the Company will succeed meaningfully as a business over the next 5 years? How many owners or prospective Owners own at least 1K Shares of this stock? I would think as Lucid lovers you would invest in the Stock, especially at peices between 15-18.
I bought 25,000 shares at 22. Sold 250 call options for $2 a share. Stock got called at $30 a share. Kicked myself as stock then went to $55 a share. Then was glad that my stock was sold at $30, as the price plummeted back down to earth.

Very difficult to time buying and selling. I am just a watcher at this point. Have all my money tied up in other stocks. Recently bought EVGO and CHPT(both charging company stocks) when the market tanked the other week. Lucid appear to be a good buy at the present price, though I am concerned how many buyers are out there for essentially a 100K car
I bought 25,000 shares at 22. Sold 250 call options for $2 a share. Stock got called at $30 a share. Kicked myself as stock then went to $55 a share. Then was glad that my stock was sold at $30, as the price plummeted back down to earth.

Very difficult to time buying and selling. I am just a watcher at this point. Have all my money tied up in other stocks. Recently bought EVGO and CHPT(both charging company stocks) when the market tanked the other week. Lucid appear to be a good buy at the present price, though I am concerned how many buyers are out there for essentially a 100K car
Per Peter the buyers are coming from MB BMW AUDI etc. maybe even Tesla. These guys have been selling expensive Cars for Decades. I was there at 55 but only with 2500 shares at the time at 33 and everyone thought it would follow RIVN to 100+. Live and learn. Next time to 55 I am selling half my shares but at this rate that seems like a dream.
Have you read this yet? Sounds Bullish to me.

Have you read this yet? Sounds Bullish to me.

You cannot believe everything you hear online. The way I interpret this is 250k will be at least made. That is 3.5 years from now. Given the last 6 weeks production delivery rate, I think 250k is achievable if there is no hiccup. I really think Lucid already made great progress ahead of Tesla at same timeline. Tesla’s 5th year doesn’t even have that much funding as Lucid. Tesla only produced 2450 Roadster, their first car from 2008 to 2012. Like Lucid now, tons of interface complaints, but people still love the power train. Tesla happened to revive the plant from bankrupted GM. Lucid did everything from scratch to build Air. In such short time, that’s a remarkable feat. In the same amount of time, all legacy companies out there are leveraging their existing accrued engineering knowledge, assembly plants and still cannot produce much EVs and blaming on global supply chain issues.
Wow LCID giving up all the gains from yesterday due to Options Expiration and overall market dumping. S&P officially in Bear territory down over 20% for the year.
Cheap shares for those with cash and patience.
I think this could be a good stock to ride up and down for years to come. I've been accumulating since CCIV and sold some in November but bought back a little soon on the way back down. Current avg cost is 27.97. I try to sell calls that are a couple weeks out on good days and buy back on bad days to make some rent on the shares. I have an AGT on order and hope to take delivery in Q3.
I think this could be a good stock to ride up and down for years to come. I've been accumulating since CCIV and sold some in November but bought back a little soon on the way back down. Current avg cost is 27.97. I try to sell calls that are a couple weeks out on good days and buy back on bad days to make some rent on the shares. I have an AGT on order and hope to take delivery in Q3.
My Avg is the same as your. At this point I am just trying to hold on. Good idea to trade calls but the Avg is too high to get much of a premium on it.
I think this could be a good stock to ride up and down for years to come. I've been accumulating since CCIV and sold some in November but bought back a little soon on the way back down. Current avg cost is 27.97. I try to sell calls that are a couple weeks out on good days and buy back on bad days to make some rent on the shares. I have an AGT on order and hope to take delivery in Q3.
I'll probably join with CC's as well. Current price is very attractive, and IV is good but not totally jacked. Excellent time to enter.
Tesla trading activity paid for Luci. :). Still own Lucid shares and adding on here. I have a long term view.