Warning: Eye strain, Split vision, and headache for tall drivers

Could you DM me his email address? What is his position at Lucid? Much appreciated. As @windscar911 said, I would like to keep this "in the family" and give Lucid the opportunity to make things right as they have shown an amazing willingness to do what they need to to make the Air the car its supposed to be.
[email protected] for all employees.
This occurs because of the curvature of the glass and at what angle you are looking through it. Since the glass is laminated, it makes it more noticeable. Model X owners have the same issue like you stated. Unless they find a new supplier, with a different manufacturing technique, this may not be easily rectifiable. It still does not guarantee that the double image won't occur. This would truly mean a complete redesign of the front windshield and the degree of curvature, and this in turn would change the aerodynamics of the vehicle.

To say this is a widespread safety issue, is not really accurate, as it only really affects people who look through the glass at a certain height and seat position at night with incoming head lights. I'm not down playing this defect, but I think this would be a much harder ask of any one up the chain to quickly fix this, but definitely worth bringing up.
This occurs because of the curvature of the glass and at what angle you are looking through it. Since the glass is laminated, it makes it more noticeable. Model X owners have the same issue like you stated. Unless they find a new supplier, with a different manufacturing technique, this may not be easily rectifiable. It still does not guarantee that the double image won't occur. This would truly mean a complete redesign of the front windshield and the degree of curvature, and this in turn would change the aerodynamics of the vehicle.

To say this is a widespread safety issue, is not really accurate, as it only really affects people who look through the glass at a certain height and seat position at night with incoming head lights. I'm not down playing this defect, but I think this would be a much harder ask of any one up the chain to quickly fix this, but definitely worth bringing up.
It is both a health and safety issue if this is the only part of the windshield that you can view out of. Granted, the average size man is 5’10”, there are a lot of us over 6’2”. While it is a non-event for the shorter folks, it is a non-starter for those of us with a few more inches. I didn’t by the R8 I wanted years ago because I couldn’t fit inside the car. If Lucid is designing cars with a height limit, it should be disclosed.
It is both a health and safety issue if this is the only part of the windshield that you can view out of. Granted, the average size man is 5’10”, there are a lot of us over 6’2”. While it is a non-event for the shorter folks, it is a non-starter for those of us with a few more inches. I didn’t by the R8 I wanted years ago because I couldn’t fit inside the car. If Lucid is designing cars with a height limit, it should be disclosed.
I think a lower seat position would maybe be easier than redesigning the windshield? I get that the battery is down below, but I wonder if they could redesign the front seats or their attachment to make a lower position possible?

While there are actually relatively few humans who are over 6'2", I agree they should either find a fix for this, or disclose that if you are that height, you should maybe consider another car.
I think a lower seat position would maybe be easier than redesigning the windshield? I get that the battery is down below, but I wonder if they could redesign the front seats or their attachment to make a lower position possible?

While there are actually relatively few humans who are over 6'2", I agree they should either find a fix for this, or disclose that if you are that height, you should maybe consider another car.
Definitely an issue, as without any real data to support this idea, I swear Europeans are taller than the average American. So with the introduction into Europe, this might cause a bigger issue.
Definitely an issue, as without any real data to support this idea, I swear Europeans are taller than the average American. So with the introduction into Europe, this might cause a bigger issue.
If they plan to sell in the Netherlands, for sure. The Dutch are the only people who make me feel short.
I'm 6'4" and I already have the seat all the way down.....and it's right in the middle of my normal vision.

That being said, it's not THAT bad. If they said I had to live with it or get rid of car.....I'd definitely live with it. It's more a minor annoyance to me than a danger issue.
I'm 6'4" and I already have the seat all the way down.....and it's right in the middle of my normal vision.

That being said, it's not THAT bad. If they said I had to live with it or get rid of car.....I'd definitely live with it. It's more a minor annoyance to me than a danger issue.
Yeah I think it all comes down to how the blurred vision effects you.
It causes more than normal eye strain for me and headaches for @DolphinTale.

I'm willing to try anything to help mitigate this issue.
It is both a health and safety issue if this is the only part of the windshield that you can view out of. Granted, the average size man is 5’10”, there are a lot of us over 6’2”. While it is a non-event for the shorter folks, it is a non-starter for those of us with a few more inches. I didn’t by the R8 I wanted years ago because I couldn’t fit inside the car. If Lucid is designing cars with a height limit, it should be disclosed.

I can see how this can be annoying and distracting at night. This could also affect other shorter drivers that just so happen to have their seating position with their eyeline at that level, but for those individuals you could position yourself lower. For you, I guess you can't get into a position that reduces the effect.

It would be interesting to see what Lucid says and if they take it into account for future iterations, weather it be new glass manufacturer, altered design, lowered seating position, etc. If they do, then I would be very impressed by how Lucid handles it. I mean when you didn't fit into the R8, did you write to the higher ups at Audi and ask to speak with the engineers? I don't believe the R8 has a height limit, but did you ask them to put it in their disclaimers? I bet Audi didn't even bothered to address it. If Lucid does, then wow. Keep us updated.
I can see how this can be annoying and distracting at night. This could also affect other shorter drivers that just so happen to have their seating position with their eyeline at that level, but for those individuals you could position yourself lower. For you, I guess you can't get into a position that reduces the effect.

It would be interesting to see what Lucid says and if they take it into account for future iterations, weather it be new glass manufacturer, altered design, lowered seating position, etc. If they do, then I would be very impressed by how Lucid handles it. I mean when you didn't fit into the R8, did you write to the higher ups at Audi and ask to speak with the engineers? I don't believe the R8 has a height limit, but did you ask them to put it in their disclaimers? I bet Audi didn't even bothered to address it. If Lucid does, then wow. Keep us updated.
Since you obviously have no horse in this race I am trying to figure out why you feel your fanboy input is at all relevant? Don't play me stupid.

For your reference, no one at Lucid has responded to my and @windscar911 emails asking for a dialogue.
Since you obviously have no horse in this race I am trying to figure out why you feel your fanboy input is at all relevant? Don't play me stupid.

For your reference, no one at Lucid has responded to my emails asking for a dialogue.
I'm actually just interested to see if Lucid can address the issue for you so that you can enjoy the car like many of us are able to, without the nuisance of distorted or double vision. Migraines and headaches are no joke. No need to get snarky. Call me what you will, no harm to me. I meant no ill will. Just curious. I'm not "playing you stupid" at all nor did I intend to.
It's been completely fine so far. I also own a 911 so I think I just naturally duck more than most.

My wife at 5'7" has bumped her head getting in once but she was distracted(during delivery).
i'm 6'3" , also had a 911 so no problem for me getting in and out of this car. 😆
I'm test driving an Air in New Jersey on Friday; from what I understand it's a fairly recent build. I'll definitely look out for this because I'm 6'4" and I know this would drive me absolutely nuts. Will report back.
Re: double vision windshield.....they are picking my car up Monday for a variety of reasons. They mentioned they are going to look at the windshield and probably replace it. I'll let everyone know what they find and if they replace.
I heard back from Zak Edson, VP Sales and Service and was told the engineering team is looking into what can be done to minimize the effect. Also got a call from Lucid Riviera Beach that they have the new windshield on order and just waiting for delivery. Fingers crossed that we can get some resolution for myself, and those who have no choice but to look through this upper region of the windshield.
I'm test driving an Air in New Jersey on Friday; from what I understand it's a fairly recent build. I'll definitely look out for this because I'm 6'4" and I know this would drive me absolutely nuts. Will report back.
Alright, reporting back. I sat in three Airs, including a GT with a 5800 VIN. All of them had the double image described previously (see photo attached). Real bummer.


  • PXL_20221028_165943475.MP.webp
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It may be me, but I don't believe this is what others were talking about. What you're showing here is the reflection of the dash and stitching.

What Me, and some others, are referring to is this:

Double vision.webp

See how the headlights are showing up multiple times ABOVE the actual headlights? If I were to move the camera UP or DOWN by 6 inches, those duplications would disappear.
It may be me, but I don't believe this is what others were talking about. What you're showing here is the reflection of the dash and stitching.

What Me, and some others, are referring to is this:

View attachment 6149

See how the headlights are showing up multiple times ABOVE the actual headlights? If I were to move the camera UP or DOWN by 6 inches, those duplications would disappear.
The doubling of the stitch is caused by the same thing. If you zoom in you can see that the stitch appears multiple times. If I'd moved the camera down a bit that doubling also disappeared.
The doubling of the stitch is caused by the same thing. If you zoom in you can see that the stitch appears multiple times.
Thank you sir! I stand corrected!
The doubling of the stitch is caused by the same thing. If you zoom in you can see that the stitch appears multiple times. If I'd moved the camera down a bit that doubling also disappeared.
Yes, its quite noticable in my agt too.