"Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

Lucid Airs have been on the road for a few years and they launched initially in their largest market. The initial bolus of early adopters are likely gone, so next you have incremental buyers which to me doesn't seem like a logical market to nearly double sales...unless the Gravity takes off and/or they cut prices on the Air to help stimulate demand. Could also be factoring in a bunch of leases expiring and consumers rolling into another Lucid Air lease. This is all speculation, so take it with a grain of salt but solid state batteries are coming and that will level the playing field on range, probably behooves them to get in front of that
I agree with you that the upside of the US market is limited. Even outside of the US, hard to see a sizable opportunity.

Lease returns will start to roll in soon. That's another factor.
In any case he can rightly be proud of what he accomplished. A car company making perhaps the best, most innovative vehicles in the world is not something any other founding CEO alive can claim. And no Elon doesn't count: he was never a founder as much as he'd like to pretend otherwise.
The biggest alarm bell for me was when he said they may decide to bring the ADAS development in house. My reaction was HELL NO! We think we've got ADAS issues now, our cars will be slamming into side rails if Lucid decides to bring it in house. They're nowhere near staffed or advanced enough in software development to take this on.
Based on Lucid's track record, I can't see how they can do ADAS on their own.

Lucid is better off contracting ADAS or buy a solution anew. That's not easy either!
I agree... I could see him best serving lucid as CTO given his proven record as an excellent car engineer. I don't think he's a great CEO, however so I welcome the change. The company has withered for far too long waiting for certain improvements in areas like marketing. I think overall this is positive. The after hours market seems to agree.
Peter should have been appointed at CTO. Sure they have Air and Gravity with the Zeus drivetrain and then the midsize with the Atlas drivetrain but what comes AFTER that? Peter’s DNA is in the company. Sort of foolish to cut him out of the company and make him a Board advisor only. Sad.
How do they expect to produce and sell 20,000 vehicles in 2025 per the guidance today, when they’ve barely delivered 50 Gravity units, mostly to so called friends and family? The Air market is already capped at 10,000–12,000 unless they resort to heavy discounts. Given the slow ramp-up for Gravity, they’ll likely fall short again. It’s time to sell the stock and exit. Peter saw the writing on the wall—Lucid’s inability to scale and operate at volume is exactly why he stepped down.
Have you ever met Peter? There is ZERO chance he abandoned Lucid. No fucking way!
How do they expect to produce and sell 20,000 vehicles in 2025 per the guidance today, when they’ve barely delivered 50 Gravity units, mostly to so called friends and family? The Air market is already capped at 10,000–12,000 unless they resort to heavy discounts. Given the slow ramp-up for Gravity, they’ll likely fall short again. It’s time to sell the stock and exit. Peter saw the writing on the wall—Lucid’s inability to scale and operate at volume is exactly why he stepped down.
I disagree on Air 2025 sales. I think there is room to double Air sales in 2025 to 20,000+, even more. Current discounts are plenty, and make Air very competitive in a category of EV luxury sedans dominated by Tesla Model S, especially now with what’s happening with Elon’s involvement in essentially running the government
Peter should have been appointed at CTO. Sure they have Air and Gravity with the Zeus drivetrain and then the midsize with the Atlas drivetrain but what comes AFTER that? Peter’s DNA is in the company. Sort of foolish to cut him out of the company and make him a Board advisor only. Sad.
That is why I don't believe he was forced out.
Out as CEO and CTO? No.

I think there was disgreement with the Board from a purely managerial perspective (power struggle), they asked him to remain as CTO for his technical leadership, he declined considering all he has done in 12 years, they asked him to advise the Board Chair, he said ok, but that's it. I can see a disagreement about outsourcing/partnering vs. remaining in-house on software refinement. Peter says in-house. Board says seek partner to get things back on schedule and prevent slow software updates in the future.

They definitely needed a CTO on the call today to answer questions. No Peter.
Their challenge is to find not only a CEO, but also a CTO as good as Peter.

We can speculate all day/night and never know the actual reason(s).
During the call I think I heard someone say "Put June 1 on your calendar.".
Is that correct?
The transcript isn't online yet, so ... .
My suspicion, which is pure speculation, is that the Gravity delay was the final straw, and that he was asked to step into purely a technical role. My guess is he didn’t want to do that, because he sees this as his baby, and rightfully so (from his perspective). He is a CEO who runs in founder-mode, not a professional manager.

It is entirely possible Lucid needs a professional manager right now. It is also entirely possible this is a huge mistake and they scale too early, and lose their technical lead.

Yet another possibility is that he goes and starts something else eventually, and Lucid wants him back, NEXT-Apple style. Unlikely? Dno. Crazier things have happened. Bit9 acquired Carbon Black, renamed it Bit9 Carbon Black then a year later changed the name of the whole company to Carbon Black again, because Bit9 sucks. So who acquired whom? ;)

But what isn’t likely is that he… just gave up suddenly without seeing it through. Zero chance he was like “this Tuesday seems like a good time to retire, why not” lol
That is why I don't believe he was forced out.
Out as CEO and CTO? No.

I think there was disgreement with the Board from a purely managerial perspective (power struggle), they asked him to remain as CTO for his technical leadership, he declined considering all he has done in 12 years, they asked him to advise the Board Chair, he said ok, but that's it. I can see a disagreement about outsourcing/partnering vs. remaining in-house on software refinement. Peter says in-house. Board says seek partner to get things back on schedule and prevent slow software updates in the future.

They definitely needed a CTO on the call today to answer questions. No Peter.
Their challenge is to find not only a CEO, but also a CTO as good as Peter.

We can speculate all day/night and never know the actual reason(s).
Precisely. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Decades of intimately seeing boards operate close-up tells me this is what likely happened.

But it’s just speculation, to be clear. Don’t trade on anything anyone says here. None of us know shit.
My suspicion, which is pure speculation, is that the Gravity delay was the final straw, and that he was asked to step into purely a technical role. My guess is he didn’t want to do that, because he sees this as his baby, and rightfully so (from his perspective). He is a CEO who runs in founder-mode, not a professional manager.

It is entirely possible Lucid needs a professional manager right now. It is also entirely possible this is a huge mistake and they scale too early, and lose their technical lead.

Yet another possibility is that he goes and starts something else eventually, and Lucid wants him back, NEXT-Apple style. Unlikely? Dno. Crazier things have happened. Bit9 acquired Carbon Black, renamed it Bit9 Carbon Black then a year later changed the name of the whole company to Carbon Black again, because Bit9 sucks. So who acquired whom? ;)

But what isn’t likely is that he… just gave up suddenly without seeing it through. Zero chance he was like “this Tuesday seems like a good time to retire, why not” lol
The Bit9 conundrum reminds me of another “reverse acquisition” under the guise of an “direct acquisition”.


The fall of Boeing-

I hope he comes back in a big way, and is my custom to root for the underdog, I hope Lucid has to buy NEXT and Rawlinson back…
Have you ever met Peter? There is ZERO chance he abandoned Lucid. No fucking way
Yes. I have met him at the Tyson’s Flagship studio. I’m a big fan of his work and his vision but this definitely seems like a mix of everything together. Lucid has failed consistently with the initial targets and other promises over the years in terms of car launches, scaling, mass production, software updates, features etc. you can discount last year with the 10k sales with super aggressive 1& month leases. This year will be different. They launched gravity in Nov and got maybe 1k orders. For 3 months there is barely any noise on that regarding to the test drives, customer delivery’s etc. A 30 second commercial is not gonna cut it. He knew what’s coming up and also let’s be practical. Current lucid service center delays with a total of 20k lifetime fleet cars are already stressed and overloaded with appointments stretching out 3 weeks plus. Imagine having 50k cars or 100k on the road with a million issues. Anyways - let’s revisit this topic. I believe the stock will dive down to lows we have never seen before and eventually The Saudis may pull the plug or take it private for damage control and prolly selling intellectual property.
I agree with you that the upside of the US market is limited. Even outside of the US, hard to see a sizable opportunity.

Lease returns will start to roll in soon. That's another factor.
Should be more than 50% returns on the lease. I intend to return my lease two months before its expiration in Mid October. Good riddance!
Yes. I have met him at the Tyson’s Flagship studio. I’m a big fan of his work and his vision but this definitely seems like a mix of everything together. Lucid has failed consistently with the initial targets and other promises over the years in terms of car launches, scaling, mass production, software updates, features etc. you can discount last year with the 10k sales with super aggressive 1& month leases. This year will be different. They launched gravity in Nov and got maybe 1k orders. For 3 months there is barely any noise on that regarding to the test drives, customer delivery’s etc. A 30 second commercial is not gonna cut it. He knew what’s coming up and also let’s be practical. Current lucid service center delays with a total of 20k lifetime fleet cars are already stressed and overloaded with appointments stretching out 3 weeks plus. Imagine having 50k cars or 100k on the road with a million issues. Anyways - let’s revisit this topic. I believe the stock will dive down to lows we have never seen before and eventually The Saudis may pull the plug or take it private for damage control and prolly selling intellectual property.
I wonder how low it will have to go and how long until it is delisted… I hope it continues; and goes up. Also I hope the saudis don’t pull the plug;

I wonder how low it will have to go and how long until it is delisted… I hope it continues; and goes up. Also I hope the saudis don’t pull the plug;

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Let’s see what the next few quarters bring to the table. I’m anticipating maybe 2-3k gravity deliveries this year which will not make a dent to the overall forecast.
Yes. I have met him at the Tyson’s Flagship studio. I’m a big fan of his work and his vision but this definitely seems like a mix of everything together. Lucid has failed consistently with the initial targets and other promises over the years in terms of car launches, scaling, mass production, software updates, features etc. you can discount last year with the 10k sales with super aggressive 1& month leases. This year will be different. They launched gravity in Nov and got maybe 1k orders. For 3 months there is barely any noise on that regarding to the test drives, customer delivery’s etc. A 30 second commercial is not gonna cut it. He knew what’s coming up and also let’s be practical. Current lucid service center delays with a total of 20k lifetime fleet cars are already stressed and overloaded with appointments stretching out 3 weeks plus. Imagine having 50k cars or 100k on the road with a million issues. Anyways - let’s revisit this topic. I believe the stock will dive down to lows we have never seen before and eventually The Saudis may pull the plug or take it private for damage control and prolly selling intellectual property.
@FA14's comments are right on!

No one is disputing Rawlinson's engineering brilliance. But, Lucid is a business. not a religion. It needs to serve its customers vis-a-vis, launching products on time, deliver what they promised, communicate schedules and issues, respond to customer's issues. If the company cannot succeed financially, it is all for not! As I noted in a separate post, Nikolai Tesla was also a brilliant engineer, perhaps technically much better than his boss Thomas Edison. But Tesla never succeeded in business even though his technical ideas were right-on (e.g., AC power, wireless, etc.).

It is not a cake-walk for Lucid even with Rawlinson out. Doubling the car shipment in 2025 and launching Gravity are monumental tasks!
Should be more than 50% returns on the lease. I intend to return my lease two months before its expiration in Mid October. Good riddance!

Your reaction is totally fair. I’ve had this car for 11 months now - deep into an 18-month lease - and trust me, I have really tried to like it. I wanted to love it. I wanted to be that person who says, “Oh, you just don’t get it!” But after five plus trips to the shop, a few mobile appointments and constant battles with things as basic as door locks and CarPlay, I’ve accepted my fate. It’s like being in a toxic relationship: the highs are amazing, but the daily nonsense slowly drains your soul. Like many on this forum, I love the way it drives—but I hate the way it drives me insane over the simplest things.
During the call I think I heard someone say "Put June 1 on your calendar.".
Is that correct?
The transcript isn't online yet, so ... .
I think he send end of Q1