Mobile Key stopped working

So my mobile key has been working great since I got the car last month. Every time I went to garage for whatever reason, Car will get unlocked which was a little annoying but working as expected. About two days ago, Mobile key stopped working, Car does not open when I get to it with phone in hand, app open. Have to unlock using app. Then have to enter PIN to actually drive the car as it is not recognizing my phone as a key.
Did Air Logo reset, disconnected my phone completely from the the car including Bluetooth and mobile key, removed mobile key from the app, reconnected Bluetooth first, car recognized as Luci 682. Bluetooth working for audio. Tried to reconnect mobile key, when searching, app states searching for Lucid 23682. Does not find the car, gives error and not connection.
Did install new update few days ago, so problem did not start immediately afterwards. Nothing else has changed, Not sure why App is looking for some other lucid number than Bluetooth and how to fix it.
Any suggestions?
If you haven't gotten this solved (sorry, I just saw the post), you probably lost a sensory node. There are five, and if one goes down they all go down. This happened to me a week ago. I called my service advisor (local Lucid center) and he called it correctly, had me come up in three days from the call, and fixed it along with the annual service. It's working fine now.
Thanks Buffalo Bob, but I have tried all of those steps while on the phone with Customer Support. One other point, the black "key card/credit card thingy, or whatever its called, is not working either.

My car goes in for service on Tuesday.
The "key card/credit card thingy" is, I believe, the valet card. Mine never worked from Day 1. To make a long story short, after two mobile tech visits, Lucid concluded that the sensor in the B-pillar was defective. They replaced the sensor, and it works now.
I am truly amazed at the number of entry problems Lucid owners are encountering, including me.

There are 4 methods of entry (5, if you include the "nuclear option" of calling Lucid's emergency line to unlock your doors). Sadly, I have had problem with all 5 of these methods at one time or another.

Meanwhile, moderators and some owners swear that the FOB works fine, except for the battery drain problem. And they assert, even if the battery is dead, it can still be used as a Valet Key. Others say they never had any problem with their Mobile Keys. Workaround methods include turning off the WiFi in your house because it is interfering with your Mobile key, etc. etc..

Honestly, I can't believe the many problems Lucid owners are encountering with unlocking their car doors.

Q: Are some owners (like me) simply stupid and have no clue how to unlock a luxury sedan? I have my Rivian R1S in the same garage and never had a single problem with it with my mobile key or FOB.

Is it correct that all of the methods to unlock the Lucid involves having the car's computer release the locking solenoid? If so, these 5 different methods of unlocking all converge on one point, having the computer send the unlock signal to the solenoid.

Is it possible that when you have multiple unlocking signals in the vicinity (i.e., the FOB, Mobile key, The App, the valet key?, your home WiFi), they can confuse the computer that does the unlocking?
I am truly amazed at the number of entry problems Lucid owners are encountering, including me.

There are 4 methods of entry (5, if you include the "nuclear option" of calling Lucid's emergency line to unlock your doors). Sadly, I have had problem with all 5 of these methods at one time or another.

Meanwhile, moderators and some owners swear that the FOB works fine, except for the battery drain problem. And they assert, even if the battery is dead, it can still be used as a Valet Key. Others say they never had any problem with their Mobile Keys. Workaround methods include turning off the WiFi in your house because it is interfering with your Mobile key, etc. etc..

Honestly, I can't believe the many problems Lucid owners are encountering with unlocking their car doors.

Q: Are some owners (like me) simply stupid and have no clue how to unlock a luxury sedan? I have my Rivian R1S in the same garage and never had a single problem with it with my mobile key or FOB.

Is it correct that all of the methods to unlock the Lucid involves having the car's computer release the locking solenoid? If so, these 5 different methods of unlocking all converge on one point, having the computer send the unlock signal to the solenoid.

Is it possible that when you have multiple unlocking signals in the vicinity (i.e., the FOB, Mobile key, The App, the valet key?, your home WiFi), they can confuse the computer that does the unlocking?
Let me add one point:

> I have had situations where after an OTA, my mobile key would work better or be disabled.

This suggest to me that there are SW contentions that affects the mobile key as well.
Thanks Buffalo Bob, but I have tried all of those steps while on the phone with Customer Support. One other point, the black "key card/credit card thingy, or whatever its called, is not working either.

My car goes in for service on Tuesday.
At least yours is still under warranty!
I just had the same issue. 2023 AGT with 33k miles. Fobs just upped and stopped working. Both of them. Installed new difference. Tried installing mobile key.....error over and over. Support had me try the hard reset...install/uninstall phone, etc. Nothing worked. Lucid is coming to pick up the car Tuesday.
I have this issue as well following the 2.6.2 update. FOBs stopped working and are now unlinked. Only way to enter car is to manually unlock using app, and was unable to set up my wife's phone as a key. I have an appointment to drop it off, but they could not get me in for over a week. Super annoying given I have had the car 2 months. I am curious what your resolution was for this issue?
I have this issue as well following the 2.6.2 update. FOBs stopped working and are now unlinked. Only way to enter car is to manually unlock using app, and was unable to set up my wife's phone as a key. I have an appointment to drop it off, but they could not get me in for over a week. Super annoying given I have had the car 2 months. I am curious what your resolution was for this issue?
Got mine back from service Friday night. They had to replace a "node" :

Concern: Customer states both key fobs, key cards, and mobile key are not opening the vehicle. Customer states he is only able lock/unlock the vehicle via mobile app by pressing the "Lock/Unlock" button, but requires the customer to enter the PIN in the pilot panel to start driving. Please check and advise.

Cause: Failed front security node preventing proper actuation of the key fob to access the vehicle

Corrections: Verified the fob operation is not functional in unlocking the doors with proximity or by pressing the command on the fob. Followed TSB-Y0125-002-01 diagnostic steps. Check vehicle software and ACM/node numbers. Performed vehicle scan with LDS and found faults for the front security node U106087 -Communication with Front Bumper Security Node - Missing Message.
Hello - new owner here: I picked up my Air Pure last night. It was a disappointing experience for two reasons: 1. they could never set up my phone as a mobile key (spent 2 hours) and 2. strongly suggested it is "my phone" (read: Android). So the remedy suggested won't work for me as there is nothing to delete. Any thoughts or suggestions? thanks
My husband has never even been able to install the lucid mobile app on his phone (too old a phone with too old a version of android I suppose-- I forgot which Motorola phone he has). Anyway, he is more old skool and prefers his actual key. Were you at least able to install the app?
My husband has never even been able to install the lucid mobile app on his phone (too old a phone with too old a version of android I suppose-- I forgot which Motorola phone he has). Anyway, he is more old skool and prefers his actual key. Were you at least able to install the app?
I was. Next day I tried it again at home and just worked right away. Since then: out of the blue all keys and key cards stopped to work. The only way to unlock & drive was using the app. For a month .. this is how long it took to replace all "security nodes"( not sure what these are) But since fixing that I couldn't reconnect the app... Never a dull moment with Lucid software
I was. Next day I tried it again at home and just worked right away. Since then: out of the blue all keys and key cards stopped to work. The only way to unlock & drive was using the app. For a month .. this is how long it took to replace all "security nodes"( not sure what these are) But since fixing that I couldn't reconnect the app... Never a dull moment with Lucid software
Mine will erase all connected devices sometimes, it seems there was a situation that I thought might have been the initiator for that the last time, but I don't remember what it was... Pairing a new phone? Changing the FOB battery? Software update? Or, it may have been coincidental to whatever I superstitiously thought was the cause?!? 🤷🏽

I've had to repair all my devices on a few occasions.
Mine will erase all connected devices sometimes, it seems there was a situation that I thought might have been the initiator for that the last time, but I don't remember what it was... Pairing a new phone? Changing the FOB battery? Software update? Or, it may have been coincidental to whatever I superstitiously thought was the cause?!?

I've had to repair all my devices on a few occasions.
Wild. I’ve literally never seen that happen.
Wild. I’ve literally never seen that happen.
🤔 My comment reads weird… I edited the “repair” to read “re-pair” but I guess it didn’t take. To be clear, I didn’t have to REPAIR any device, I had to go thru the pairing process again i.e. re-pair. Sorry if I made this sound worse than it was, it took me about 30 seconds to pair my FOBs and phones again. Not a biggie, just weird.
If you haven't gotten this solved (sorry, I just saw the post), you probably lost a sensory node. There are five, and if one goes down they all go down. This happened to me a week ago. I called my service advisor (local Lucid center) and he called it correctly, had me come up in three days from the call, and fixed it along with the annual service. It's working fine now.
I believe that this is incorrect.