Jason Cammisa on Mercedes-Benz EQS 580


Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Grand Touring
There is already a discussion about Hagerty review of Lucid Air featuring Jason Cammisa in this forum. I added a link to the Reddit comments in which Jason Cammisa answered many questions and provided some rather unreserved opinions. Interestingly, he had a particularly dismissive view of the EQS. So I looked around a bit, and found this Instagram posting by him on EQS 580. The following lines are directly copy-n-pasted from there.


Verdict Mercedes EQS 580: a ground-up car from a company not capable of ground-up thinking.

Such a head-scratcher that I was worried Mercedes had forgotten everything it knows about building cars. Then I jumped into a magnificent S 580 and realized the problem isn’t the company. It’s just this one car.

EQS is a huge, electric “S-Class” with the frumpy proportions of a Toyota Corolla.

It has a bolt-upright, uncomfortable back seat with barely enough headroom to fit an average-sized man(!)

It has a non-user-openable frunk filled with crap instead of storage space.

It has a Drive-In Movie dashboard with screens designed by someone who’s clearly never driven a car. They’re downright dangerous to use. Worse, they’re blinding at night even fully dimmed. You can turn them off, but then EVERYTHING is off. No music, no HVAC.

Every time you floor the accelerator, you get an error message on the screen. Sometimes, you also get cool space-ship noise. Sometimes you don’t. (Slide 10)

And then, there’s the horror-show dynamics.

The steering is so overboosted it feels like there’s no physical connection to the wheels.

The brake pedal is so nonlinear it feels like you have a hole in a brake line.

And the body is genuinely Out. Of. Control.

Slide 9: a stretch of hwy I’ve driven a thousand cars on. I’ve never seen anything like this. Never stops moving, heaving, bounding off the bump stops. The last car I drove with body control this poor was a $250 death-trap ’83 Cadillac Stretch Limo with 4 blown shocks. I’m not kidding.

The powertrain? Commendably smooth and quiet. And fast. 455 Wh/mi in normal driving. Rear-steer means tiny turning radius. It’s shockingly grippy in corners and will genuinely haul ass on a back road.

But it’ll make all its passengers hurl.

This is everything the S-Class isn’t. It’s barely comprehensible that the EQS 580 and S 580 come from the same company. This should be an S-Class with an electric powertrain. Instead, it feels like a sophomoric caricature of what “luxury” means by a team who’s never before built a car. I just don’t get how this could happen at a company like Mercedes-Benz.

There is already a discussion about Hagerty review of Lucid Air featuring Jason Cammisa in this forum. I added a link to the Reddit comments in which Jason Cammisa answered many questions and provided some rather unreserved opinions. Interestingly, he had a particularly dismissive view of the EQS. So I looked around a bit, and found this Instagram posting by him on EQS 580. The following lines are directly copy-n-pasted from there.


Verdict Mercedes EQS 580: a ground-up car from a company not capable of ground-up thinking.

Such a head-scratcher that I was worried Mercedes had forgotten everything it knows about building cars. Then I jumped into a magnificent S 580 and realized the problem isn’t the company. It’s just this one car.

EQS is a huge, electric “S-Class” with the frumpy proportions of a Toyota Corolla.

It has a bolt-upright, uncomfortable back seat with barely enough headroom to fit an average-sized man(!)

It has a non-user-openable frunk filled with crap instead of storage space.

It has a Drive-In Movie dashboard with screens designed by someone who’s clearly never driven a car. They’re downright dangerous to use. Worse, they’re blinding at night even fully dimmed. You can turn them off, but then EVERYTHING is off. No music, no HVAC.

Every time you floor the accelerator, you get an error message on the screen. Sometimes, you also get cool space-ship noise. Sometimes you don’t. (Slide 10)

And then, there’s the horror-show dynamics.

The steering is so overboosted it feels like there’s no physical connection to the wheels.

The brake pedal is so nonlinear it feels like you have a hole in a brake line.

And the body is genuinely Out. Of. Control.

Slide 9: a stretch of hwy I’ve driven a thousand cars on. I’ve never seen anything like this. Never stops moving, heaving, bounding off the bump stops. The last car I drove with body control this poor was a $250 death-trap ’83 Cadillac Stretch Limo with 4 blown shocks. I’m not kidding.

The powertrain? Commendably smooth and quiet. And fast. 455 Wh/mi in normal driving. Rear-steer means tiny turning radius. It’s shockingly grippy in corners and will genuinely haul ass on a back road.

But it’ll make all its passengers hurl.

This is everything the S-Class isn’t. It’s barely comprehensible that the EQS 580 and S 580 come from the same company. This should be an S-Class with an electric powertrain. Instead, it feels like a sophomoric caricature of what “luxury” means by a team who’s never before built a car. I just don’t get how this could happen at a company like Mercedes-Benz.

Thanks for sharing the Reddit link. Very interesting set of comments. And, yeah he hates the EQS.
After a few subsequent drives of the EQS and Air, I largely agree with Jason. I've had two MB's before and intended to get an AMG next, but went for the EQS when AMG cancelled all the V8 engines. After comparing with the Air, I knew there was no contest. Once I drove the S-class and EQS back to back though...yeah, the EQS isn't even close to the S-class, which is a big disappointment.
Just saw my first EQS on the road today in the western burbs of Boston. Not a pretty car at all.

It's like the Millennium Bean on wheels. In Nautical Blue metallic.

I’m actually waiting to see my first Lucid on the road in San Diego!
I’m actually waiting to see my first Lucid on the road in San Diego!

It'll be interesting, because once all reservations have been fulfilled to this point (25,000), it'll still be very scarcely seen on the road. I imagine that at that point in time, people will still be stopping most owners asking about their car similarly to how they do right now for Dream owners (and @Adnillien).

It's like the Millennium Bean on wheels. In Nautical Blue metallic.

I've always thought this and could never put it into words.
Just saw my first EQS on the road today in the western burbs of Boston. Not a pretty car at all.

It's like the Millennium Bean on wheels. In Nautical Blue metallic.
I don’t dislike the design, especially in white. But…yes, that’s exactly how it should be described.
I’m actually waiting to see my first Lucid on the road in San Diego!

I haven't seen a Lucid in the wild as yet but I have seen an EQS near the Scottsdale Fashion Square where the Lucid Design studio is located (the MB dealership does happen to be across the street).
I have a feeling he has Lucid and Tesla shares. His review is ludicrous. I will shortly post my review based on actually owning the car and having driven it for about 5 weeks now.
Before either the Lucid or EQS was revealed, I was set on getting an EQS based on how cool the Vision EQS concept was and being a happy MB customer. But then the Lucid was revealed and the Citroen/BladeRunner look combined with the stats really grabbed me. Then Mercedes revealed the EQS, and it appeared to be a blob car with worse range, strip club lighting and a cartoon screenplalooza. Then I saw the EQS in person and it actually looks worse in person than in pictures (this is subjective of course), looks like a garden slug. It’s got some killer features, don’t get me wrong (rear wheel steering!), and I very much like MBUX which my current car has (voice commands do suck, only 50% successful for the navigation), and the best part is Mercedes ADAS system is very good. It’s saved me from a couple accidents in fact. But putting it side by side with a Lucid there’s just no contest (except Lucid’s ADAS isn’t finished ☹️). There’s just zero things exciting about the EQS. And Kyle Conner’s review of how it brakes really scared me away. He likes most cars he reviews, and loved the EQS overall, but also said he was amazed it left the factory which such bad braking. No thanks. I’ll take to-be-fixed later ADAS systems in the Lucid over a car with bad braking.
Before either the Lucid or EQS was revealed, I was set on getting an EQS based on how cool the Vision EQS concept was and being a happy MB customer. But then the Lucid was revealed and the Citroen/BladeRunner look combined with the stats really grabbed me. Then Mercedes revealed the EQS, and it appeared to be a blob car with worse range, strip club lighting and a cartoon screenplalooza. Then I saw the EQS in person and it actually looks worse in person than in pictures (this is subjective of course), looks like a garden slug. It’s got some killer features, don’t get me wrong (rear wheel steering!), and I very much like MBUX which my current car has (voice commands do suck, only 50% successful for the navigation), and the best part is Mercedes ADAS system is very good. It’s saved me from a couple accidents in fact. But putting it side by side with a Lucid there’s just no contest (except Lucid’s ADAS isn’t finished ☹️). There’s just zero things exciting about the EQS. And Kyle Conner’s review of how it brakes really scared me away. He likes most cars he reviews, and loved the EQS overall, but also said he was amazed it left the factory which such bad braking. No thanks. I’ll take to-be-fixed later ADAS systems in the Lucid over a car with bad braking.
lI would have thought, apparently erroneously, that a long time manufacturer would get the standard things right (braking, steering, ACC, etc.) but might stumble with the newer electric components. BMW seems to have mostly done that with the IX (alas with the ugly snout) and even the I4 (here the bugs bunny front end looks even worse). I think Lucid will get it all right but it will take time.