The problem as it seems from where I’m sitting (which is probably FAR from where most of you come from in terms of ownership and/or experience with luxury brands and tech) is that we are so used to receiving instant results/gratification because we have the whole world AT OUR FINGERTIPS, almost 24/7! Most on this forum are older than I am, and I beg you to just sit in your Lucid and recall your childhood and how much technology has EXPLODED at such an exponential rate, hell even the past 25 years since Y2K! A few months of waiting for software issues is chump change in the grand scheme of things. Also last time I checked vehicles are for “driving” and not “technology”, but I guess I’m an old-soul at heart. The problem is exacerbated due to social media and co-rumination of problem X or Y and letting those emotions fester and not stopping to think about how folks at Lucid HQ are almost guaranteed to be working hard to resolve the UX/software issues at hand. Do I think Lucid should be more transparent about prospective solutions to these issues? Yeah probably, but is it their job to broadcast these “potential” solutions just so we feel better? No, it’s their job to actually do the damn thing and make it happen. If you think otherwise you’ve most likely lost so much faith in the company you should probably go invest in another mode of transportation…just my .02