Open letter to Lucid after 29 months of ownership

I'm sorry but this (above) is not the post I intended. I had a better argument but the time limit on the edit resulted in an unrefined argument.

She doesn't like the paint color choices ( except the Fathom Blue) . She loves the Sapphire blue but has no idea what the car is. No clue.
And more importantly, no idea what it costs.

I have an idea what the Sapphire is, but am now too old to get even close to what it takes to use or dare to explore it's adroitness.

I was thinking I could snag a DE-P (sorry I had no time to edit above post) and wrap it in whatever color she prefers, and get a set of winter tires and wheels. I'd be more than happy with that compromise.


Today, as Hell is literally cold ...( lows 4 F tonight, 2 on Tuesday ... etc ) I'm re-considering the Sapphire.

I'm reaching out to you Dear Friends ... help me with my argument. I'm old, and I have no time to waste.
Mr. Rawlinson publicly acknowledged the software is not optimal, so not sure what to make of the folks that are flabbergasted that a large segment are in fact dealing with software issues.

With that said, if you fight through the issues and listen to the knowledgeable pioneers that freely offer their wisdom and advice, you'll uncover a really great car. I did that and we're on a good run here of reboot free enjoyment. I guess my takeaway is don't let these issues get ahold of you and take you down a negative rabbit hole. At this price point its easy to fall into the entitlement trap but take it as a life lesson for keeping perspective. #longlivelucid