The car I believe begins it's book sequence when you get near it. With FOB in pocket, it's not consistent on the range, but that could be a number of factors. Typically, car doors will come out and mirrors will unfold within 5 feet of vehicle. Sometimes it doesn't open until I get near the door and other times it doesn't open at all until I push the door handle in to activate the unlock. Either way, there have been just a couple times where I walk up, get in and want to engage a gear within 20 seconds. These are the times where if the system hasn't finished booting up or loading, I will sometimes run into issues with the camera system. Sometimes it works fine even when I rush to get the car going. It's not something I can consistently reproduce with any regularity. The NAV system, though is like what dawktah said, it will not auto-load it. You have to push the nav button and then it will load the NAV system within 5 seconds, but it is not natively online. Works fine after loading, but it seems to asleep until activated.
Thinking about it from the point of view of efficiency, it seems like a lot of functions are slower to load in order to save on the battery drain. The car takes quite a bit longer to "wake up" via the app than through the Tesla app and the car autolocks itself even when I've been sitting inside after a period of time. I hope they implement some more personalization options.