"Announced CEO transition..." Rawlinson out as CEO

Air sales doubled since last year, they will sell at least 15k airs and add to that 5k Gravity. Easy to reach 20k.
Maybe outside the US but I do think the Air probably only has about a 10K to 12K annual delivery in the US at least. Sedans simply don't sell well in the US and outside the US the Air is a very pricey vehicle.
Air sales doubled since last year, they will sell at least 15k airs and add to that 5k Gravity. Easy to reach 20k.
Doubling from 5k to 10k is not the same path to 20k….especially 1st quarter is almost 2/3rds gone and no sign of gravity anywhere for even a test drive. Let’s revisit this topic end of 2nd quarter with the sales numbers.
Just my own 2 cents...but market reaction is likely due to short covering. Founder/CEO abrupt exit of a public company can be signs of a company engaging in strategic alternatives, which increases the probability of a turnaround or potential sale - which is bad for shorts. This is speculation but not wild spec. All things being equal, this seems like owners and board v. mgmt dispute. I hope they are able to turn this ship around or give it to a well capitalized buyer that needs a primary US based EV business to help curb any potential tariffs. And finally to double production, seems to me like they are going to cut price with the hope that they make certain efficiency gains in manufacturing.
They should have a pretty good handle on actual sales prices now and then can compensate needing to drop price by $7500 so that there is no effect of any tax credits changes. But 20K units is going to include a much larger share going to Middle East I suspect.
Agreed, Lucid is Rawlinson's baby and is quite literally the culmination of all his work. There’s no way he would voluntarily relinquish that, but who knows at this point.
I'd disagree. He's not young, and is leaving at a high point. A rare and rewarding way to finish a storied career.
seems to me like they are going to cut price with the hope that they make certain efficiency gains in manufacturing.

Cut prices further? I think the price cuts have already reached the point of diminishing the perceived 'flagship/premium' value of these outstanding vehicles, and then some. At some point, less is just less.
Agreed, Lucid is Rawlinson's baby and is quite literally the culmination of all his work. There’s no way he would voluntarily relinquish that, but who knows at this point.
In the Savagegeese interview, he seemed to acknowledge he was stretched very thin doing way too many things....
Cut prices further? I think the price cuts have already reached the point of diminishing the perceived 'flagship/premium' value of these outstanding vehicles, and then some. At some point, less is just less.
Yes but in Germany and Europe the prices are quite high relative to competition (think BMW and MB local prices with no import costs as opposed to the Pure costing 93K over there).
In fact, Peter’s abrupt departure was the first question analysts focused on. They mentioned how highly unusual is that to happen before the earning calls, the fact that he wasn’t there and the fact that he is not sticking around in the role until a replacement is found. If this was a managed exit, he would have stuck around and probably be even part of finding a successor. Having seen this play out in the industry, my only conclusion was he was forced out. Unless he resigned over major disagreements.

I am curious how others felt about the earning call today. I felt like others were not really prepared to handle the QA. I miss Peter’s confident and detailed answers on the questions as well as plugging in any gaps Gagan or others answers. I hope they find a good CEO soon and the new CFO is up to speed very fast.

Some other highlights.

* Hands-free is coming later this year - may be sooner.
* They were asked about end to end AI and didn’t have a great answer. My summary of the answer was it is rapidly evolving and they are figuring out their play including doing in-house or not
* Gravity is production/supply constrained
*12% bottom line impact if Mexico and Canada tariff move forward

Curious what stood out for others.
They should have a pretty good handle on actual sales prices now and then can compensate needing to drop price by $7500 so that there is no effect of any tax credits changes. But 20K units is going to include a much larger share going to Middle East I suspect.
aren't most of the volume (85+%) related to leases?
He was forced out . We have seen this scenario before. If things were good with the board he would stick around for the victory lap ( Gravity selling in good numbers) before stepping away …
Probably the right move for Lucid. Doesn't look good for Rawlinson. A necessary move nevertheless!
Cut prices further? I think the price cuts have already reached the point of diminishing the perceived 'flagship/premium' value of these outstanding vehicles, and then some. At some point, less is just less.
Lucid Airs have been on the road for a few years and they launched initially in their largest market. The initial bolus of early adopters are likely gone, so next you have incremental buyers which to me doesn't seem like a logical market to nearly double sales...unless the Gravity takes off and/or they cut prices on the Air to help stimulate demand. Could also be factoring in a bunch of leases expiring and consumers rolling into another Lucid Air lease. This is all speculation, so take it with a grain of salt but solid state batteries are coming and that will level the playing field on range, probably behooves them to get in front of that
He was forced out . We have seen this scenario before. If things were good with the board he would stick around for the victory lap ( Gravity selling in good numbers) before stepping away …
No question he was forced out. "Advisor to the Chairman of the Board" is telegraphing to the community that a change was required and has been enacted.

As a technical founder of multiple startups myself I both marveled at Peter's ability to span the detailed technical role as well as manage the business side and questioned it. At a certain scale I believe that no one, not even Elon, Jensen, or Jobs can do both to the level needed without sacrificing something, so keeping both the CTO and CEO title seemed like it had a half-life. I also know from a bunch of the Tesla guys that for all the positives of his iron fisted design control on the Model S there were negatives- many whisper that it resulted in a marvel of packaging that couldn't be mass produced without huge effort. I suspect he learned from that experience tactically, but strategically did he continue to hold on too tightly?

In any case he can rightly be proud of what he accomplished. A car company making perhaps the best, most innovative vehicles in the world is not something any other founding CEO alive can claim. And no Elon doesn't count: he was never a founder as much as he'd like to pretend otherwise.
They were asked about end to end AI and didn’t have a great answer. My summary of the answer was it is rapidly evolving and they are figuring out their play including doing in-house or not
The biggest alarm bell for me was when he said they may decide to bring the ADAS development in house. My reaction was HELL NO! We think we've got ADAS issues now, our cars will be slamming into side rails if Lucid decides to bring it in house. They're nowhere near staffed or advanced enough in software development to take this on.