I think you misunderstand the intent of my earlier post. I totally support the view that marriages and domestic relationships are two-way streets with no one partner having the right or privilege of imposing his or her view on the other on things either great or small. Personally, I have been in very long discussions in our house about which, if any, vehicle(s) we will shed when the Gravity arrives. I have a strong preference about what I would like to do, but I'm not about to try to move off on my own in such a matter.
What is worrying me is not that
@Bobby "gave in to his wife" or any such thing, but that people feel strongly enough in their views that the Gravity looks like a minivan to cause Lucid to lose sales they would otherwise have gotten.
A lot is riding on the Gravity with Lucid, and it would be such a damn shame for it to founder over some perception that the Gravity is an undesirable vehicle because it looks like a minivan -- setting aside the facts that I actually like minivans
and don't think the Gravity looks like one.
I just brought up the story
@Bobby related because it came from someone I know is committed to the brand and understands its mission thoroughly. But I absolutely laud his attitude about how decisions get made in personal relationships.