Drive System Fault

Well hello Lucid! I should point out that while I didn’t hear from anyone the first 2 1/2 weeks my car was in service, Mandy from the WPB service center did reach out to apologize and followed up twice last week to update me on my car.
I have not had any major issues except one "Turtle" indicator that turned out to be a miscommunication between some module units that was fixed within a few days.

I REALLY feel pain when I read some of these posts by recent GT and Touring owners. Only consolation, for me, is the experiences seem to be exceptions -- so far. The car is such a phenomenal drive that having it off line for any period of time hurts. :-)
I would call customer care if I were you. This is a classic case of the company’s pressure to deliver cars in order to satisfy Wall Street expectations when they knew a decent percentage of them would end up having to be returned for service. I had my car for a week and then it bricked which led to them having it for almost a month. All without one phone call saying “what can we do to make it right?”. Will be selling my car as soon as I get it back.
Yes, I agree, money talks. If Lucid feels pressured to live up to expectations, for example, the number of cars produced/delivered by year's end, it'd likely take precedence over Air owners having troubles. And it's probably a contemplated and weighted decision when to ship car vs time spent on QA -- a completely random occurrence here would be worse.

I always contact both CC and SC to make sure. They're not good at responding back, and it especially takes long time -- weeks rather than days. Also, the SC never responds to emails -- and I like to have a track record. In the beginning, I called them to verify they had received my emails. My previous experience with dealer ships is that you get an email or text confirming service appointment, reminder the day before, notice when it's ready for pickup, and (perhaps annoying) grading the experience after pickup. Apart from telling when the car is ready for pickup, Lucid doesn't provide these communications. It's also prudent to always double check. It's even prudent to double check on trailer pickup date/time because mine no-showed due to the SC missed to schedule the trailer. I'm in WA and my understanding is that if the car has been in the shop for more than 30 days, for any reason, the lemon law applies. My AGT has been in the SC for 34 days and will get back in 01/19 and counting. I've created tickets with both CC and SC to declare my car a lemon. The SC responded last week that the manager handling the lemon law (they call it buy backs) won't be back in until end of this week. My AGT was delivered 10/13/2022 and since 10/14/2022 it has continuously had tickets or been in the SC. My latest escapade is that I had to buy speed bumps together with a decibel meter, see screenshot, and bring to the SC since to show them very obvious rattles because they failed to repair them.

Definitely contact CS so they can look into it. Wouldn’t want something to crop up later, even if it’s not causing an issue currently.
I have not had any major issues except one "Turtle" indicator that turned out to be a miscommunication between some module units that was fixed within a few days.

I REALLY feel pain when I read some of these posts by recent GT and Touring owners. Only consolation, for me, is the experiences seem to be exceptions -- so far. The car is such a phenomenal drive that having it off line for any period of time hurts.
Yes, I agree, money talks. If Lucid feels pressured to live up to expectations, for example, the number of cars produced/delivered by year's end, it'd likely take precedence over Air owners having troubles. And it's probably a contemplated and weighted decision when to ship car vs time spent on QA -- a completely random occurrence here would be worse.

I always contact both CC and SC to make sure. They're not good at responding back, and it especially takes long time -- weeks rather than days. Also, the SC never responds to emails -- and I like to have a track record. In the beginning, I called them to verify they had received my emails. My previous experience with dealer ships is that you get an email or text confirming service appointment, reminder the day before, notice when it's ready for pickup, and (perhaps annoying) grading the experience after pickup. Apart from telling when the car is ready for pickup, Lucid doesn't provide these communications. It's also prudent to always double check. It's even prudent to double check on trailer pickup date/time because mine no-showed due to the SC missed to schedule the trailer. I'm in WA and my understanding is that if the car has been in the shop for more than 30 days, for any reason, the lemon law applies. My AGT has been in the SC for 34 days and will get back in 01/19 and counting. I've created tickets with both CC and SC to declare my car a lemon. The SC responded last week that the manager handling the lemon law (they call it buy backs) won't be back in until end of this week. My AGT was delivered 10/13/2022 and since 10/14/2022 it has continuously had tickets or been in the SC. My latest escapade is that I had to buy speed bumps together with a decibel meter, see screenshot, and bring to the SC since to show them very obvious rattles because they failed to repair them.

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Well said.
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just an update. I got the car back and it does work. First time I drove it, I couldn’t change drive modes for some reason but when I got in the car the next time it worked. Then yesterday I drove 100 miles to see some friends and the stereo wouldn’t work until I pulled over and reset the car. This morning I was showing my friends the trunk and noticed that I have a loose battery rolling around in the back from the recent service. Not sure what to do here. Thoughts?


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I got the dreaded Drive System Fault warning last night, but my Lucid GT was cordial enough to wait until I had pulled into my garage before flashing the alert. 5378 miles on the odometer and it drove like a dream with no issues at all before this happened. This morning when I got in the car to recheck, the dashboard lit up with this intriguing battery alert & now I’m waiting for transport to the Service Center:


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I got the dreaded Drive System Fault warning last night, but my Lucid GT was cordial enough to wait until I had pulled into my garage before flashing the alert. 5378 miles on the odometer and it drove like a dream with no issues at all before this happened. This morning when I got in the car to recheck, the dashboard lit up with this intriguing battery alert & now I’m waiting for transport to the Service Center:
That sucks. Most likely needs the HV battery and Wunderbox replaced. Post-replacement, I’ve never heard of anyone having any issues with it (myself included). Good luck!
Yup. WPB has issues; I assumed that’s where your service center was. I have no idea why that SC is so crappy. It is the only one that users here consistently complain about. They really need to fix the WPB service center specifically.

Service elsewhere is generally spectacular.

I don’t work for Lucid, but the issue is that we don’t have a lot of owners on this forum, and those that we do have are generally lurking. The *posters* are largely those that have issues or complaints, statistically. Only Lucid would have proper numbers, but we can extrapolate a bit from the fact that there has been no recall, despite there having been multiple recalls for even much smaller issues.
I not only don't work for Lucid but will probably be cancelling my Pure reservation as I picked up an alternative when I got tired of waiting for specs. So I have no skin in the game. But from being active on this forum since the beginning, I concur that almost all the complaints about service have been about that one service center. It is unfortunate that the OP got stuck in that one.
I have recently been getting an amber Drive System Warning upon first putting the car in reverse. It clears on its own after about 20 seconds, but the small amber warning icon remains on the lower right of the glass cockpit. Don't know how to clear it. Haven't contacted CS yet as it doesn't seem to be limiting performance...
An update... After contacting CS, I set up an appointment for my first visit by one of our Mobile Service Techs for yesterday. Kudos to Chris D who arrived promptly and answered all my retired engineer questions... I had been out of town for 10 days during which I remotely did my first two OTAs for .48 and .50. When I finally got back to my car all indications of the Drive System Warning were gone. As prior to the DS Warning, the car drove flawlessly. I am only at 792 miles...

Chris connected up his laptop and downloaded the complete data log which he forwarded to engineering (evidently there is some detailed log data that can't be accessed remotely). He didn't see any obvious problems from what he could see and said let's see if engineering gives us a thumbs up. By time Chris got home he already had feedback that engineering wanted to put eyes on my car at the Houston Service Center. Bummer...

This morning I promptly received a call from the HSC and they are trying to schedule their preferred transport driver that does the Houston - Plano run to swing out to NE TX to pick up my car. I don't have any details on what engineering is thinking at this point, but I would rather have it properly diagnosed and resolved so I can start using enjoying this car with nothing to worry about except EA! Will post what they find...
This morning I promptly received a call from the HSC and they are trying to schedule their preferred transport driver that does the Houston - Plano run to swing out to NE TX to pick up my car. I don't have any details on what engineering is thinking at this point, but I would rather have it properly diagnosed and resolved so I can start using enjoying this car with nothing to worry about except EA! Will post what they find...

Glad you made progress on this. Are they providing a vehicle to drive while yours is in Houston?
Just an update. The car is driving fine since I got it back. I have driven it 8 times and had 2x where the stereo wouldn’t work until you stopped and did a soft reset and 2x the drive mode would not switch into swift or sprint unless you reset it. The only other minor thing is that Alexa is useless for some reason. My kids think it’s hilarious. Gonna list it for sale this weekend on Autotrader and Think I will enjoy the Rivian until Lucid gets further down the road. I will miss the quickness and handling but I can wait.
Just an update. The car is driving fine since I got it back. I have driven it 8 times and had 2x where the stereo wouldn’t work until you stopped and did a soft reset and 2x the drive mode would not switch into swift or sprint unless you reset it. The only other minor thing is that Alexa is useless for some reason. My kids think it’s hilarious. Gonna list it for sale this weekend on Autotrader and Think I will enjoy the Rivian until Lucid gets further down the road. I will miss the quickness and handling but I can wait.
I think I'm going to wait as long as I can for deliver, having the stealth on it seems like it will keep it pushed back for awhile
I keep hoping we will hear and 3.0 and it be a leap like 2.0 was
I think I'm going to wait as long as I can for deliver, having the stealth on it seems like it will keep it pushed back for awhile
I keep hoping we will hear and 3.0 and it be a leap like 2.0 was
I am with you and if I get another one it would be the stealth for sure. Mine was literally stealth for 3 weeks while it was in the service center. I’m sure lucid will figure it out. We can’t have the whole world driving the same Tesla.
I am with you and if I get another one it would be the stealth for sure. Mine was literally stealth for 3 weeks while it was in the service center. I’m sure lucid will figure it out. We can’t have the whole world driving the same Tesla.
If Tesla puts radar on the car again I would be tempted. I liked my model S a lot more than the etron Gt.
An update... After contacting CS, I set up an appointment for my first visit by one of our Mobile Service Techs for yesterday. Kudos to Chris D who arrived promptly and answered all my retired engineer questions... I had been out of town for 10 days during which I remotely did my first two OTAs for .48 and .50. When I finally got back to my car all indications of the Drive System Warning were gone. As prior to the DS Warning, the car drove flawlessly. I am only at 792 miles...

Chris connected up his laptop and downloaded the complete data log which he forwarded to engineering (evidently there is some detailed log data that can't be accessed remotely). He didn't see any obvious problems from what he could see and said let's see if engineering gives us a thumbs up. By time Chris got home he already had feedback that engineering wanted to put eyes on my car at the Houston Service Center. Bummer...

This morning I promptly received a call from the HSC and they are trying to schedule their preferred transport driver that does the Houston - Plano run to swing out to NE TX to pick up my car. I don't have any details on what engineering is thinking at this point, but I would rather have it properly diagnosed and resolved so I can start using enjoying this car with nothing to worry about except EA! Will post what they find...
I believe I have the identical problem. I got the Drive System Warning for the first time 12/23/2022 -- see screenshot as 463 miles. The message disappears after a time, perhaps ~60 sec, and after that the yellow warning triangle with an exclamation mark remains. I guess the disappearance of the message text is intentional to leave room for any additional messages coming in. My message comes on in both reverse and drive. I could still drive it but kept it within three miles from home in case it'd brick.

Due to the Seattle Service Center (SC) being backed up, they couldn't tow my AGT until last week, and I had ~600 miles on it at that time. They had to call in the engineers. I don't know if that meant remotely or physically. Today, the SC called and said the HV battery pack needs to be replaced. They are ordering parts. They say I'll get a newer version of the battery pack. Apparently, I have an older version of battery pack. After been harden being told incorrect facts from the SC on more than one occasion, I don't trust what they say being the/any reason.

My AGT was delivered 10/13/2022. Since I was aware of Lucid's shortcomings from the beginning, I haven't and don't use the software at all (use only radio, fan, and heater), and haven't even loaded the app on my cell to minimize all door locking mishaps. I have set it up for OTA updates but nothing else. I update as soon as a new version becomes available putting both FOBs in the car and roll down the windows. It actually didn't wake up one time after update so rolled windows helped. All of the aforementioned actions have helped because I haven't really had software problems. To save the motors and battery, I've never floored it and never been in swift or sprint. However, it obviously didn't help to save the battery. Since 10/14/2022, one day after delivery, my Lucid has continuously had SC tickets or been in the SC. In total, it has now been 45 days in the SC for various (non-software) reasons and counting. I don't know how long it'll take to replace the battery.


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the car continues to offer fun surprises. The latest is you have to try and out a seat belt on your dog in the back seat if they weigh over 50lbs or the seat belt alert will chime. That was a fun Saturday am.
the car continues to offer fun surprises. The latest is you have to try and out a seat belt on your dog in the back seat if they weigh over 50lbs or the seat belt alert will chime. That was a fun Saturday am.
Or just… buckle the seat belt without your dog in it? Or get some of those little seat belt plugs? Inscape Data 4 Pack- Seat Clips Car Trim Accessories