OTA version 2.1.33

When this came up in the Genesis forums, it was suggested that the voice was a choice made by the mapping company and not Genesis. Why, who knows? I'm assuming that's what happened here. I doubt Lucid had any control over this.
There is a very slim possibility that it was done intentionally as commentary on the quality of Here mapping guidance.
Different strokes for different folks. I’d prefer the accent color controls be buried in the settings and not wasting pilot panel screen space because it is just not something I want to change. The last time I set it was in the first week of ownership.
Still one of the "white" color ones? I think that's how you described it when we were sitting in my car. 😂
Yep! I prefer my car interior as boring and generic as possible 😂
And no buzzing! I still can't hear anything when I have Tidal in Atoms cranking! 😂 😂
And no buzzing! I still can't hear anything when I have Tidal in Atoms cranking! 😂 😂
It's true! I've complained elsewhere on this forum and am pretty much resigned that it's inherent to the design and myself and only a few others are bothered by it. Still holding out hope that one day Lucid will see fit to ameliorate it...
I wish I could have a music list on one of the screens and keep the navigation on the pilot panel or vice versa... I try not to use apple carplay as it is notorious for having a really bad microphone during a call.
Just got notification for the 2.1.33 update. Looks like range estimates for AWD pure, SXM WiFi handoff and UI improvements, and navigation improvements. I was too eager to start the update, so y'all will have to wait ~45 minutes for a screenshot. Sorry.
Just got notification for the 2.1.33 update. Looks like range estimates for AWD pure, SXM WiFi handoff and UI improvements, and navigation improvements. I was too eager to start the update, so y'all will have to wait ~45 minutes for a screenshot. Sorry.
Plz share about the UI and Nav improvements.. waiting for the update still...
Just got notification for the 2.1.33 update. Looks like range estimates for AWD pure, SXM WiFi handoff and UI improvements, and navigation improvements. I was too eager to start the update, so y'all will have to wait ~45 minutes for a screenshot. Sorry.
Much info about this can be found at www.lucidupdates.com.
SXM definitely feels snappier. Changing stations is very quick to start the new audio stream. I can't speak to the WiFi / cell handoff yet. I seemed to flummox the networking when I re-enabled the WiFi after it had already started streaming from the cellular. I'll try again later. (Side note, the carat ^ symbol is still missing from the keyboard.)

The nav adding traffic light / stop sign details for intersections is a nice new feature. And the timing of instructions does feel more natural, like the trigger point is accounting for the approach speed. Subtle but important changes.
the best thing about this update is that it is out. I have not received it yet but will soon. Keep in mind that this update was released 11 days after the last one. Not the most significant update, but a small and incrementally nice update. Getting updates every month and sometimes several in a month is a very good thing. Keep it up, Lucid!
Still waiting....
the best thing about this update is that it is out. I have not received it yet but will soon. Keep in mind that this update was released 11 days after the last one. Not the most significant update, but a small and incrementally nice update. Getting updates every month and sometimes several in a month is a very good thing. Keep it up, Lucid!
One of the features is not an improvement. My wife asked me yesterday why my navigation now sounds like a lady robot with a sore throat.
That mood lighting is such an underwhelming feature any way. Surprised anyone even notices it other than on the console.
I notice it on the door and footwell at night. Because both I and my husband have very different profile settings and sometimes the car gets confused, looking at the light in the door is the fastest way to tell which person the car thinks will be driving it.
All I want is to be able to shut off my turn signal by pushing the stalk in the same direction as my turn. THAT is the feature I would use the most.
That is literally not how it works in any other car, other than Tesla - I think? Is there another car that does it this way?
I would welcome that change, too. I had to remind myself that this is not the "normal" behavior, having come from a Tesla prior to my Air. But I do miss it. Seems like something they could do in software, so here's hoping.
Yeah - it’s just a Tesla thing. I’d be fine with it being a configurable feature, of course — it just doesn’t seem to make it to the top of the list, haha
I wonder if the update would increase or decrease my usual calculated range/remaining miles. Still waiting for the update to come to my baby.