Hi everyone, the contest is over!
And there are three winners! (Remember, the rules are arbitrary and subject to change.)
Overall winner for the suggestion that led to the application itself:
@TCGT for HEADY (more on this below)
Winner for sheer volume of effort, for really wanting beer, for actually reading the MA state rules, and for having crappy luck with his Lucid:
@CLTGT (TNTC suggestions)
Honorable mention for suggesting a plate that I almost, almost, almost went with:
@Ahntilza (for DOPPLR)
DOPPLR is pretty damn clever, especially for a red car, and totally nerdy.
But in the end, I went with KSYRAH (as in “que sera, sera).
@TCGT wins because once I suggested HEADY to my wife, she said, “Why don’t you do a wine-themed license plate instead like Cabernet or Syrah?”
Hopefully, the RMV accepts it, and people don’t read KSYRAH as “Kiss Your Asshole.” If it’s rejected, I’m heading toward “DOPPLR”
Thanks to everyone for entering and for the endless permutations on Masshole. You do Massachusetts proud.
@CLTGT, and
@Ahntilza : PM me with your shipping address and phone, and I’ll try to get your beer out in the next two weeks.