October OTA Updates

Hmm, they eliminated the Average miles/kw on the display? Or am I missing that I have to turn it on somewhere? I always like seeing that
I noticed that too. Knowing there are two more updates coming over the next week, I wanted to wait until all of them had been applied before making critiques. I have a vague memory of one of them being specific to range calculations. @borski, care to weigh in?
Got notified at 3:25a eastern, notification woke me up, started update. Going to go out to car shortly.
Is there a reason to leave the fobs in the car with this update?
It updates the firmware to put them to sleep to extend battery life.

My update failed to install properly like a fre others here. 😭
I noticed that too. Knowing there are two more updates coming over the next week, I wanted to wait until all of them had been applied before making critiques. I have a vague memory of one of them being specific to range calculations. @borski, care to weigh in?
True. I should wait until the full 4 updates are done to see the final version. Obviously thrilled so far.

It's funny how unnatural the red car feels on the screen after getting use to the grey. I'm sure I'll be used to it in a day or so.

When I was reviewing changes I realized my mobil key was not actually turned on. I've been using the Fob so I never noticed.

With the great reviews of the updated I'm going to try and leave the Fob at home going forward.

I'll miss casually putting my hand in my pocket to open the Frunk when showing people the car explaining it works via brain wave control
My update failed to install properly like a fre others here. 😭
Damn… Though it’s of small comfort today, you know one of the programmers is pouring over a cryptic log somewhere, looking for the obscure sequence of events that caused this. Your (hopefully brief) sacrifice will serve the greater good. I will gladly buy you a beer next weekend for your troubles. 🍺🍺
My update failed to install properly like a fre others here. 😭
What's the indication the update failed? It would be useful to know if this happens to others in the future. Did you ask @Firstto520 and his team to re-send it to you? Thanks.

Certainly this is very disappointing, especially when it happens to a Forum Moderator.
Woke up early to a Lucid app notification that it’s go time! Yahoo!
I did put fobs in the car with a window down.
Now back to sleep for 115 minutes!😴
Ok ... so, things don't change. I had no patience when I was 5yo and, apparently, don't have any now (half a century or so later).

@Firstto520 delivered ... I just had to wait till morning to look under the tree ;)

Update in progress ... 🤞
Started the download 15’ ago. I’ll watch highlights of that 5 run 7th inning while it updates!
Just started mine as well...really looking forward to it!