From a separate thread on the same Turtle mode subject:
Luci said:
7,645 miles. (one of the reasons we felt confident enough to go the distance) We are convinced it has something to do with the pre-conditioning. I have always charged at home from the wall charger, however we preconditioned to use the commercial fast charge system and failure occurred 10 minutes after starting the pre-conditioner. May be a coincidence, we'll have to wait on the report from the service center.
I, too, engaged pre-conditioning for the very first time yesterday, and the Warning Triangle appeared within a minute. Would have been a very serious problem if the car went into Turtle mode right then and there!
Luci said:
7,645 miles. (one of the reasons we felt confident enough to go the distance) We are convinced it has something to do with the pre-conditioning. I have always charged at home from the wall charger, however we preconditioned to use the commercial fast charge system and failure occurred 10 minutes after starting the pre-conditioner. May be a coincidence, we'll have to wait on the report from the service center.
I, too, engaged pre-conditioning for the very first time yesterday, and the Warning Triangle appeared within a minute. Would have been a very serious problem if the car went into Turtle mode right then and there!