Just got your Air? Consider buying this stuff


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Verified Owner
Sep 10, 2021
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California Central Coast
Matte Grey Air GT
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There is obviously a ton of information on this forum. As someone who is getting his GT very soon (I hope), I've been thinking about what items I should consider buying based on others' suggestions throughout the forum. I thought I'd start a thread to put it all together to have it in one place. I'm not including paint protection or tinting, as these already have their own threads.

Interior items:
- All weather mats. Right now, the best options are:
Motor Trend 923-GR Gray FlexTough Contour Liners
WeatherTech Trim-to-Fit Floor Mat
  (See @Dortreo's comparison here)
- Scotchgard Auto Fabric & Carpet Water Shield
- LightDims Original Strength (is the passenger airbag light still a nuisance?) Seems to be fixed
- Microfiber cloths to keep the screens clean (Lucid does supply one)
- CQuartz Leather 2.0 - 50ml Kit (111CQL5), Dr. Beazley’s Microsuede Protection- 12oz (DB-MP) and Carpro Forte V4 Professional Windshield Coat - New Version 2021 from Sky’s the Limit Car Care (per @Easyrider949)

Exterior items:
- EZ Spare tire/wheel (coupon code LUCIDSAVE) plus a large black trash bag
NOTE: The bigger wheel/tire will not fit in the frunk, but the smaller wheel/tire does. The smaller option has a limit of 50-75 miles of driving <55 mph, while you can drive for 100s of miles on the bigger one (per EZ Spare).
- Tire change kit (jack/lug wrench/gloves/etc.)
- Car cleaning supplies (see this thread)

- Tesla Tap
- Home EVSE (Chargepoint, Grizzl-E, etc.)

- Faraday box/pouch for key (I bought this one)
- Smart garage door opener (Chamberlain MyQ, Tailwind iQ3, etc.)
- Radar detector

Front license plates:
- For those in California, check out License Plate Wrap
- For those in other states, check out Custom License Plates

Back seat protection for pets:
- Orvis Hose-off Seat Protector
- K&H Pet Vehicle Door Protection

Anything I missed? Feel free to post more recommendations and I'll add them to the list as needed.
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There is obviously a ton of information on this forum. As someone who is getting his GT very soon (I hope), I've been thinking about what items I should consider buying based on others' suggestions throughout the forum. I thought I'd start a thread to put it all together to have it in one place. I'm not including paint protection or tinting, as these already have their own threads.

Interior items:
- Motor Trend 923-GR Gray FlexTough Contour Liners
- Scotchgard Auto Fabric & Carpet Water Shield
- LightDims Original Strength (is the passenger airbag light still a nuisance?)
- Microfiber cloths to keep the screens clean

Exterior items:
- EZ Spare tire/wheel (coupon code LUCIDSAVE)
- Tire change kit (jack/lug wrench/gloves/etc.)
- Car cleaning supplies (see this thread)

- Tesla Tap
- Home EVSE (Chargepoint, Grizzl-E, etc.)

- Faraday box/pouch for key
- Smart garage door opener (Chamberlain MyQ, Tailwind iQ3, etc.)

Anything I missed? Feel free to post more recommendations and I'll add them to the list as needed.

@mnewber1 feel free to sticky this or start your own thread that can readily be edited if you think this is helpful for others.
This is a good list. My observations for what they are worth:
I bought the floor mats only for PPF etc as well as my drive from FL to CT. I will ditch after that. Bought another set of original mats for not much money.
I used the scotchguard per @hydbob suggestion. So far so good.
I have never noticed the passenger air bag light.
The car comes with at least one microfiber cloths. You need to put the screens into the right mode so they don’t go crazy.
I decided to only get the tire repair kit. I bought the 19” tires and never had a problem with the Tesla tires.
I’m in process of reluctantly going for most of @hydbob’s intense car washing apparatus.
Bought a 80amp TeslaTap
I’m just using my NEMA 14-50 plug
I’ve had the MyQ door opener for a while but am just carrying the old fashioned door opener till Lucid does an OTA to make garage exit as easy as garage entrance

I did buy a new EZPass/Sunpass transponder. On my Tesla, I had the transponder on my front license plate but I no longer have a front license plate! Working like a charm in far right hand corner of windshield.
That’s about it. I would suggest you practice the software resetting protocols on this forum. They are not intuitive and don’t always work the same in my experience.

And then get used to driving the best car you’ve ever owned by a significant amount. And I hope you don’t mind crowds.
For those carrying a spare tire also add a huge plastic garbage bag, the giant thick black ones for leaves, to store your flat tire. It will be full of brake dust and road grime and maybe snow and there is no reason to mess up your clean trunk.
Great list for new owners! I have already bought everything on your list. The couple of things you might want to add is CQuartz Leather 2.0 - 50ml Kit (111CQL5), Dr. Beazley’s Microsuede Protection- 12oz (DB-MP) and Carpro Forte V4 Professional Windshield Coat - New Version 2021 from Sky’s the Limit Car Care. I have already applied them on my GT and really love the outcome. You can also purchase any other car care products you need from them.
The bag from EZSpare is oversized to be able to fit your full-sized flat into if you so choose.

I’ll probably do both the plastic bag and the EZSpare bag since I tend to overdo everything.
There is obviously a ton of information on this forum. As someone who is getting his GT very soon (I hope), I've been thinking about what items I should consider buying based on others' suggestions throughout the forum. I thought I'd start a thread to put it all together to have it in one place. I'm not including paint protection or tinting, as these already have their own threads.

Interior items:
- Motor Trend 923-GR Gray FlexTough Contour Liners
- Scotchgard Auto Fabric & Carpet Water Shield
- LightDims Original Strength (is the passenger airbag light still a nuisance?)
- Microfiber cloths to keep the screens clean

Exterior items:
- EZ Spare tire/wheel (coupon code LUCIDSAVE)
- Tire change kit (jack/lug wrench/gloves/etc.)
- Car cleaning supplies (see this thread)

- Tesla Tap
- Home EVSE (Chargepoint, Grizzl-E, etc.)

- Faraday box/pouch for key
- Smart garage door opener (Chamberlain MyQ, Tailwind iQ3, etc.)

Anything I missed? Feel free to post more recommendations and I'll add them to the list as needed.

@mnewber1 feel free to sticky this or start your own thread that can readily be edited if you think this is helpful for others.
Might add one of these:

These cars are just so stupid fast!! 😇
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Owners manual says you never have to apply leather conditioner to maintain new feel. Bridge of Weir (leather supplier for Lucid) states it is stain resistant but can't hurt to double down on stain protection.
For states that require a front license plate, you may want to consider a license plate decal so as not to reduce your fuel efficiency. I ordered mine for my Texas plates and it is perfect!

For states that require a front license plate, you may want to consider a license plate decal so as not to reduce your fuel efficiency. I ordered mine for my Texas plates and it is perfect!

I would consider the WeatherTech cut to fit mats. They seem to stay in place better than the Motor Trends.

For states that require a front license plate, you may want to consider a license plate decal so as not to reduce your fuel efficiency. I ordered mine for my Texas plates and it is perfect!

Just ordered.... Thanks!
For states that require a front license plate, you may want to consider a license plate decal so as not to reduce your fuel efficiency. I ordered mine for my Texas plates and it is perfect!

Post a picture when you put it on the car! 👍
Scotch guard for the floor mats and a faraday pouch for the keys….
Someone, please provide the specifications for the various Air rims.
What is the discount with the code for the Spare? I was told 961$ includes mounting. Matching full size Rim and Tire. Tony the other DA told me now its 1050$. Where is that discount code to buy the Tire. Has anyone used it to buy one? My tire will be the 19” Range With matching Rim. It’s done by a different department therefore they will call me to discuss.
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