Open letter to Lucid after 7 months of ownership

No, I've seen your posts about your issues.
That's what puzzled me
I guess the difference here is I' trying to separate my experiences with Lucid's GTM strategy.
Based on your ownership experiences, you know that errors are possible and you've "made room" for them. So you know that future owners may do the same as you. Good.
Sure, I'm willing to accept some errors I work in SaaS, we have them too! But the scale and impact of the issues is my gripe currently.
"On point" doesn't mean the absence of bugs. Good.
100% agree
I do believe they are holding on deliveries. However, Peter and Eric have stated that potential quality issues have to be dealt with as part of the full ramp process. So, I don't see a corner for them. We can disagree.

Heres hoping your Pure becomes all you want it to be ... and more!
sing it brother!
Of course not, that’s not the point. The point is that you don’t see Audi etc only release the Prestige then make people wait 9+ months to get the Premium or Premium Plus versions. The next model year is generally getting prepped to be sold.

If this factory can support 90,000 cars then I don’t understand why Lucid couldn’t have run both trims down the line at the same time. They’re not selling 90,000 of these things but surely they could’ve ramped up staff to deal with pushing 2 trims down the line from the get go or very soon after the GT.

The Air ramp up was abysmally slow and I feel Lucid lost a lot of sales because of that. Yes, inflation etc contributed but the time between trims wouldn’t have helped the situation.
It's all covered by Eric Bach along with references from Peter in this Inside EV article. Old discussion.

Even my 2022 $169k lucid handles these things just fine!
I want whatever special software the moderator team has on their Airs! Why do you guys get the ones with perfect software!? It's a true conspiracy!:eek:
I'll say it for those with issues from day one ... "Show Off!". :)
It wasn't always this way. Remember, I received my car on version 1.0.4. I promise you, even I was months away from selling it if they didn't get 2.0 out, and they did.

So, some of it is relative; I see how far they've come in a very short time period. Time flies when you're doing 0-60 in 3 seconds or less, but in reality, the car hasn't been around that long, and it has come a long, long way. Is it perfect? Far from it. But I'd still rather not be driving anything else. Other than a Gravity, maybe. :P

I still love tiny cars; I wish I had a Miata-esque Lucid. But if I had to pick one car as a daily driver that can do it all? This is it, until someone produces a better one.
It wasn't always this way. Remember, I received my car on version 1.0.4. I promise you, even I was months away from selling it if they didn't get 2.0 out, and they did.

So, some of it is relative; I see how far they've come in a very short time period. Time flies when you're doing 0-60 in 3 seconds or less, but in reality, the car hasn't been around that long, and it has come a long, long way. Is it perfect? Far from it. But I'd still rather not be driving anything else. Other than a Gravity, maybe. :P

I still love tiny cars; I wish I had a Miata-esque Lucid. But if I had to pick one car as a daily driver that can do it all? This is it, until someone produces a better one.
Size was my biggest concern about the Lucid. Like very few others (apparently including @borski) I prefer a smaller vehicle and the exterior size of the Lucid Air is about the size of a BMW 5 series, Mercedes E series. etc. I prefer something smaller. I am hopeful about the new midsize vehicle but only if, unlike most manufacturers, Lucid doesn't decide to decontent the midsized vehicle (It is okay with me to decontent it if they make it an option package; I am willing to pay for it, it just is difficult to find a small, luxurious and performance EV).
Will Gravity solve a lot of Software issues or create more Software debt they can’t keep up with?

I’ve seen time and time again that some poor hardware choices or hardware architecture can make software impossible to ever be really good. I’ve made some of those bad choices.

I’m hoping Gravity will be much better. By the time they actually start shipping in volume. Am I in fantasy land?

I’m an enthusiast but I have a short fuse if obvious things are not fixed at some reasonable rate.
Size was my biggest concern about the Lucid. Like very few others (apparently including @borski) I prefer a smaller vehicle and the exterior size of the Lucid Air is about the size of a BMW 5 series, Mercedes E series. etc. I prefer something smaller. I am hopeful about the new midsize vehicle but only if, unlike most manufacturers, Lucid doesn't decide to decontent the midsized vehicle (It is okay with me to decontent it if they make it an option package; I am willing to pay for it, it just is difficult to find a small, luxurious and performance EV).
I agree with you! The Air is the largest car I have owned by far. I too am hoping for a midsized sedan option that’s like the Air in every other way!! BTW, the AGT is such a wonderful drive that I have become accustomed to its size, but I just prefer the smaller footprint all else being equal…
Will Gravity solve a lot of Software issues or create more Software debt they can’t keep up with?

I’ve seen time and time again that some poor hardware choices or hardware architecture can make software impossible to ever be really good. I’ve made some of those bad choices.

I’m hoping Gravity will be much better. By the time they actually start shipping in volume. Am I in fantasy land?

I’m an enthusiast but I have a short fuse if obvious things are not fixed at some reasonable rate.
I think only Lucid employees working on Gravity or on software can answer this for sure. I expect Gravity to be much better for hardware selection/software than Air for a couple of reasons. Lucid is not likely to repeat the same mistakes twice. Lucid is also in a much better position to engage tier one suppliers now than five years ago because Lucid is much better known. The global supply chain is in much better shape now than when Air was in design and coming to market.
This in itself isn't a very flattering statement for Lucid to sell cars. Just because you're prepared to put up with it doesn't mean that others are.
I could say the same about Apple. Every update to any of the OS is a point where I just cringe. I've spent so much time on the phone with support to solve stupid things. Why won't my watch unlock my Mac anymore? Why are things not syncing correctly like they used to? Why did you reset notification options on me? And the list goes on. But I look at the overall product, the philosophy of the company, and the alternatives out there, and I still gladly pony up to pay the Apple premium. What I tell my friends, is I wish Apple would get better at certain things, but I'm still going to buy Apple because overall I'm happy.
It's all a matter of perspective. Those people who feel overwhelmed by waiting a few seconds for the door handle to open are very lucky people because they apparently have very few real problems in their lives.
No need for snark. I'm our case it's not seconds... Its minutes.

It seems to be case dependent
Our handles don't get stuck.
It's just that the car doesn't always recognize the phone or the fob or remote access from the app.

Again... No need for snark.
Your software keeps me from ordering my next Lucid or recommend it to anyone that is not an enthusiast. I understand that no software is perfect at any time, but the issues I and others are having, combined with a lack of fixes, lack of communication, lack of transparency, and a habit of consistently introducing new bugs with each new release, makes me say "no" to my next car being a Lucid. More than that, it makes me recommend against buying a Lucid to everyone that is asking and it's not an enthusiast.

Don't be fooled by the great support, feedback, and leniency that most of the people on this forum have. They are enthusiasts, willing to overlook most issues, because they love the other aspects of the car/brand or lucked out with a problem-free car. But the market that Lucid wants to conquer, that Lucid NEEDS in order to SURIVE, is not made of enthusiasts. It's made of average people that will NOT put up with all the issues that I and others have. Especially when you're paying an average of $90k. Once you get on the radar, you will be eviscerated and it will be very hard to recover from that.

I get it that you cannot get your software right, or at least not in the near future. But at a minimum you need more transparency, more communication, so people know what to expect. Keeping them in the dark will only increase the frustration. Most people here are adults, they can handle bad news. They already chose to take a risk buying your car, so they never expected perfection. Don't drive them away. Be honest with them, and they will understand your pains, make them believers.

Continuing with this strategy will work against you. It's math. A brand enthusiast will recommend Lucid to 10 other people. As it happens in life, all 10 will consider, but only 1 will buy. Now think of an unhappy owner. They will recommend against buying a Lucid to 10 people. Most probably that 10 out of 10 will not buy. Moreover, as people love to exaggerate and complain even though they never experienced a Lucid, they will start recommend against it while sipping on their Chardonnay at the next party in San Diego - just to show how knowledgeable and trendy they are. You have an snowball effect, that might or not be fair, but bad news spreads like fire nowadays. In my 7 months with Lucid, I already had 2 acquittances coming out of nowhere, looking at me like I was crazy for driving a Lucid, based on the "feedback" they got from a third cousin of an uncle of a step brother that had issues with their Lucid. Imagine how many times they said that to others.

I don't pretend to have solutions for the pickle you are in. I'm just providing feedback and (unsolicited) opinion, as someone that can hold two thoughts in their head at the same time: 1) I love the Lucid brand, and my AGT; 2) I cannot recommend it to the non-enthusiast crowd that we're hosting one a month. Moreover, if they are asking, I would recommend against it, because I don't think they will be willing to put up with the issues I dealing with.

I am leading my 5th engineering group, in just as many companies, and I know how tough it is to get it right, especially on a time and budget crunch. As an Executive, the buck stops with me, regardless who screwed up or what happened. The board, or the CEO doesn't care, that's why they are paying me, they want solutions. The only thing that helped, even when I did not have a solid solution for a given issue, was transparency and communication. People will still hate the issue, but they will understand what's behind it, the constraints that I am dealing with. That builds trust. And sometimes trust acts like an investment that keeps you solvent, until you can fix the core issues.

I hope that your current strategy will work and I will be proven wrong, as just another rambling mouth. I would love nothing more than this brand to succeed. Break a leg 🤞 ❤️ 🐻
Send it to customer support, Lucid does not read the forums.
No need for snark. I'm our case it's not seconds... Its minutes.

It seems to be case dependent
Our handles don't get stuck.
It's just that the car doesn't always recognize the phone or the fob or remote access from the app.

Again... No need for snark.
Minutes? Using mobile key? Contact service, something is wrong. And I like snark. Deal with it.
I'm our case it's more than seconds. Probably a "race" condition. Not uncommon software problem.

In 27 months of ownership I have never had a delay of handle presentation that lasted more than a few seconds and I have never heard of anyone standing there waiting for minutes. If that is the case with your car, there is a serious issue at hand with your vehicle that needs to be investigated .

Now on the other hand, I have had several instances where I have walked away from the car and the handles did not return to a closed position and the car stayed on, but that is a different beast.
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