Ok, time for an update after a 700mi road trip. 1. My mobile key works now - and it works well. But I don't know what did the trick: I used my tablet to pair as a key (as part of my troubleshooting) then deleted it right away. Tried to set up my phone right after that again...and it worked like a charm. This was at home so the car and the Tablet shared the same wifi and ATT is pretty crappy where I live ( I had it as my personal cell provider for 15 years and had to have my own femtocell to make it work in the house!) To be clear, I tried to setup the phone first, the night I drove the car home but no luck. 2. It works well - as soon as I walk up to the car it unlocks. Using the app to try to pop the trunk or similar is still way slow though.) 3. Digressing a bit: can't seem to get face recognition and related services to work consistently. I had to move the steering wheel and seat into a position I'd never use just to set it up but after moving it back to my preferred position it doesn't work. 3. I keep getting a phantom (?) warning about keeping my hands on the wheel after continued lane departure warnings - even though I actively steer. Jiggling the wheel (or even turning on the turn signal ) doesn't seem to make a difference but it goes away after 20-25 sec. 4. I got a "front right radar stopped working - call customer care" warning 2-3 times, lasting for 5-6 sec each times. Seemed to self resolve in clear weather conditions. 5. The proportion/ferocity of lane departure correction borders scary at times. And some good news too: got 4.6mi/kWh relatively easily by setting cruise control to 70 mi/h ... although life is very boring in the slow laneAs far as the Lucid kept asking for PIN, I think that's another bug. Yes, I have the service center re-install my ID for me. Yet, the "enter PIN" still pops up occasionally. No rhythm and reason! It hasn't happened in a while, but I am certain it will return.
In general, Lucid has many SW issues and its OTA process, validation process, version control, etc. seem very messy to me. Just look up the recent 2.4.X SW roll our thread and you will get the idea.