My new sweet ride!

Is it easy to manually remove the aero covers on the 19s?

I don’t mind the look of the covers personally , but it would be nice to have the option to remove
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Having seen the matte on the pre-production car in New York, I would agree.
That's the trim the early Dreams have and it got swapped early to mid DE #s
The more I look at all five wheel options for the Air, the less I like the standard 21s.

If we're talking looks alone, I like the 20s best. Followed by the 21s on the GT-P. Followed by the Dream's 21s. Then the 19s (with the black inserts removed, of course). And then the standard 21s.

I'd totally go for the 20s, if I thought that a) wouldn't delay my order and b) would be easy to find winter tires for.

But as I've said before, I think all the wheel options are nice. And that's rare. Usually, I'm lucky to find one set of wheels I like from the manufacturer of most cars.

I prefer the reverse.

I like the 21's on the GT the best, then the 20's, then the GT-P, then the 19's and last the Dream 21's.

to each his own.
Awesome!! Congratulations!!!!
Haha! Love it!
Nice! also good to see they delivered the 19s with the recommended modifications. Good luck with it. Still waiting for a delivery date for mine which is supposed to be leaving (left) PDI.
Great color combo! I would have gone with the gray if wasn't so close to my current DD and P/U. Wishing you great luck and enjoyment with your new whip.
How exciting. Happy for you. Long journey but worth it. Now I know what mine will look like. Which interior did you choose? Congratulations again.
So, yea, it took awhile (6 months from confirmation) but oh, man is it worth it! A beast in Quantum Grey that delivers you right into that sweet spot of luxury and performance. Knew I was getting something special, but thought wife wouldn’t appreciate as much - until I pulled up to give her a ride & saw the big smile. First words were “that is a sexy car”! Mic drop - I’m good!
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Great color combo! I would have gone with the gray if wasn't so close to my current DD and P/U. Wishing you great luck and enjoyment with your new whip.
I think the grey compliments the silver roof better than any of the other colors. Some of the comments I get on mine have been "love the color (zenith red) but the silver makes it look like an old persons car". With the grey it blends well on the other colors I think it's a love it or hate it.

I don’t mind being thought of as an old person anymore. I think the title becomes me very well, at 58 years old.
Congratulations! I’m by turns happy for you and envious. Six months from confirmation to delivery is not that bad when compared to some of the stories I’ve been reading on this forum.

Enjoy your new ride!
I don’t mind being thought of as an old person anymore. I think the title becomes me very well, at 58 years old.
I'm sticking with the pale gray trim because it matches my remaining hair. ;) I'd switch to the black trim, except for the delivery delay and I'd expect a possible re-pricing of the car as well.
I'm sticking with the pale gray trim because it matches my remaining hair. ;) I'd switch to the black trim, except for the delivery delay and I'd expect a possible re-pricing of the car as well.
When you get to my age, you will have to get a white trim to match your hair
I think he means getting a head wrap to match the Air….