Don’t leave your car L2 charger plugged in for extended period of time.

I store my car in a temperature controlled garage in the winter (Northern Michigan). I fully charged it and, after unplugging it, it has been sitting for about three weeks now. Thus far, my range has dropped 20 miles. At this rate, I’m anticipating that I can go a couple of months before charging it. I do check on it every so often, as this is my first winter with it, but by leaving it unplugged I’m able to run OTA’s at any time they’re available.
From What I have read it is the 13V battery that powers the doors and I believe the console that does and may cause issues. I bet the main battery could last for weeks but do not have any first hand experience.
From What I have read it is the 13V battery that powers the doors and I believe the console that does and may cause issues. I bet the main battery could last for weeks but do not have any first hand experience.
That is inaccurate. The 12v battery has died in the past, but because of an issue with the HV battery and/or Wunderbox. It’s a symptom, not a cause.

I have left my car for months when I was in Europe and it was fine. I had a friend unplug it halfway through and it still had plenty of charge when I came home.
Well just finished a 4 week vacation out of the country. Checked on the vehicle every 2-3 days and installed several updates. Did not leave plugged into charger. Garage was holding about 50°F. Only lost 9% SOC during that time.
I heard that a rev. 2.0 of the wunderbox fixes the 12-volt drain problem.