I can see how this can be annoying and distracting at night. This could also affect other shorter drivers that just so happen to have their seating position with their eyeline at that level, but for those individuals you could position yourself lower. For you, I guess you can't get into a position that reduces the effect.
It would be interesting to see what Lucid says and if they take it into account for future iterations, weather it be new glass manufacturer, altered design, lowered seating position, etc. If they do, then I would be very impressed by how Lucid handles it. I mean when you didn't fit into the R8, did you write to the higher ups at Audi and ask to speak with the engineers? I don't believe the R8 has a height limit, but did you ask them to put it in their disclaimers? I bet Audi didn't even bothered to address it. If Lucid does, then wow. Keep us updated.