Peace out and culture adventure ahead

South America bound for cruise. I will strive to spot Latin American EVs this time.
Smart ED3 fortwo coup (2012~2016)

Body Type: compact car
Drivetrain: RWD
Powertrain: 74 HP
Acceleration: 12.5 Sec (0-60mph)
Top Speed: 75 mph
Battery: 17.6 kWh
Electric range: 68 miles (EPA)
Max Charging Power (AC): 3.6 kW
Max Charging Power (DC): N/A
Curb weight: 2108 lb
Price Range: $25,750
Spot location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Honda Fit EV (2013~2014)

Body Type: 5 seaters hatchback
Drivetrain: FWD
Powertrain: 123 HP
Acceleration: 8.3 Sec (0-60mph)
Top Speed: 92 mph
Battery: 20 kWh
Electric range: 82 miles (EPA)
Max Charging Power (AC): 6.6 kW
Max Charging Power (DC): N/A
Curb weight: 3252 lb
Price Range: $37,400
Spot location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
While I was on 3 hours open top city bus tour of Argentina capital city Buenos Aires. I saw ZERO public charging station, ZERO Tesla, and ZERO CCS charging capable EVs, all level-2 AC only charging EVs. It’s like this country is decades behind compare to London, Paris and Amsterdam capital cities.
Chevy Calvalier bi-fuel car??? (???)

Body Type: 5-seaters sedan for taxi
Drivetrain: ???
Powertrain: ???
Acceleration: ??? Sec (0-60mph)
Top Speed: ??? mph
Battery: N/A
Electric range: N/A
Max Charging Power (AC): N/A
Max Charging Power (DC): N/A
Curb weight: ???? lb
Price Range: ????
Spot location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

I wasn’t even sure now if this was liquid natural gas or compressed natural gas that can alternate with petroleum for ICE. This is such a strange beast. I suppose it is doing well sale maybe after Ukraine-Russia war.
BYD K-series electric bus
(Build Your Dream e-bus)

Body Type: public bus
Passenger Capacity: 31 passengers + 1 driver
Powertrain: 200 HP 2x150 kW
Acceleration: 20 Sec (0-30 mph)
Top Speed: 60 mph
Battery: 313 kWh
Electric range: 157 miles
Normal Overnight Charge: 60 kW maximum power for 5h full charge
Fast Charge: 300 kW for 1 hr full charge
Curb weight: 40,000 lb
Price Range: $450,000 (cost 25% more than comparative diesel-bus)
Sighting location: Montevideo, Uraguay


***BYD calculates that a BYD e-bus over 8 years saves about $190,000 in energy costs over diesel-bus.
Last 3 ports excursions, Puerto Madryn, Punta Arenas, Ushuaia, I saw ZERO EV nor PHEV. I saw many different form of ICE models I never seen in the states. I feel very privileged to be living in the states to own EV. I see Argentina and Chile might take another 10~20 years to even have any EV or PHEV bc cost or grid related infrastructure issues.
Lucid isn't the only EV manufacturer in Az.
There's another one that I learned about today: Electra.
Cost: 15K, range 100 miles:


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    Electrica 2.webp
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Lucid isn't the only EV manufacturer in Az.
There's another one that I learned about today: Electra.
Cost: 15K, range 100 miles:
I think I saw this motortrike in Europe, it’s somewhere in this thread album.
I think I saw this motortrike in Europe, it’s somewhere in this thread album.
My first time seeing this innovation.
This car is certainly suited for European streets. It does have 4 wheels.
I am currently in Tokyo, Japan. The land of electric car desert. I only saw 2 EVs in hours and hours of walking in Tokyo. Both times were Tesla M3. I may have to post hybrid encounter instead.
I am currently in Tokyo, Japan. The land of electric car desert. I only saw 2 EVs in hours and hours of walking in Tokyo. Both times were Tesla M3. I may have to post hybrid encounter instead.
What you will see is crazy modded GTR, Lamborghini and Ferraris. I was surprised but the number of wrapped supercars on the streets of Tokyo.
Many, many EVs in Iceland. Except for the long cold season, EVs and geothermal/hydro power seen like a great combination.
In the passenger row of Tokyo taxi with big tablet screen playing nonstop commercials, this popped up.

Japan government is promoting and running commercials to ask all businesses and corporations to add EV charging stalls in their parking spaces to existing charging network in Japan. (Workplace, hotels, condominium)


It will cost ZERO for business to install, maintain monthly fee and free level-2 electricity fully subsidized by government.
What you will see is crazy modded GTR, Lamborghini and Ferraris. I was surprised but the number of wrapped supercars on the streets of Tokyo.
Yes, I see fascination of Lambo. In 4 days in Tokyo, I saw 1 Jeep Wrangler, 2 Tesla Model-3, 1 Chevy Camaro, 1 Dodge Hellcat, but 4 Lamborghini!!!!!


Somehow there are many German cars. My guess is Japanese car owners focus on gas consumption or engineering quality. I guess American cars don’t cut to the list.
Suzuki Alto ENE-Charge (Micro-car class)




¥14M~¥16.4M = $10,000 ~ $11,700 USD
