October OTA Updates

No Lucid dream but I woke up and found that wonderful little dot and a pushed notification on my phone. Update started at 6:27 AM PST while my car is at the detailer getting its PPF installed. His shop is usually closed on Sundays so I hope he is not comiing in today to do any touchup work since I am supposed to pick it up tomorrow. The update is via LTE. Fingers crossed!
Some odd tidbits off of the bat. There is far less lag than before but still enough to notice within selecting a button and waiting for the screen to render under the top screen tabs. This is noticeable but far better than before.

Still odd state issues like duplicate linked key entries for mobile. A new oddity when synchronized closing of the bottom vs top cameras are out of sync. You can now leave one on without the other.

The bottom panel is basically instant.

No changes to the weird charging limit situation (can only set a limit if your current charge is under that limit).

Super happy with the left button changes for frunk and defrost.

Overall, this is the starting point we wanted!
Is it me or is forum slow?
Gee, I wonder why? 🤔
What's the indication the update failed? It would be useful to know if this happens to others in the future. Did you ask @Firstto520 and his team to re-send it to you? Thanks.

Certainly this is very disappointing, especially when it happens to a Forum Moderator.
The app gave me a notification it failed and to contact customer care.
Side question, this update does _not_ include highway assist yet correct?
Correct. Also, I would hold off on any feedback until the whole package of updates is pushed. This is only 2/4...
Correct. Also, I would hold off on any feedback until the whole package of updates is pushed. This is only 2/4...
Yeah, less of feedback for Lucid and more of experience expectations feedback for everyone else. The package is not complete yet. There very likely should be a separate thread spun up after the initial 4 part rollout for reporting things.
Is there any way to confirm that the software loaded successfully if you do not have access to the car?

The download said 43% on the app and then when I checked 15 minutes later, it just went to the normal screen in the app, no indication of failure, just 43% to done. It took a little over 2 hours to get to this point, but I am downloading over LTE while car is parked at the body shop.
Based off all the other updates we've seen that would indicate a completion. The app will notify you if it failed to update.