Maybe the Air is more or just as efficient at 2.9 mi/kWhr and 155 miles traveled,
the 2023 Air is 3.1mi/kWhr and 144 miles traveled
Taycan is 2.7 mi/kWhr and 193 miles traveled
Model S is 2.9 mu/kWhr and 132 miles traveled
This efficiency number is based on miles driven divided by power delivered from the charger. The test starts by preconditioning the battery, start charging at 10%, charge 15 minutes, drive 80 mph until half the added range is used, turn around, start preconditioning and drive back to the charger. Hence, the energy used to precondition is included in this as well as any energy used to cool the battery during charging. Cars that charge faster will use more energy to cool the battery during charging. The bottom line is that this in not the usual efficiency number that we think of because it is confounded my many other variables. I don't think that
@momo3605 efficiency numbers really have any meaning in this context. It does well in the test because of fast charging and efficient driving, not its battery size which is not really a factor in the test.